“A Place At The Table” Response The movie “A Place At The Table” was a very impactful movie and changed the way I viewed the hunger crisis that has infected the United States. This movie showed multiple different perspectives and the effects it not only has on the families affected but on the country as a whole. While watching this movie, I began to think about many different things. One thing that it really prompted me to think about was the effects hunger and food insecurity has on its victims. It showed me how only a few weeks of hunger can affect a child for the rest of their life. For example Barbie’s son. Because of the hunger they endured her child has speech developmental problems. Other things that the movies prompted me to think about was how sad and grave this problem is for the people affected and America as a whole. The country that is known as being the most affluent country can't even keep its own people fed. While millions are spent on the war there is significantly less …show more content…
While all were impactful, the family that had the biggest impact on me was Barbie’s. She was a woman from Philadelphia who worked tirelessly to provide for her two young children. During the movie, Barbie talked about how she was affected by hunger as a child and that her goal was to never have her children deal with it however life had caught up with her and she had no choice. She showed us how although she was in an unfortunate situation she still had dreams of going to college, getting an education, and getting a good job to support her children. She had the biggest impact on me was that she fought to get recognition and better programs and funding for families like her. While many people wouldn't have the courage to go down to D.C. and talk about something so personal she did anyways and spoke out to make an impact. This inspired me and show me how it is important to fight for yourself and what you
Amazing how a little girl can make history and contribute so much to society. Despite the things she went through she stayed strong. She is great influence to all of us. Like Bridges says,“Don’t follow the path. Go where there is no path and begin the trail. When you start a new trail equipped with courage, strength and conviction the only thing that can stop you is
The movie was a lot about a woman that survived the titanic and told her love story. I, myself, am a hopeless romantic. Her telling the story with her falling in love just made people want to watch the movie, but the real events that occurred and all of the children and families getting separated really makes me grateful for my family. The movie and learning more about the event that changed our society changed me and makes me think about how much we take for granted and how ungrateful we are. I think the titanic, the unsinkable ship, sinking got to people. Thinking back what if the titanic never sank?
Her path became rocky quickly. At first she wanted to make the students in her school aware of the mission/goals of the Black Lives Matter. She was met with dismissal of this movement by students, as well as, teachers. She was shunned by some she considered her friends. She felt an issue so important to the safety of her fellow students and those in her community would be embraced. It wasn’t, but this did not deter her from continuing to share the voice the movement, even when she stopped being so popular.
Paying bills, purchasing food, and buying a need are all essentials that are only payed for by people who can afford them. People who live with daily struggles have not only received help, but constantly asked for it. For those who do live in this struggle, how does living through hunger and poverty change someone into being dependendable on others and less self-reliant? The film, “A Place at the Table,” is a documentary directed by Lori Silverbush and Kristi Jacobson, about how unfortunate families have been living their lives dependent on other for help like school, the government, and food drives to help them not starve and be provided a meal.
When asked about the hunger problems in America one would imagine a homeless person asking and begging for food in the streets. However, what we fail to understand is that hunger is closer to us than what we think. A fellow co-worker or perhaps even the next door neighbor may be an example of someone who suffers from food insecurity. Food insecurity is when a person does not know when or where the next meal will come from. Food insecurity is most likely to develop in food deserts, a place where there is little to no fruits, vegetables and whole healthy foods. The documentary, A Place At The Table, is attempting to shed light on the argument that many Americans suffer from food insecurity because of low income and as result those individuals face various complications.
In the land of the free and home of the brave, this great nation continues to see a change. The change spoken of is not one that bears fruit or gives to our own people. Instead the United States appears focused on helping other countries with aid financially as well as sustenance. Many authors have written about this recently and this paper will shed some light on why the United States should focus on its own people first and only then assist the rest of the world (Critical206). “If we can conquer space, we can conquer childhood hunger in our own nation” -- Buzz Aldrin.
This movie did an excellent job portraying the time era in which the Civil War was taken place and depicts the emotions and pressures of war. The movie helped me to visual that time period in a better sense and to see the perspective of African American soldiers fighting in the Civil War. The movie showed a lot more in depth and personal feelings of the black soldiers during that time period. The movie portrayed what the black soldiers had to deal with as soldiers of the Union and it helped me to visual what I learned about the black regiments during the civil war. The film even showed the soldiers having to do manual labor and lute the southern towns and cities. It also showed how even though the black soldiers were on the same side as the white soldiers of the Union, the black soldiers were still treated as unequal and faced prejudice daily by the other white soldiers. It also showed the strong belief of many of the white Union soldiers that they fought for emancipation and the freedom of the
She stood up for her rights after she had her life on the line, but she never gave up. Personally that takes a lot of guts to be as young as she was and have her life threated just because what she believed in. Isn’t that stupid to see someone not be able to express their opinions? While over here in America we take that for granted! Everyone can say what they want and nobody can really do anything about it.
It opened up my eyes to the horrors and truths of how slaves were treated. I witnessed the punishments received by the said “Incompetent” slaves, the terrible lifestyles of the salves, and the embarrassing ways my ancestors acted. The way I look at slavery will forever be changed for film has shown me the gruesome details of the lives of slaves in the 1840’s.
In the documentary, A Place at the table, shows how food insecurity is a huge problem. People struggle to provide a healthy meal to their family because of their low income. Rosie has a hard time focusing on school because she is hungry. Her family live in poverty, they run out of food so they have to ask friends for food. Barbie is a mother of two who lives of making 9 dollars an hour.
I believe that the movie Dead Man Walking impacted my life greatly. It was a very emotional and moving movie. This was an excellent movie because it portrayed the feelings of both the families of the victims and the murder himself. It shows how much pain and suffering the families had to go through with all the sadness and hatred against Matthew Poncelant. The movie also showed how that the families' hatred did not go away after Matthew was executed. The greatest emotional part of the movie was when Matthew confessed that he did kill the teenagers and that he was truly sorry. From there, he was able to at least die with dignity and also he asked the parents of the teenagers for their forgiveness for him. This movie also showed how the
Instead of just ignoring and leaving behind all she has been through, she has found a passion in helping others fight for what is right. Someone else that has coped with their situations is
Coming away from this film I felt inspired to share the news of how important our food is to ourselves and to the people around us. It lets you take matters into your own hands because
Starting to scavenge in the slums of India the movie shows us how different the culture of India is. There are not many scenes in the movie where I am envious of people living in India. The culture of India is very different then the culture that I am used to. If kids loose their parents in the war the movie that would be made after their lives would not be near as exciting as this one. If this were to happen in the United States we would more than likely put the kids in foster care and more than likely end up in a nice home and that would be the end of the story. This really shows what kind of infrastructure that India has.
The first scene in the movie I thought was powerful was the scene where kids with HIV were forced to leave school due to the fear of the parents and the ignorance they had back then about not understanding how HIV were transmitted. Dwayne Maori a 12 year old hemophiliac infected with HIV from Tennessee was forced to quit school due to the fear of other parents and the ignorance that they had about AIDS. In this particular scene the parents were protesting outside the school with big poster boards, when Dwayne Maori left in the car there was a parent shouting out loud that he is trying to kill everyone but the parent is not going to let him kill her baby. Others were shot or got their houses burnt to the ground. I think that this scene is important and powerful because this scene tells us how one person’s word can lead to so many fears in the society (when president Reagan re-enforces that AIDS can spread by casual contact). This scene also showed us how scared people were about this new virus. At the same time, this scene tells us that HIV doesn’t only affect the person infected by it, it affects their families as well. This scene is effective because it allows us to learn that when these new