
Resident Assistant Reflective Report

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I have been a Resident Assistant (RA) for about five weeks. Training to be a RA was tiring but very educational. I learned how to handle multiple situations that could happen with me being RA. After training, it was a series of task that I had to complete as a RA. Those task included: completing forty-four Room Inventory Form, putting in fix it tickets, etc. Also, I received C.O.R.E. as my functional area. C.O.R.E. is the functional area that was at the top of my list. I chose it because I have experience being on C.O.R.E., so I understand how C.O.R.E. and RHA is ran. Although I have experience with leadership in housing, it is still something I am nervous about. I have a lot of responsible with this functional area. I have to hold elections, …show more content…

During move in day, I was walking around talking to my residents and making sure everything was going okay with their move in process. The first week, I took them to Dawg Daze events and encouraged them to go to some by themselves. The girls were getting alone well on the floor. I was surprise how easy they got alone because they all had different, sassy personalities, but they did. I was happy with my floor and bragged about them all the time, but that changed soon. The girls started to get really sassy with me. Also, a girl on the floor started to be offensive to another resident. The girl would say a few racist slurs to the other girl and her friends. I immediately talked to the girl, that was being offensive, and she told me that she did not realize she was being offensive. She apologized to the girl and her friends. After, that happened the hall calmed down a …show more content…

In Moseley, we meet with both roommates and talk about the different sections in the agreement to make sure they understand all the information. Nicole said we would do agreements like this so we can make sure that they are not just agreeing on everything, but that they actually talk about each part of the agreement. The roommates I met with were all comprising and getting along. Until, I went to the last room for the roommate agreement of the day. They could not agree on having guest in their room when one went home for the weekend. Roommate A was fine with it because she would not be able to go home often. Roommate B was not okay with it, because she would be able to go home a lot and did not want her belongings to be damaged and tampered with. After I talked to both roommates separately and together, they reached a comfortable compromise. After their roommate agreement, I met with a set of twin. They were pretty easy to agree on things since they have been roommates before and as they called it “womb mates”. After the incident today, I was not worried about myself but my residents. I was worried if they were in Moseley or in class or outside somewhere. I rushed back to Moseley and made sure they were all alright. Also, I helped move some barricades. Later today, the girls and I ate a lot of food, talked about what happened today and their feelings, and watched

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