The discussion that started in class on October 14, 2012 was in response to the issue of abortion, since both Vice President Joe Biden and Congressman Paul Ryan being Catholics were asked what their position on abortion was and how their views on abortion as Catholics would affect how their administration would deal with the issue of abortion. Biden�s answer was what I found to be quite diplomatic since he one hand stated that he accepted his church�s position on abortion, yet at the same time claimed that just because he has certain views on abortion doesn�t mean he has the right to enforce his beliefs on others who don�t adhere to his faith. Ryan�s response to the question of abortion started out with him saying that he doesn�t see how he can separate his private life from his …show more content…
I�m not sure if I would have used the word hypocritical since saying two different things would definitely be inconsistency rather than hypocrisy, at least to me. However, my personal reaction to the debate didn�t see a problem in what Biden was saying. Just because a person may hold a belief about something doesn�t mean he can�t allow others to feel differently about that very subject. This could exactly be what Vice Presidential Joe Biden was trying to say in his response to the abortion question in the debate. If anything Paul Ryan�s inconsistency should have been addressed in class since he as Joe Biden pointed out during the debate said at one point that abortion should not be allowed even in situations like rape, yet in the debate was saying something else. However, as I observed there were also those, unlike me, who agreed with the professor�s view towards Joe Biden�s take on the abortion
Carlson gives evidence of the decline in public discourse by summarizing an incident in which a talk radio host crossed the line of decency by failing to respect a person whose ideas differed from his and his listeners’. Why is it important to maintain civility toward those whom you disagree?
In the article Pro-Choice Catholics Play an Important Role in the Abortion Debate, Patricia Miller asserts that Pro-Choice Catholics has a representation on the abortion debate. Miller implicates the crowning of Pope Patricia McQuillan and her encyclical, stating that “The Catholic Church's stand on abortion is only 100 years old, is strictly political and has nothing do with religion as taught by Jesus”, the starting lineup for the movement of Pro-Choice Catholics. As the movement continue, Miller incorporated the congressional hearings on a constitutional amendment banning abortion to demonstrates the difference viewpoints of the church in March 1974. Eventually leading up to Archbishop John O’Connor criticizing vice-presidential candidate
Tannen observes how aggression and quarrelsomeness are often considered the standard in American style discourse, with examples in the press such as the “Mommy Wars” and the “Mammography Wars” (Tannen, para. 3). Our culture is prone to handle intellectual discussion and divergent viewpoints like a championship prize boxing match or major sporting event. The rule is to choose a side or else; those who wish to meditate on both sides are labeled as weak minded, cowardly or without character. Unfortunately, in Stableford’s article, our current president also falls victim to the American predilection for binary thinking, choosing a “side” and unleashing a rash and excessive response in his menacing “NO FEDERAL FUNDS?” tweet against UC Berkeley (Stableford, para.
Moreover, I appreciated Nelson’s connection that fact and truth are dissimilar, because of lack of logic that many in society possess. The example of Representative Joe Wilson’s incident with former President Barack Obama is an excellent example of how fact and truth are blurred and no
“Is Paul Ryan helping to support the white supremacist movement”? by Contributor, Elliot D. Cohen emerges in August 19, 2017 in along of Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee questioning suspicion of Paul Ryan late tweet. Ryan has been through the ambiguity and deception that may help to advance the causes of hate groups such as the KKK and white supremacist groups. Ryan later tweets about how white supremacy is repulsive and Donald Trump replies that Ryan tweet is an infamous statement. Trump's response contained that Ryan's statement displays hatred and bigotry, and that both sides showed bigotry. The people is wondering is Ryan helping support the white supremacist movement. In addition, in conference, Trump confronts Ryan about his
There is a huge controversy in America, and that is abortion. Abortion has been the hot topic in America for several hundred years. No matter the ruling of the government, there will always be firm believers on each side. Therefore, it has been talked about in countless ways like articles, reports, and even political rallies. In “Ted Cruz Connects with Pro-Lifers at West Des Moines Rally”, Page Jones and Andrew Clark discuss the negativity point of view about abortions at a Ted Cruz rally. In this article Page Jones and Andrew Clark express their negativity abortions reporting out taxes, morals etc.
I was reaffirmed that not knowing whether pro-life or pro-choice is the right answer is necessarily a bad thing and it is good to be open to both. My beliefs were challenged when looking at the issues of organ donation and religion. I believe organ donation needs to be less of a problem and was confused about the extremes some people go to, to live their lives
I have chosen to write about abortion and its role in the third presidential debate of 2016. To begin, we need to understand abortion and how it is received in the United States before we try to understand how the current candidates addressed abortion. Abortion has been a hot button topic in the United States since Roe vs. Wade in 1973 when criminalizing abortion was considered unconstitutional under the Due Process clause of the 14th amendment. This trial created a nationwide debate on not only the legalization of abortion but also the restrictions and regulations.
Yet, the Democrats say that it is better to have safer abortions rather than women getting an unsafe abortion. They say the following “Our goal is to make abortion more rare, not more dangerous. We support contraceptive research, family planning, comprehensive family life education...” ("Democrats Party on Abortion."). Here the quote is saying that the political party wants abortion to be more rare, and safe for the women, and to educate them on other alternatives. They belief that the women have their right to choose what they want to do with the unborn child. On the other hand, the Republicans do not support abortion. Their views on this topic is firm and say that they “will not fund any organization that advocates abortion. They take a firm stance against abortion, because they say that adoption or foster care is another option. Republicans think that being
However, there are also debates against abortions in the United States of America. Recently, there was a debate about abortion which was led by Scott Walker and Mary Burke. Mary Burke is a democratic candidate for the governor of Wisconsin and she pledged to
Politics has always been a “game “ of rise and fall, power gained and power lost. With this, will come heated discussions between political figures in a struggle to gain power. Such an uncivil political event would be in the 1960’s when the Black Panthers came to power. The black panthers used a violent political action to push their claims against racism(Discover the Networks). This is an extremely uncivil way to accomplish politics. There are many examples of political leaders or figures engaging in uncivil or even hostile debates. Another example would be the debate on May 22, 1856 when Senator Charles Sumner as beaten with a cane by representative Preston Brooks until he was unconscious (Senate Historical Office). This example right here is an extreme case of uncivil debate. Clearly there was a lot of
The controversy within the biomedical ethics topic, abortion, has two main proponents. The first is the view against abortion, also known as pro-life. The other view is rooted upon the belief of being pro-choice, or basically for abortions. These two different views are like two mathematical principles, in that although these two views have many differences, they also have larger similarities in the background. For example, when pro-choice activists support abortions due to unwanted pregnancies, the activists are not rallying behind the idea of sexual incompetency (pregnancies due to lack of birth control). Rather, they are supporting the idea that women have the right to choose what to do with their own bodies. In order to understand
You sent the text somewhere near the end of the meeting. You weren’t looking at the time. You were looking at the positive pregnancy test, lying flat in you palm. You hated the thing. You didn't know whether to hurl it across the room or nestle it close to your heart. Pregnant. A cluster of cells that would one day be a human were growing inside you. You stared down at the stick, fire burning at the back of your mouth. The familiar feeling of nausea thundered up your throat. You turned, emptying the contents of your hollow stomach into the toilet bowl. You hadn’t eaten all day. Everything you ingested was regurgitated by your body moments later. You cast your eyes back to the test, fingernails gripping the toilet seat. An innocent little pee stick that could destroy or complete someone’s life.
The protesters main objection to Jordan Peterson stemmed from his statement where he refuses to regard his student or colleagues with gender-neutral pronouns and his criticism on Bill C-16. The protesters believe that it is not appropriate for him to speak on “freedom of speech” and “political correctness”. They argue that free speech should be used to protect ideas that are against the standard of society and Peterson’s opinions only reiterate the status
Abortion is a controversial issue in many countries all the time and there are always two sides of abortion. Pro-life supporters believe that abortion is immoral, so they argue that it should be illegal because an unborn baby is life. However, they do not figure out that woman who is on the inevitable situation such as infection, rape, or extreme poverty would still have the abortion even though the abortion is illegal. Many women die due to unsafe abortion, which is illegal and performed by uneducated people. Therefore, the abortion should be legal to protect the life of ‘alive women’ because women’s life is equal to human’s right. I would like to provide more affirmative bases to support abortion in this paper.