The traditional four year school system does not meet the needs of some high school students. Students in today’s society have their own unique method of learning. The more opportunities Education Achievement Authority offer the better students will be successful. Flexibility should be accommodated with the traditional school system because it will offer advance students extensive learning objectives, meanwhile assisting struggling students to a better understanding. Offering more opportunities to high school students can be very beneficial. High school should be more flexible because students can receive much more advantages rather than plenty of setbacks. The flexibility of high school will also offer a variety of choices such as, offering confused students more time to understand all while offering fast paced students the chance to excel. "I'd want to graduate in three years. My classes go too slow. While the rest of my class is going over their work I'm done." () Flexible schooling would help because students like her would have a chance to move to a much more based level as they are. Flexibility in the school system can offer more chances and possibilities for today's educators. The gap between poor children and their more wealthy peers widens over the course of their school careers is the break in learning over the summer is "summer slice."() On the contrary funds are not included in education. Some argue that hosting year-round schools will cut cost, on
Is it really right for high schools to be abolished from the teen’s system of education? This question has been a vital issue in the present age educational structure. According to research carried out by many educational researchers lately, it was discovered that the two-year high schooling scheme is irrelevant and obsolete in the learning structure for teen’s, and should be abolished from their system of education or scheme of learning.
Surviving high school is no easy task. From the very first day of class, students are forced to find comradery in various social circles. These cliques can range from sports jocks, to math and band geeks, to school club members, and to the social outcasts who could care less about school. While there are more various types of groups, the most common are the jocks and the nerds. As far as everybody in the school in concerned, the popular athletes and the “wimpy” nerds are from two very different planets. However, while there are a lot of differences between the two as far as physical appearance goes, I had the honor of being part of both worlds, and I know for a fact that they have more in common than either would care to admit.
The gap between lower and higher income students, and advantaged and disadvantaged students becomes smaller as well. Because learning loss is reduced because of the breaks, teachers do not have the spend time reviewing previously taught material. Instead, they can teach new information with the time that is typically used for reviewing (Reasons). The extra time can also be used to ensure that the students all understand what they are learning. With standard schooling most students whose parents have a higher income have the opportunity to attend summer camps and other learning places over the summer (Weller). The problem with that is that most students whose parents have a lower income and can not afford the summer camps. This creates a learning gap between the two groups because the lower income student generally do not participate in any extra learning. Year-round schooling can decrease the gap between the students. The higher income students can still participate in camp, but as they do that the lower income students will continue to learn and not stop the learning process during the summer days (Weller). Research shows that performance among low income students increases with year-round schooling (Lynch). Studies have found that students with learning disadvantages fall behind as well.
Attending high schools should be more than just exposing students to a structured curriculum. High school should also be a place where students are allowed to think outside of the box. Schools should inspire creativity, sparks curiosity, and fuels ambition.
Many people struggle in high school. I’m doing alright, and I’ll tell you why. I’ve decided to focus my essay on what steps and tactics I used to have a good high school experience, things that I also plan to use in college. I’ll sum it all up in 5 steps too. If you think I deserve a scholarship, hey I’ll take it. If not, life goes on.
Throughout my high school career I have had many ups and many downs. High School by far has been the biggest challenge I’ve ever had to overcome. Freshman year and sophomore year were my easiest years academic wise but my junior and senior years have been very challenging. But while facing these challenges I have learned many things that may be helpful for those future seniors who are trying to get through high school.
For many teens, their four years of high school have been a memorable and transforming experience, but for others, high school was just another brick building keeping them from the real world. But what if another year of education was added back to the four year program and it assisted students with their high school experience? Since 2003, Toronto high schools have removed the fifth year of the high school program but people have spoken about bringing back the extra year to help students with course averages, stress and decrease the dropout rate. Returning to the five year program may be beneficial to help high school students with academic achievement, post-secondary planning and
Year round schooling can make a big difference in low income and working families. Unlike others, families with less money can’t afford to keep their kids in the books over the summer. They have to work and don’t have the money to spend on summer camps, or tutors, so kids from low-income backgrounds are more likely to lose more information over the summer. (Huebner) They are at a disadvantage when it comes to keeping up with their education are more likely to be behind when they get back from summer break. When it comes to working families summer
There are times when people, either students or parents don’t clearly understand the benefits of going to school. Some say that school is a waste of time since they waste their time in a place where they are not learning. Sometimes parents can’t do anything to help their student(s) because it could be that they grew up without an education and don’t understand the importance of having an education. For the benefit of the students schools should increase the engagement of parents into school activities. There are many ways in which students can benefit from changes made to their school. In order for the AUHSD to have an increase student's academic success is to have single-sex classrooms, the students mindset and, longer school years.
Question 1: What key activities have you been involved in at school, in the GEAR UP program, and/or in your community? Also, describe your most significant scholastic achievement or other honor/awards to date.
School systems should revamp their current methods with a few basic points from each approach that can be easily assimilated into their schools’ models, create an atmosphere of motivation, engagement, and self-efficacy, as well as giving students alternative options than the standard college path.
The idea that the American education system requires its students to attend school for a full 13 years is absurd. The average student does not need 13 years of high school to be prepared for graduation and college, and those who do require that much attention most likely would not succeed in college anyways. In the typical high school, students and teachers waste more time focusing on sports and social issues rather than actual schooling. When one truly realizes how many days are wasted at sporting events or on silly pep rallies and activities, then it becomes clear why it’s a waste to attend school for such a large amount of time.
At many state legislature meetings, the issue for driving has been brought up. The citizens of the state legislature want to consider a bill that would require a person to earn a high school diploma before he or she could receive a driver’s license. This may be a good idea to some people, but many disagree with this statement of law enforcement.
When I initially began High School I thought internally, this is it, this is the point at which my life changes, this is where school work gets harder, classes get harder, the sports become more advanced, and my evaluations in High School are going to reflect my employment, and universities later on, and everything in my life has finally become a hectic roller coaster. But I know that High School is like a stream because along the way you'll find some trash, go over some harsh spots, discover a whirlpool or two, stagnate for a bit, lastly get to the end of the adventure and acknowledge you have had an awesome ride. I know this without a doubt in light of the reality that back in middle school/ junior high I got awful grades I kept saying to myself every time, that I have to stay focused and get my grades up because my grades in my previous years would follow me through high school. In middle school it was hard for me to remain centered and complete my work, and get decent grades. I had to keep my mind like a sponge and absorb all the details I could in every class.
For one thing, high school education should be mandatory due to furthering one’s education. Students who maintain to stay in high school receive the