
Restorative Justice System

Decent Essays

Many people don’t make it through probation successfully because they find it hard to get a job once they’re convicts. It should be taken into account that those who plead guilty in order to get a plea bargain with probation tend to be innocent, so they aren’t aware of all the difficulties of probation. They later see how expensive probation is because they have to pay for their court fines, their probation officer, and their drug testings weekly(Dalton 05/25/16). Creating so much demand makes those in probation have a hardship in keeping an employment, and averagely they’ll be paying the state $1500 a year for probation. Cases in which this is seen include the cases of Coleman, and Bates. Coleman decided to do probation, but he didn’t complete …show more content…

The main benefit of this system is having prison as a last resort, and having both parties settle the dispute without the traditional criminal justice system(Dalton 05/12/16). However, the drawbacks of the Restorative Justice theory are actually implementing the system because if the population is too big the implementation of probation might not be accepted by the community; plus, it's hard to implement this theory of correction in large societies with large groups of offenders(Dalton 05/12/16). For instance, evidence of this theory of correction has been seen with the case of Lenard when he became a victim of being severely hit in the head, and knocked off his bike by a group of teenagers when he was hanging out on the rich side of town(Bogira 64). Lenard showed the stages of rehabilitation to community, and victim because he received a new house in a nice neighborhood while Caruso received a medium security sentencing for 8 years which ended up turning into 3.5 years because the prison was overcrowded. All harms were rectified and injured parties were restored(Kurbin 274) which was shown by the picture with Lenard and Caruso both smiling together after the incident given the impression that all was forgiven(Bogira 340). Additionally, it is stated that, “the two guys came together and began to heal”(Bogira 340) meaning that the Restorative Justice theory was in full effect for this case in regards to rehabilitation to community and victim as well as restoration of the individual(the convict) into the community after he provided restitution in the form of prison

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