“A pair of star crossed lovers take their lives.” (Prologue, 7) In this tragedy two families, Montague and Capulet, have been in a feud for a long time. The families two children, Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet, fall in love. They marry in secret and the marriage causes many problems, including a conflict between Romeo and Tybalt, Juliet’s cousin. This tragedy is a play resulting in death for many. Romeo and Juliet are to blame for this tragedy but Tybalt is most responsible. The main reason why Romeo has partial responsibility for the tragedy is because he was very impulsive. Romeo took the relationship between Juliet and him to far to fast. They got married barely a day after meeting. At the beginning of the play Romeo was lovesick …show more content…
When Paris asked Capulet for Juliet’s hand in marriage he told Paris that she was too young. Juliet was very hesitant to marry Paris because she had never thought about love before. “It is an honor that I dream not of.”(I, 3: 66) But later that night at the Capulet ball when Juliet and Romeo met, she quickly decided to marry. “..but sworn my love, and I’ll no longer be a Capulet.”(II, 2: 35-36) This just goes to show that Juliet didn’t really know what she was saying; like she was in lust not love. Later in the play after Romeo’s banishment, a plan was made so Romeo and Juliet could live together. This involved Juliet faking death. This required her to drink a potion that caused her to fall asleep. “Romeo, Romeo, Romeo, I drink to thee.”(IV, 3: 58) Juliet was questioning the plan because she was afraid of something going wrong. Even with this in mind, she drank the potion and things went wrong when she faked her own …show more content…
At the Capulet ball, Tybalt spotted Romeo. He wasn’t causing any trouble but Tybalt still wanted to fight. Tybalt confronted Capulet about the problem, but he was told to leave Romeo alone. “I will withdraw: but this intrusion shall, now seeming sweet, convert to bitt’rest gall.”( I, 5: 93-94) Tybalt knew he wanted to get revenge on Romeo later. He later got the revenge. Tybalt killed Mercutio, which is the start to the troubles in this unfolding tragedy. Tybalt went looking for Romeo to fight. Romeo didn’t want to fight the cousin of his secret wife. Mercutio jumped in and was killed by Tybalt. With his friend dead, Romeo went chasing after the killer. Romeo killed Tybalt which made him get banished. If Tybalt wouldn’t have killed Mercutio, Romeo wouldn’t have gotten banished, and Juliet would’ve never faked her death. This tragedy has 3 people holding responsibility for it; Romeo, Juliet and most of all Tybalt. Although Romeo and Juliet were the lover birds in this, they are responsible for their deaths. And Tybalt became mad at Romeo just because he was a Montague. From this feud between the Montagues and Capulets, we learn that it’s best if secrets aren’t kept and that you don’t hold grudges for others because your family
In this play Romeo and Juliet are mostly responsible for their own death, Juliet is mostly responsible for Romeos death because when she pretended to be dead so that her family wouldn’t force her to marry Paris she did not till Romeo that she is not really dead and that she is just pretending to be dead because of her family. When Romeo heard the news about Juliet’s death he decided to take his life and Romeo killed himself only because Juliet forgot to tell him about her fake death act. “ well, Juliet, I will lie with thee tonight”(5,1,36) Romeo thought that Juliet is really dead so he bought a bottle of poison and drank it so he could be with Juliet.
Whenever a problem occurs, there is always someone to take the blame, whether it be a war between two countries or an argument between siblings. In the play, The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet, by William Shakespeare, it is no different. This story shows tragedy after tragedy and focuses on the tragic events that led the lovers to their deaths. However, there is much controversy surrounding who is to blame for the tragedies that took place. Some say that their families caused the deaths, while others say their counselor and mentor, Friar lawrence, is to blame since he married the two despite the potential consequences. Based on the facts, Romeo is to blame for all the tragedies that took place. Romeo acted infatuatedly, vengefully, and impulsively throughout this play, causing him to produce many tragedies along the way.
Tybalt’s death caused a bigger hate between the two families, because as the paragraph above state, the Capulets think that Romeo is to blame for Tybalt’s death. People do not know that Tybalt was the cause of Mercutio’s death. The Capulets want to punish Romeo, because there is no other better chance for the Capulets to get their enemies than their only son. They end up going to the prince and lady Capulet say, “Of my dear kinsman! Prince, as thou art true, for blood of ours shed blood of Montague” (ROM. 3.1. 111). Lady Capulet is being combative here she is so sad about her cousin’s death, and she tells the prince with a very respectful and begging sound to shed the blood of one of the Montagues, like what happened to the Capulets. The prince’s reaction was so kind because he only orders a banishment for Romeo. When Romeo know he reacts badly and says, “Ha, banishment! Be merciful, say “death”” (ROM. 3. 3. 12). Romeo wishes if the prince orders of killing him. He would rather death than leaving juliet alone in Verona. Leaving juliet will result of her sadness and
This play is about a boy named Romeo and girl named Juliet. Their family are mortal enemies so that means that they are always fighting with one another. At a Capulet party Romeo and Juliet meet for the first time not knowing who each other are, until later that night that they are enemies. They begin to fall in love with each other and get married after meeting for one night. Then the drama gets to their head and they kill themselves. In Romeo and Juliet Capulet’s and Montague’s, Friar Lawrence, and Balthasar are responsible for the tragic deaths of Romeo and Juliet.
The play Romeo and Juliet is a tragic love story written by William Shakespeare. Shakespeare has written multiple other tragic plays such as Hamlet, Othello, and King Lear. Many people still have one question, and that is who is the most to blame for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet? The play is filled with many characters and every character plays a different role. But, in my opinion, Friar Lawrence is the most to blame for Romeo and Juliet deaths. The reason behind this is because he was the one to suggest their marriage to create peace between the two families. Friar Lawrence was also the one to provide Juliet with the poison and the message didn't get through to Romeo correctly making him kill himself. The play Romeo and Juliet is about two lovers that fell in love and if one does something the other will do.
Romeo and Juliet were two young people from feuding families, who fell in love. Their love was so strong, that they ended up dying for each other. The ironic twist at the end of the story surprised many who had read it. But who is to blame for this tragedy? Many characters in this play could be to blame. We believe that some of the characters to blame are Capulet, Friar Lawrence, plus Romeo and Juliet themselves.
Juliet wants to marry Romeo, and (3.5, 112-117) Juliet refuses to marry Paris. The first citation proves Juliet is to blame because after she meets Romeo she wants to marry him as quickly as possible and later gets him into some trouble. My theory is that if she planned it, she and Romeo wouldn’t be dead. Act 3, scene 5 also proves my point, Juliet refuses to marry Paris which makes Lord Capulet angry, and Juliet resolves this by going to the Friar for a plan that is unfortunately poorly
The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet is a book of fate and how everyone in the world affects the happenings of this world. The author of this extraordinary book is William Shakespeare. Although Romeo and Juliet killed themselves, there were many people responsible for their deaths. It is arguable that the parents of the two lovers, Friar Laurence, and Romeo and Juliet themselves were the most responsible, some could say that the other main characters like Mercutio, Benvolio, Tybalt, the Nurse, and Paris were involved as well. There were many people responsible for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet, although they took their own lives, they were not all to blame.
Juliet has proven throughout the story that she does not wish to be with Paris. Instead of being cut off from her family and going off with Romeo who still has ties and benefits from his family she decided to fake her death without telling Romeo. This is hinted at in the conversation between Friar Lawrence and Juliet where Juliet says “Tell me not, friar that thou hear’st of this, Unless thou tell me how I may prevent it…. God join’d my heart and Romeo’s, thou our hands….” (2013 The DBQ Project).
Many have said that romance brings love and affection, but when taken to the extreme, it can lead to tragedy and despair. Among the great literary tragedies, Romeo and Juliet may be the most famous of them all. The eternal feud between the Montegues and Capulets prohibits the love of Romeo and Juliet and ultimately results in their unfortunate deaths. It may be difficult to truly determine who is to blame for the tragedy, because their lives had been influenced, criticized, and controlled by many figures. Among the most important characters, Friar Lawrence enables the forbidden marriage of the two lovers and devises a plan to ensure that they end up together. On the other hand, Lord and Lady Capulet feed into the rivalry between the two
In the play, “Romeo and Juliet” by William Shakespeare. In the story there are two families that have been fighting for many cemeteries, they have been fighting for so long that they forgot why they were fighting in the first place. One family is called the Montagues and one is the Capulets. The main character is Romeo from the Montagues, he fell in love with a girl named Juliet and she was from the Capulets. Although they were from different families they decided to get married without their parents consent.
n Romeo and Juliet, a shakespearean tragedy, many people pass. Both Montagues and Capulets fight over a long standing family feud that has no bearing on them today. Both families enable the fight, and the blame must be handed down. While the whole situation was much bigger than any one character in the play, there are many many characters who all played a part in their own way: Tybalt, Romeo, Juliet, Mercutio, Paris, The Prince, Friar Lawrence, the nurse, Lady Montague, Lady Capulet, Lord Montague, and Lord Capulet. The whole situation really was Romeo and Juliets fault, but because they are both dead, the punishment must be handed down to those who are at fault. While it was much more and much bigger than any of the characters in the play, the two that deserve the most blame are the two family heads.
Romeo and Juliet , written by Shakespeare, is a novel about two teenagers, Romeo and Juliet, who came from feuding families and fell in love against their parents’ wishes. The adolescents belong to the Capulets and the Montagues which are the two rival families in Verona. In the novel during Act 3 scene 1, Mercutio, who is Romeo’s friend, got in a brawl with Tybalt, Juliet’s cousin. The result of the fight left Mercutio dead and Tybalt considered a murderer. Mercutio’s last words before his death were “A plague a’ both your houses!” (3.1.88.) Both families, the Capulets and the Montagues were at fault for the death of Mercutio. {{The last sentence of the introduction should address the prompt directly, this is your thesis statement.
There are tragedies everywhere and everytime, with these tragedies you have to blame someone or something for it. In Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare they’d blame fate instead of themselves because they could have been responsible for the disaster they caused. Romeo was to blame for the misfortune in the city of verona. Romeo’s responsible for his hastiness, responsible for the deaths that happened in under 3 days and Convincing Friar Lawrence to get Romeo and Juliet.
Juliet’s father forces Juliet to marry Paris, and if she does not he threatens to leave her to ‘hang, beg, starve, die in the streets’. This arranged marriage with one she does not love compels Juliet to find an urgent resolution, and this resolution contributes to the deaths of Romeo and Juliet. The families’ feud contributes to the deaths of Romeo and Juliet, as they know that their relationship must remain unknown. The feud leads to delusion and deceit, and their eventual death. Ultimately, the feud between the families makes their deception necessary and inevitable; but this deception leads to their untimely deaths.