
Response To 'A Place At The Table'

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“A Place At The Table” Response The movie “A Place At The Table” was a very impactful movie and changed the way I viewed the hunger crisis that has infected the United States. This movie showed multiple different perspectives and the effects it not only has on the families affected but on the country as a whole. While watching this movie, I began to think about many different things. One thing that it really prompted me to think about was the effects hunger and food insecurity has on its victims. It showed me how only a few weeks of hunger can affect a child for the rest of their life. For example Barbie’s son. Because of the hunger they endured her child has speech developmental problems. Other things that the movies prompted me to think about was how sad and grave this problem is for the people affected and America as a whole. The country that is known as being the most affluent country can't even keep its own people fed. While millions are spent on the war there is significantly less …show more content…

While all were impactful, the family that had the biggest impact on me was Barbie’s. She was a woman from Philadelphia who worked tirelessly to provide for her two young children. During the movie, Barbie talked about how she was affected by hunger as a child and that her goal was to never have her children deal with it however life had caught up with her and she had no choice. She showed us how although she was in an unfortunate situation she still had dreams of going to college, getting an education, and getting a good job to support her children. She had the biggest impact on me was that she fought to get recognition and better programs and funding for families like her. While many people wouldn't have the courage to go down to D.C. and talk about something so personal she did anyways and spoke out to make an impact. This inspired me and show me how it is important to fight for yourself and what you

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