
Response For Young Goodman Brown

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“Young Goodman Brown” by Nathaniel Hawthorne can be interpreted in one of two ways. Some people believe it was all just one big bad dream, others believe it actually happened. Either way you interpret it can be right, there isn’t a right or wrong answer, you just have to support your answers. I believe that it was all a dream, and Young Goodman Brown woke up with a completely corrupt mind that cost him his life. This is because Goodman Brown’s good friends never even acknowledged him, his wife who wanted him to stay home was out there, and everything was normal when he woke up.
Young Goodman Brown was only dreaming the whole time. I honestly believe that the whole entire story was a dream all up until the part where he woke up and went into the town. Although, when he woke up, his life was already ruined and his mind was already 100% corrupt. Young Goodman Brown thought that everyone was devil worshippers because he saw them out at the devil meeting in the …show more content…

This is part of the reason why I think it was just a dream. You would think if people he knew, and was good friends with were in the forest with him, they would at least acknowledge him. In the story, it says that Goodman saw Goody Cloyse and he was so surprised about her being out there. That is when everybody else started showing up and he thought it was more than a dream.
The part that leads me to believe that is was a dream even more, is that his wife was so upset that he was leaving the house to go out into the forest. She basically begged him to stay but he was too stubborn and decided to go after thinking about it long and hard. His wife, Faith, was wearing a little pink ribbon in her hair right before he left for the woods. After he saw Goody Cloyse, and then seeing the other towns members, Goodman Brown spots a little pink ribbon laying on the ground, the same one that Faith was wearing before he

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