
Return To Nature, Wedge's Stop And Think, By Kath Walker

Decent Essays

Kath Walker’s Return to Nature, Wedge’s Stop and Think, and my book cover all relate to the title of Back to Land through the message of retiring back to the natural world where it once was or still is a happier place than human civilisation. Walker writes in her poem, “Lover of my happy past / Soothe my weariness with warm embrace. Turn not from me … Am I strayed too long and now forsaken?” With the assistance of personification, we can see the narrator is attempting to return to their romantic relationship with Mother Nature (‘lover of my happy past’), who is unforgiving towards the narrator’s actions. This emphasises the narrator’s despair and guilt when pursuing the renewal of their relationship. Meanwhile, Wedge’s Stop and Think applies colour connotations through stunning tones. The juxtaposition of the vibrant natural earth (symbol of life) against the shadowy human city (symbol of …show more content…

In this poem, the narrator says, “My tear-stained eyes, open now to see, your enemy and mine is civilised me.” Through the use of visual imagery, we can see both the narrator and the earth are distraught at the destruction and replacement of land for living purposes. Outside the poem, we know that humans are also capable of living outside of cities, so this is what the angry earth may be meaning, thinking that ‘civilised me’ could have been avoided, but yet the narrator (a human) betrayed the earth and is now their ‘enemy’. Likewise, my book cover exhibits signs of influence from this poem through its red background, not only being the colour of the cave wall but also connoting a similar anger. This would symbolise the anger and betrayal of the earth against the human hand, a main feature of the cover. The poem Return to Nature has had an impact on my cover design for Back to Land, with both demonstrating complementary

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