
Revere Orthopedics Research Paper

Satisfactory Essays

Beacon Orthopedics has become one of my favoirute places to be. Its diffrent, many would say a vacation spot but Beacon has become a place of many achievements for me. With 6 bone injuries and an inflamed rotator cuff, Ive visted Beacon more times than the average person.

9th grade I fractured my lateral condyle of the femoral head, leaving me with 2 months of physical therapy. At first I hated it never wanting to go, saying my trainer was too young to even know what he was doing. However, when my trainer, Adam, started to make it a game with me on how fast I can progress my competitive side came to play and i couldn't help but want to take him up on his offer. As the weeks passed by I started loving the atmosphere watching patients work towards

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