
Resistant Behaviors

Satisfactory Essays

The student has a high tolerance for clients who do not comply with or are resistance to services. However, at some point enough is enough and the student develops negative feelings towards the client and believes that the client is wasting the student as well as others time, energy, and resources which could be directed towards another who is need of support. Understandable there is a movement in the social service field to remove the label of “resistant client” from clients who do not embrace change happening in their life because the label suggest blame. However, in the student’s chosen profession, working for a social services agency coordinating and facilitating services for individuals with an intellectual and or physical disability, the system reinforces resistant behaviors; the more resistant the individual the more likely their health and safety are at risk which places responsibility back onto …show more content…

The student eventually becomes frustrated with the individuals whose intellectual disability is not a factor in their ability to comply with requested services. Through the working relationship and history, the student has with an individual coupled with knowledge related to mental health diagnoses, the student will be able to understand how the behavior and the diagnoses co-mingle. Behavior is a form of communication. Behaviors do not happen for no reason. When an individual who is normally not resistant to services becomes resistant it is a warning to the student that further investigation is warranted. This change in behavior suggest that either the individual has experienced a negative event that is not known to others or there is a medical concern that needs to be further

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