Firstly I will explore the problems developed by uniforms towards gender inequality, and then I will investigate how restraining school uniforms are. Moving on I will analyze the results achieved with the questionnaire sent to years 7,10 and 13 to attain further knowledge on student’s opinions towards uniforms in St. Julian’s School. Finally I will compare the social implications created due to the implementation of uniforms in mental hospitals and prisons to the social implications in academic environments, and how these can affect a students’ learning experience.
In the article “How Ugly Schools Uniforms Will Save Education” by Belinda Luscombe found in Time, the author explains how various school problems which lead to crime and disobedience of law could be solved by introducing school uniforms. There are often arguments about what to wear at school. “It's a debate that sucks up a lot of time for school administrators. And parents. But it's the world's easiest education problem to solve: school uniforms.” The author's main point is to make people aware of the need of school uniforms and how it helps solve many crucial problems.
School Uniforms are being pushed more and more in schools, but what is commonly thought of when the words “school uniform” is said? For most people the picture of children in the same colored uniforms gathered in front of a Catholic Church or a private school is displayed in their mind. This picture is one of the many problems with school uniforms. Instead of being seen as an individual, students are seen as just another kid in a uniform attending a fancy private school. The students cannot develop the self-expression that is crucial to their development at this age. Uniforms are thought to create a more protected campus and learning environment, however, if someone wants to bully someone else, clothes are not going to stop them. The cost, which is usually seen as a pro, can actually be more than people anticipate. As one can see, in the best interest of any student, school uniforms should not be made part of the dress code.
Are dress codes a good idea for school? The reason why dress codes should be insignificant for school As a student who goes to school, I do not conceive that dress codes hold any significance for school or any of the people who go to school (including students, teachers, principals, and staff). Acknowledging the peripherals of students, this essay mainly supports the opinions and ideas of students regarding the dress codes of schools. In addition, as to why dress codes should be insignificant for schools, there are arguments and concerns regarding uniforms.
Dress codes and uniforms have been a controversial debate that has been going on for years. They are still widely taken into consideration, and argued about in today’s educational system and institutions. Newly enforced dress codes and uniforms have been on the uprise recently, largely due to school shootings and violence, as well as disciplinary issues dealt with on a daily basis. There are various interpretations of dress codes, but the cons clearly outweigh the pros of dress codes.
You have the freedom of expression, but what if someone took it away? School uniforms do that. School uniforms started way back in the 1200’s, when the Archbishop of Canterbury mandated that students wear a robe-like outfit called the "cappa clausa." More recently, almost one in five US public schools required students to wear uniforms during the 2011-2012 school year. School uniforms take away the student's right of expression, promotes conformity over individuality and takes away the free, in free schools. Some people may say that school uniforms prevent bullying, but that isn’t always true. Students should not have to wear school uniforms.
In the article “Do Uniforms Make Schools Better,” the author writes about the pros and cons of school uniforms. Wilde begins the article by acknowledging that many researches are divided on that idea that school uniforms provide a better learning environment. She then goes on to state why some public schools have uniforms; due to the unfavorable comparison of private Catholic schools to public schools. The author states some pros of school uniforms, such as, helping identify intruders, help resist peer pressure from buying trendy clothing, and a sense of school pride. She also states some cons of school uniforms like violating a student’s right to freedom of expression, a financial burden to poor families, and make students a target for bullies
“Cleanliness, neatness, modesty, decency, and appropriateness in dressing are important values which reflect an individual dignity and sobriety through which students of every university represent their status as learned scholars” (Omojuwa, 2014, p. 1). The issue of school dress codes and uniforms is relevant in today’s society because it affects nearly everyone since everyone goes through some sort of schooling. The issue of dress codes particularly affects the students, the parents, and the school faculty. Students are constantly wearing new fashion trends that may be distracting in the learning environment. This issue relates to social justice because the implementation of uniforms diminishes socioeconomic differences. Uniforms create equality and a sense of unity despite identity and cultural differences within the school community. Uniforms teach students to look beyond themselves and focus on how they can serve others. Dress codes and uniforms uphold the value of modesty. I believe that schools should enforce at least a dress code, and a uniform if they wish because they promote social justice, a call for service, and they uphold one’s human dignity.
There are many debates that have been brewing for decades surrounding contemporary educational ethical topics in schools. This paper will touch on dress code and should all schools implement students wearing school uniform. A dress code reduces stress, forms unification, and boost morale. Wearing a uniform creates unity. According to an article in the DailyMail, students “Having a uniform helps to reduce bullying in school, makes children better behaved outside the school gates and even aids concentration in class, researchers said.” (1)
Most young people believe that wearing uniforms is a waste of time and that it shouldn't be required. There are numerous positive and negative impacts, yet I trust that school outfits should be mandatory. There are many favorable circumstances such as peer equivalency, confidence, less demanding for guardians, and also stress reducing. There are likewise some faulty detriments, for example, absence of self-expression, demeaning moral, and absence of decent variety. Young students of this day and age have a place in this society where peer pressure exists and understudies are more aware of what they look like from head to toe. Despite the fact that this is an ordinary thing, not all understudies have a place in high-acquiring wage families and can stand to purchase costly clothes and shoes. A uniform approach can address this issue. Understudies, regardless of whether they are rich or poor, will wear similar garments which makes it less expensive for the individuals who can't bear to purchase expensive garments. Wearing uniforms will make everybody appear to be equivalent even if their bank accounts are most certainly not. Peer pressure does exist and this is an approach to address the issue. Additionally this is an advantage for understudies who are not fortunate or who belong in poverty. This approach says that wearing uniforms give understudies a significant reminder of equality in the school, that is, understudies will be in a domain where social class is less
The loss of freedom of expression, wasting of money, and the opposition of most students for no true benefits is what mandatory school uniforms in public schools enforce. They take away the choice for young adults to express themselves through clothing styles. Uniforms are also costly due to not initially owning them, then the children not wishing to wear them or even being able to wear them outside of school grounds. These aspects are enforced because the administration believes it will benefit the students, but studies show otherwise. The use of mandatory school uniforms is not a progressive or useful direction for public schools to go in and messes with the idea of free education, children’s expectations, and does not prove to have any true benefits.
On the other hand, it is suggested that students should have their own freedom to make decision on their choice of clothing to the school (Wendell, 2002). Opponents argue that restrictive dress codes and uniform policies will suppress student's freedom of self-expression, not to mention their spirit of creativity and individualism. There are too many clones in the adult world already, they contended. Several legal challenges to dress code and uniforms policies have asserted that student’s freedom to choose what to wear to school is, indeed, a form a self-expression that school have no right to infringe upon (Lumsden, 2001). Infringers on freedom of choice causes everyone to look the same. Becomes difficult to enforce in areas that are extremely
In today’s era society is forgetting the importance of dressing with ethics when it comes to education. Back in the days it was imperative to wear properly clothing to go to school, the elderly just to say that it was a representation of oneself and it showed how important the studies were for the individual. Therefore, school uniforms, must increase academics, improve behavior, safety and prevent thefts.
Nelson Mandela once states, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” The quote emphasizes the importance of education. In related to education, school uniform is a great thing that everybody has heard of and should have one as a student. It shows the pride of the students as being part of the school, and it also creates an identity of the school; however, not everyone agrees with the idea of wearing school uniforms. In the early 1900s, school uniforms have been starting to use in parochial and private schools in the United States. Not until the 1980s, public schools began to use uniforms. People have a negative look towards this topic because they view school uniform as an object that has taken away their freedom of expression. Besides, it is considered unnecessary in their look because they think that it does not help them anything in study, and it wastes their money. In fact, school uniform provides students more benefits than what people think. Without a doubt, it represents a symbol of equality in the educational field since everybody has the same shirt color. Students should wear school uniform to school, as it will provide a safe environment, make student focus more on studying rather than their appearance, and even save the precious time and money of the students and the parents.
Mandating school uniforms has been a highly debated issue for a long time. While some argue about the expenses and the freedom of expression, there are so many ideals that they have no idea about. School uniforms should be mandated because they allow kids to feel like they belong and also they allow the students to have more focused attention while they are learning. School uniforms would be a beneficial factor to the education environment and could assist in the lessening of bullying.
Many Independent school districts have debated, whether students should wear school uniforms. Deliberating, how school uniforms could benefit not only the student but the school’s environment. According to the National Center for Education statistic 20% of all public-school use school uniforms and still increasing. Considering all grade levels, the proponents agree that school uniforms are a great idea, believing this would be another step toward creating a better learning environment, decrease violence in schools and create a great social path between students. However, the opponents disagree school uniforms are not a great idea, believing it may cost more money, students would be uncomfortable and create more chores for the parents to manage.