
Resurrection Plants

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Abstract The purpose of this study is to explore new invasive scientific ways to combat hunger around the world. More broadly put: countries that are drought struck, or are soon to be because of global warming. This study will implement genes from a specific family of plants called the “resurrection plants” into staple angiosperm crops. These resurrection plants share a common ancestor with all angiosperm plants. The same genes that control desiccation tolerance while a plant is a seed are the same genes that resurrection plants are using in their tissue. Resurrection plants can lose 95% of their water and regenerate to full health when moisture is applied. These plants are unique in the way that they can commute from a dormant stage with …show more content…

Drought resistant meaning a plant that can lose 80% of its water and regenerate and continue growing when moisture is present. We can achieve this by implementing resurrection plant genes into the world’s current plants. Flowering plants or scientifically known as angiosperms are plants that have flowers, and produce a seed within a carpel. Angiosperms are a big group of plants, most trees, grasses, shrubs and herbaceous plants are all under that angiosperm family. The first flowering plants were dated to be from around one hundred and sixty million years ago. All angiosperm plants have a common ancestor. Meaning that all angiosperm plants evolved from a single common ancestor which they inherited much of their biochemistry from. The common ancestor is the link in the genetic codes between its far off modern day angiosperm decedents. The genes for surviving severe desiccation are usually only expressed when a plant is in the seed. It is commonly known that seeds are built to survive extreme environments. They are also almost non reliant on water, only needing to retain 8%-10% of moisture. Only resurrection plants retain the expression until maturation. By using these genes that are already present in the plant but just not expressed while in adult form, we will be able to produce a new species of crop that are drought resistant staple foods. This will not be the cure to all of the world’s hunger, but it will effectively move us one step closer to

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