When reviewing the facts of the case Resurfice v. Hanke, it may appear as though it was a clear win for Resurfice inc, however I believe that the Supreme Court of Canada made some key errors in making their decision, ultimately leading the judges to make the wrong decision. Firstly the Supreme court did not place a strong enough emphasis on the design flaws of the Zamboni. As brought forth in court, both the Gasoline tank and the water tank were placed directly beside one another, they were also the same colour. Had the defects of the zamboni not made it so easy to mix the two tanks up, the explosion likely would never had happened. In addition to this Resurfice corp did not do their due diligence to make the Zamboni easier to use. According
Today, people are still facing issues with the United States government on their freedoms. Many people view that they may not have all of the rights that the person next to them have because of their skin color, religious beliefs, and family heritage. It has been almost non-stop fighting against the government to establish the equal rights of all humans in the United States. There are still so many questions that have not been answered since the Reconstruction era. The United States government is still working on these issues attempting to help as many people as they can.
There are many paths that our nation can take for reconstruction. There are exactly four plans that we can choose from. These plans are known as Lincoln’s 10% plan, Wade-Davis Bill, Johnson plan, and military reconstruction. Each plan obviously has its pros and cons. Each plan also has its strengths and weaknesses. In regards to your letter, Mr Seward I have given your reconstruction plans much thought. I will present you with the plan that I believe will be the most effective. I will not let the Union fall apart. This nation will be put back together. Lincoln's 10% plan details the following: he believed in reconciliation, he would have given a pardon to all southerners who took an oath of loyalty to the United States and accepted the end
After reading the primary source, it has become clearer to me that the efforts made toward helping freedmen receive civil rights during Reconstruction were ineffective. The southern states were forced against their will into Reconstruction by the north, only adding more tension to the relations between the whites and people of color. Shortly after the last of the northern troops were removed, the south’s favored party, the Democratic Elite, regained control of the southern government and began restricting the rights of the freedmen.
After the Civil War, the United States had many problems to solve. The country had to figure out how to integrate newly freed slaves into society and bring the former Confederate states back into the Union. Reconstruction was period of time after the civil war in which the United States addressed these problems. Reconstruction had two different phases: Presidential Reconstruction took place from 1865 to 1867, and Congressional Reconstruction took place from 1867 to 1877. Presidential Reconstruction began with Abraham Lincoln, who proposed the Proclamation of Amnesty and the ten percent oath plan. Lincoln was focused on leniency and forgiveness; under his plan southerners would take an oath of loyalty to the Union, and after only ten percent of a state’s voters had taken this oath, the state could be readmitted. After Lincoln’s assassination, Andrew Johnson took over Reconstruction. Johnson wanted to punish landowners, but liberally handed out pardons, as he greatly enjoyed the power that he had over southerners. Under Johnson, former confederates were re-elected, and southern states discriminated blacks. Eventually, Congress took over Reconstruction. During Congressional Reconstruction, the fourteenth and fifteenth amendments were passed, and the freedman’s bureau was created. Overall, the failures of Reconstruction outweighed the failures because it took a very long time for it to achieve its goals, and the South was still able to
Have you ever been denied something because of your skin color? Have you ever not had anywhere to stay? What about being beaten just because of your race? Reconstruction following the Civil War was a failure because there were so many issues that caused more problems when changed. Reconstruction following the Civil War was unsuccessful because blacks still lacked equality, many people were left poor, and there was still a lot of violence.
There were many short-term and long-term effects of the Civil War. After the Civil War through 1896, the North and South tried to reunite the United States through Reconstruction to avoid being attacked by other countries. While the government tried to solve key problems facing the nation, their solutions were short-term and failed to address the problem. Due to many people disagreeing about these solutions the government was coming up with, there were many battles over Reconstruction that did not work out for many people. After all the struggling and disagreeing the American people finally brought an end to Reconstruction. Rebuilding the nation, The battle over Reconstruction, and the end of Reconstruction all had many short and long-term effects.
At the end of the Civil War slavery was outlawed by the 13th Amendment to the Constitution and the blacks was finally free. In the South there was a sense of anger and shame in losing the war. The Reconstruction era was put into effect by Congress in 1866 and lasted until 1877. Reconstruction was aimed at reorganizing the Southern states after the Civil War. The reconstruction plan granted the means for readmitting the southern states into the Union, and tried to come up with the methods by which whites and blacks could live together in a non-slave society. However during reconstruction the United States government took actions to protect freedman and with each action the south countered with actions that would try to eradicate the laws put in place by the winning northern forces for example, the infamous Jim Crow Laws. The law segregated the whites and the blacks, thus can be commonly heard as “separate is not equal.” The Reconstruction was still seen as a success towards the United States as a whole in many ways as it unified the nations.
The goal of reconstruction was initially to punish the south and refurbish a new and better america and not to continue its cruel ways. Reconstruction is the time were immediately after the War in which the federal government set the conditions that would allow the rebellious Southern states back into the Union. There were Southerners siding the Johnson's support, attempting to restore slavery. But at the end each state was required to set forth to the 13th and 14th Amendments to the Constitution, which granted freedom and political rights of blacks.
I agree with the statement that Reconstruction was a missed opportunity. Following the civil war, America missed a golden opportunity to fulfil the promise of racial equality. Although Civil Rights Bill and 14th Amendment were passed during this period, which said all citizens are equal regardless of race, by the end of reconstruction the former slaves had restricted rights and were racially segregated.
The era of Reconstruction was supposed to be a positive turning point for the United States. The North and the Confederacy was fighting to see who was gone represented the South. After the North beat the South there were a lot of hopes of the nation moving forward together, The south didn’t agree with the plan and wasn’t corporative. These Documents shows the struggles and views for the North and South, American Horizons; Louis Hughes, "Thirty Years a Slave: From Bondage to Freedom," 1897: Letter to Colonization Society 1880: The Social Principle among a People, Reconstruction, 1875; and Equal Suffrage 1865. During, the Reconstruction era there was a failed attempt to bring the Nation together; there were some positive came from the Reconstruction and also some negative.
Reconstruction what is it?What does it mean to reconstruct? Is it possible to reconstruct nowadays? Reconstruction started in 1865 and ended in 1877.Reconstruction took place mostly in the south. Reconstruction was created to help fix the problems in the new union after slavery, but sadly didn 't end well causing an all white government into power and failing the union. New economic,political and industrial growth was being made. New job opportunities were being made for the people and former black slaves who also were getting education and a chance of equal rights...or so they said. Many events were leading up to the end of reconstruction including the support declining, the lost faith in the acts, and the threats that the blacks,whites
The criminal justice system is a set of agencies and processes established by governments to control crime and impose penalties on those who violate laws. Different jurisdictions have diverse laws, agencies, and ways of managing criminal justice processes. In recent years, it has been debated that the criminal justice system has two primary and possibility conflicting perspectives known as the retributive justice approach and the restorative justice approach. Retributive justice and restorative justice have contrasting approaches when imposing punishment, that will be explored within this research paper, in regards to the disadvantages and potential advantages resulting from the implementation of it’s polices within the criminal justice system. These two perspectives have been implemented amongst many different criminal justice systems internationally, however the questions still remain, what is justice? And how should justice be served? This debate has created a divide between countries, due to the differing interpretations of justice and it’s response to criminal activity. The statistical information has been extracted from various online sources listed within the references as well as primary and secondary sources, “Prisons” by Haley, James and “Alternatives to Prisons” by Jennifer Skancke.
During the period of reconstruction in the U.S., from 1865-1877, there were plans put in place by Abraham Lincoln, Andrew Johnson, and Congress in hopes of a brighter future. Reconstruction took place after the Civil War occurred in the U.S. from 1861-1865. Abraham Lincoln was the President during the Civil War, and he had plans prepared at the end of his presidency because he sensed that the nation would have to be rebuilt through a reconstruction period. Once he was assassinated in 1865, his successor, Andrew Johnson had his own ideas for the country involving the issue of reconstruction. In addition to those two Presidents, Congress was active throughout the reconstruction era. All of the plans set by Abraham Lincoln, Andrew Johnson,
This paper will focus on retributive justice and restorative justice. Let’s begin with the definition of each. Retributive justice is a theory of justice that considers that punishment, if proportionate, is a morally acceptable response to crime. On the other hand, restorative justice is the opposite. It is a theory of justice that focuses on the needs of the victims and the offenders. So which of these should be morally right?
Personal evaluation of this case would take into consideration the fact; one engineer did offer a document indicating and estimate for the cost of value refitting which would prevent the Ford Pinto from bursting into flames should a rear end collision occur. A simple, $1, plastic gadget weighing one pound fitted over the gas tank bolts would have prevented the tank from being punctured. Conclusion was that "it was more economical to let people die and settle the suits afterward" (Newton and Ford, 2008). Put simply, the Ford corporate heads believed no project was worth manufacturing if the cost-benefit indicated a greater cost than the benefit. Further evaluation of the analysis indicated if the