
Response To Our Town Journal

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Our Town Journals (responses will be uploaded to 10 points each
How is your hometown like Grover's Corners? How is your town different? When I was watching the movie “Our Town” it reminded me of my home town of Randall. The first similarity is that the newspaper was delivered once a week at the same time by Alex. A couple of blocks away from where we lived in Randall there was a doctor and his wife was a stay at home mom. The second to last similarity is that it is just a small enough community that everyone know everyone by their name just like in Grovers Corner.The last similarity is that it just feels like home and that I don't want to move away from it any time soon.

There are not a lot of differences than similarities which I think is a good thing. I think that our town is a perfect setting for raising a family. A physical …show more content…

What does Mrs. Soames mean when she says, "My, wasn’t life awful—and wonderful.”

I think what Mrs. Soames ment by this was being born is an wonderful thing. Just like what they said when you are born it is natures attempt to make a perfect child. So you have to make the most of you life. You just cant sit around and do noting you have to do something meaningful in your life time. Then she said that life was awful. What I think that she ment by this was life is wonderful but “you have to live life to love life.” Death is the main part she talks about. So just dont lie around and do noting you have to do something in your life.

8. How does Thornton Wilder reflect the theme of carpe diem in this play?

Thornton Wilder gave us a lot of life lessons in the play. the most meaningful one that I think of is when Emily goes back in time and visits her 12th birthday. Everyone talked her out of doing a big event so she choose this date. They said this date would overwhelm her. It did overwhelm her so must that she had to leave in the first 10 minuets. When she got back she noticed that everyday is a treasure by

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