
Revenue Analysis Of The City Of Salinas

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Revenue Analysis of the City of Salinas
Cassandra A. Gonzalez
University of La Verne

Revenue Analysis of the City of Salinas The city of Salinas has historically faced insufficient revenue to pay for the services the community needs. According to Councilwomen Craig, the city made an important decision to make the budget more efficient, use grant dollars wisely, and increase partnerships among private and non-profit organizations. The city’s total proposed FY 2014-2015 operating budget totals to $135,075,500, which is a .15% decrease primarily due to the rising cost of health insurance and workers compensation. Ninety three percent of the cities revenue comes from seven major revenue sources: property tax, sales tax, Measure V, utility users tax, franchise fees, business license tax, and building permits/plan check fees. 
In order to examine closely the changes that have caused continual decreases in the total city budget, it is important to not only examine the major revenue sources, but also examine some of the minor contributors. Revenues, such as recreational fees and vehicle fines that impact residents, are important to view in order to determine fluctuations from year to year. In order to gather the needed information to make a clear determination of the city’s budget, it is important to examine other similar cities such as Ontario, Corona and Escondido. All of these cities have an average population size of 153,000, which would help determine

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