Responsible tactics, such as exercising, that motivates towards health benefits are only a few advantages that our beloved pets have granted us. Pets, such as dogs, require plenty of exercise and activities. They are bound to keep their owners energetic and shimmering with life at all times. Although binge watching the Harry Potter series with the comfort of a mini refrigerator and an abundance of chips had enriched my experience of relaxation, my kitten had taught me the crucial responsibility of exercise through the hassles I had encountered throughout my life. Not only can these lovable creatures keep us active and exercised but they are beneficial in ways such as decreasing stress and anxiety levels for their owners. Sindhu, my orange tabby
Over the past twenty years North Americans have witnessed the largest boom in population in the area of seniors. For the purpose of this assignment I will define a senior as anyone over the age of sixty. The increased number of seniors in conjunction with a longer life span has raised questions about these individuals quality of life both emotionally, mentally and physically. The purpose of this study is to look at whether or not dog ownership leads individuals to be more physically active.
“A Healthy Dose of Puppy Love” by Kathryn Satterfield describes a new study that shows that dogs can improve an individual’s health by lowering anxiety levels and by improving cardiac function. Specially trained therapy dogs visited a hospital in November in Dallas, Texas to help conduct a study that animals can improve an individual’s health, to do this people split the seventy six patients into a total of three groups: visitors with dogs, visitors, and an “at rest group.” For accurate results researches preformed anxiety tests on the patients before, during, and after the visit, and the results concluded that patients who received visits from people had encountered a ten percent drop in anxiety, while patients who received visits from dogs
The research question states ‘To what extent is owning a dog beneficial for a person’s physical and psychological health?’ The investigation is aimed to determine the extent of the benefits of owning a dog for a person’s physical and psychological health. The main focus will be on exercising, developing one’s responsibility and companionship. The findings from this research target on people those involved or interested in owning a dog, such as dog owners, animal lovers, children and the elderly. The investigation will address three key benefits of owning a dog in terms of maintaining one’s physical and psychological health, which include exercise, taking responsibility and companionship.
The animal commercial elicits viewers’ pity and sympathy because abused animals are exhibited. Three legged dogs, blind cats, and caged animals are shown in the commercial to convince viewers about how much the animals have suffered. This emotional appeal would convince viewers to donate money in order to save the animals, since the money would be used to rescue more abused animals. Because the ad generates pity for the animals, it is effective in persuading the viewers to donate to the cause.
College Athletes Why are professional athletes paid, but collegiate athletes are not? If they get paid, then collegiate athletes should get paid for playing the sport that they play too. Reasons being that if the athlete goes professional in his or her sport they will end up getting paid anyways. Also the National Collegiate Athletic Association or NCAA makes millions off of these players, and they get nothing. However, some people say that education should be the number one priority of a school.
John Muir, an American naturalist and writer said “Any glimpse into the life of an animal quickens our own and makes it so much the larger and better in every way.” People can improve their lives through observing and interacting with animals. People's lives are improved when they interact with animals by making them healthier, csreing , and happier. People are healthier when they own pets. " He taught me to appreciate the simple things—a walk in the woods,'' quoted in the story by John Grogan in "Marly and Me".
On a daily bases people make excuses for everything. Everything meaning our actions and the things that we say. Common things that we make excuse for deal with sexist, racist, and heterosexist comments. Sexist is classified as saying that one sex is better than the other. An example of this is someone calling a male or female something that they are not. I do not like this because we are all humans and deserve to be respected and not called something that is degrading. We all know that racist is downgrading one race compared to another. An example of this is, saying that all black people are loud and ghetto. We all act the same but some people do certain things different from others. That’s just there way of living. I do not think that just because one person acts one way the whole race does also. Heterosexist is defined as heterosexuality is better than all other expressions. An example of this would be talking about how a guy dresses and calling him gay. I do not agree with this as well because it is good to stand out and be your own person not matter how others see you.
Pets provide a sense of comfort and purpose in their owner’s life (Bennett). Humans have the basic need to touch, thus, when a person strokes an animal, blood pressure lowers and leaves that person feeling more calmed and less stressed (Robinson and Segal), though researchers believe that cats have a more calming effect on people than other animals do (WebMD). Giving a child a pet is very effective in helping them develop basic motor and social skills, a sense of responsibility, compassion, empathy, stimulate imagination, creativity, curiosity, and even make them feel better about themselves. Furthermore, both children and adults alike become more active when having a pet for a companion (Robinson and Segal). “Horseback riding gives stretching exercise, and helps at regaining balance and building core strength” (WebMD). While multiple studies have shown that walking one’s dog, grooming, and even petting boosts fitness, also counting as weight-loss, strengthens the heart, muscles, immune system, and bones, while improving blood circulation, boosting energy, and slowing the loss of bone tissue (WebMD; Robinson and Segal; Humane Society of the United States) “People who have pets tend to have better levels of cholesterol, cortisol, and triglyceride” (WebMD), moreover, “playing with a dog or cat can elevate levels serotonin and dopamine, which calm and relax” (Robinson and Segal). “In 2001, a study
I entered this course knowing little about Ethiopia other than the stereotypes generated by society. Throughout my first week of class I learned that Ethiopia was the birthplace of coffee. However, since the first phase my knowledge and appreciation of Ethiopia has grown tremendously. Similar to many others in Western society, I saw Ethiopia as the sick African child suffering from famine and disease. Ethiopia was associated with weakness and dependence upon other countries’ support. Through research I learned that this was quite the opposite. Ethiopia is one of only two countries to abstain from true European colonialization. I learned that Ethiopia was once home to a strong empire. I learned that it was not until governmental destabilization
Who is the Roman Woman? The answer seems hard to be formulated so easily, for “being a woman in Ancient Rome bears only resemblance to the current range of experiences available to women.” The lives of the Roman Women were a reflection of the social system based on inequality and elitism they lived in. Between the public and private spheres, they were excluded from the political life of the state but somehow remained embodiments of civic virtues established by their male superiors. As well as in art an literary representations, they were characterized as “being lesser human beings because of their differences from men.” The discussion on feminine identity in Ancient Rome finds its bias in the extent that most of the sources, artistic representations
This helpful form of cognitive therapy has been proven by several researchers from the NIH (News in Health) to reduce stressors and improve cardiovascular function for long term benefits. One particular NIH study researched the effects of animal companionship in 421 adults who had previously suffered from heart attack or stroke. Regardless of the severity of the attack, the study showed that after a one year later the patients who owned a dog lived longer and happier lives than those who did not. Pet owners are shown to live a more active lifestyle and exercise regularly to improve physical health. ‘Several psychologist’s and doctors nationwide are researching the benefits of incorporating animal assisted therapy within medical institutions to promote wellness and positivity. The heart rates and cholesterol levels of patients also reduced substantially due to the stress-relieving benefits of participating in AAT. Animals of all kinds have been shown throughout many credible research experiments to enhance an individual’s mental and physical health over
27. The Millennium and the End of Sin: The millennium is the reign of thousand years of Christ with His saints in heaven between the first and the second resurrection. During this time will be judged the dead impious. At the end of that period, Christ with His saints and the Holy City will descend from Heaven to Earth. The dead impious will then be resurrected, and with Satan and his angels will surround the city; but the fire of God will consume them and purify the Earth.
need for mental and physical exercise are included in this book and can easily be
People are healthier when they own pets.In the autobiography ''My Story'' froom Animals in Translation by Temple Gradin and Catherine Johnson ''Temple said she spent every spare moment working the barns.'' It's makes Temple healtheir by it's exersirse for her you know all the things you are doing are burning calories.
Scientists have shown that pet ownership can have demonstrably positive effects on human health. "A 10-month prospective study was carried out which examined changes in behaviour and health status in 71 adult subjects following the acquisition of a new pet (either dogs or cats). A group of 26 subjects without pets served as a comparison over the same period. Both pet-owning groups reported a highly significant reduction in minor health problems during the first month following pet acquisition, and this effect was sustained in dog owners through to 10 months" (Serpell 1991). Dog owners in particular benefited from