Reverend Lee looked over the mirror again and said, “I do not trust this thing. I can feel the evil emanating from it. I will give you proper advice, Mr. Avery. Burn this before you are cursed, because it obviously did not work for the family who previously carried it.” Leon removed his hat and scratched his head. “I will think on that, Reverend. Thank you for the advice.” “Goodnight, sir, and I wish you all the best. Give my regards to Her Majesty,” The Reverend said. “Goodnight, and may you have safe journeys,” Leon answered. Leon watched the retreating man, and shook his head. It was a piece of glass surrounded by wood. What could possibly be evil about it? He untied the mirror from the horse, and carried into the cabin before taking
Jamie Ford’s book "Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet," is a story about the experiences and hardships that Japanese-Americans suffered during World War II. The protagonist Henry, a twelve-year old Chinese-American boy at the time of the war, reacted with more than just curiosity. The story opens with the news that belongings of several families who were interned is more than just curiosity; he had a deep personal connection to the events of the past and the story uncovers his memories. Henry had done a good job of burying his forgotten dreams, much like the artifacts found in the basement of the Panama Hotel. But just as in real life, when people try to ignore past events, the truth that lies in their heart cannot be denied. Sometimes, it can be something simple, like a parasol, to unlock those truths, but in Hotel, certain objects unlock the symbolism of life itself. Objects are powerful, as they represent not only moments in time, but people 's emotions, motivations, and ultimately, their identity.
Even the best of intentions can have tragic ends: a lesson well portrayed by the holy friar of Verona. At a first glance, one would consider Friar Lawrence only a minor influence in the tragedy of Romeo and Juliet. However, he is much more significant to the development of the play. Friar Lawrence acts as a catalyst to further sequence love and peace. He is without a doubt, a very complicated individual, and it is his complex nature that makes him such an interesting character. In William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, Friar Lawrence is seen as a tragic hero because of his noble status, his good intentions, and his naive fatal flaw
Truth is oftentimes glazed over or obscured by the sweet words of the manipulator, and the journey to discover it is painful in the mental aspect by challenging one’s mindset or morals. To those who have faith in truth, however, it can be a savior shining a light onto the path of righteousness. In the play The Crucible, written by Arthur Miller, the eloquent lies of a single girl by the name of Abigail expands into full-blown witch trials where minister Reverend Hale is brought in to examine the markings of those tainted by the Devil. Within his time spent in the ominous village of Salem, the lies exposed to him begin to query his life-long standings of the Bible and God. As he further uncovers the truths, Hale’s role in the Salem Witch Trials undergoes a dramatic transformation from a certain accuser, to a precarious bystander, to the defender of the tried.
Approaching the topic of how war stories should not be moral, O’Brien brings an interesting point to the novel by introducing Curt Lemon as a character who died in a pointless manner. As described by O’Brien in his short story, Curt Lemon is a young and free-spirited soldier in Vietnam whose life ends in an extremely sudden and horrific way when he accidentally steps on a rigged mortar round. Through the analysis of sentence structure in The Things They Carried by Tim O’Brien, one can find that Curt Lemon’s character demonstrates the carelessness that many soldiers in Vietnam displayed.
The utmost dynamic character in the play, Walter Lee completely changes his attitude regarding his own race, from the beginning to the end. Originally, Walter focused on money, and material items in order to fulfill his dream about opening a liquor store, he believed that “money is life” (74). He didn’t care about his family’s dreams, and willing to sacrifice Beneatha plans of being a doctor. However, his intentions for using the money were acceptable, as he wanted “pearls round [his] wife’s neck” and he couldn’t stand that his son “sleeps in the living room"(143). Walter wants the best for his family, and as a result, is upset for the reason that he can’t provide it with merely a job as a chauffeur. His frustration causes him to believe the
In the book “To Kill A Mockingbird” written by Harper Lee is based in a small town in Maycomb county in the year 1933 during the great depression.Which is also at a time where racial tensions are high.From the title”To Kill A Mockingbird “ we have gathered that the mockingbird symbolizes innocence, peace and how it is a sin to kill a Mockingbird.
Thomas C Foster tells us how geography can define a character. In To Kill A Mockingbird. We are familiarized to the Radley house which Lee describes as an ominous and foreboding place. This makes us think of Boo Radley, as a scary and mean person just based on how house how is laid out and decribed. We learn that Boo is not mean but this is what Lee wants us to believe in order to keep us interested in the mysterious Boo Radley.
Life is pack full of choices that test an individual's nobility. To be unique and true to oneself, an individual must rise above the influence. In Harper Lee's To Kill A Mockingbird, There are many choices to make regarding the character’s virtues or their reputation. Dolphus Raymond enjoys spending time with his family in privacy rather than being bothered. Atticus Finch and Tom Robinson both believe in benevolence instead of acting in a violent way and conform to stereotypes. When an individual is faced with societal pressures or being themselves, then they must stand their ground because if they do not, they will be going against their morals.
In “ To Kill A Mockingbird” the main conflict is the Tom Robinson case. Tom Robinson was accused of beating and raping Mayella Violet Ewell. The people of Maycomb see Tom in two different ways. There is the public view of Tom and the private view of him. The public view would include the people of Maycomb who do not know Tom at a personal level, while the private view would be his family, Calpurnia, and the other African Americans in the town of Maycomb. The public see Tom as a dangerous man. For instance in the book it states “ I seen that black nigger yonder ruttin’ on my Mayella” (Lee 231)! Mayella even said that “ He got me round the neck, cussin’ me a’ sayin’ dirt- I fought and’ hollered, but he had me round the neck. He hit me agin a’ agin” (Lee 241). Both Mayella and Bob Ewell make the people in the court believe that Tom is some sort of killer or dangerous man who should be lynched. Even Scout thought that “Tom Robinson’s powerful shoulders rippled under his thin shirt” (Lee 248). Tom was very built, and that did not help his case. Before Tom even gave his testimony most people in the court and jury believed he was guilty. Furthermore, The public view of Tom Robinson also includes that he is an abusive man that takes advantage of woman. Such as when Mayella said “I got somethin’ to say a’ I ain’t say no more.
Reverend Chasuble is a male character who was performed by a woman. Reverend Chasuble wore a light brown and khaki plaid smoking jacket with a brown wool v-neck sweater and a black button up shirt. Because the character was a Reverend, he also wore a clerical collar. He was also wearing loose light khaki pants and a matching flat topped boater hat with a black stripe. He also wore a pair of black dress shoes and used a mahogany wood walking stick. The Reverend was a very cheerful and laid back character, which I believe had effect on his outfit. He wasn’t dressed to the nines in gaudy attire but instead comfortable and free to move
- Burt Selden has given Charlie a “raw shok” test: a stack of white cards with ink spilled on them
Yes, a book has helped me think about an issue in my life. Not many books help you, but there was this one book it was ‘Love, Aubrey’ by Suzanne LaFleur; this book made me realize that wherever you go, you'll always have people around you that care about you. At one time I thought that I had no friends but hey, I put that negativity out of my head and I had a lot of friends.
Torren treated the priest to a kindly smile but shook his head. “I don’t see it fit to thank you for saving my life by endangering yours. So in thanks for your kindness, I will avoid making you a target.” he leaned his weight back against the creaking chair and regarded the priest evenly.
In Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird, an unjust society is working to imprison a wrongfully convicted African-American, apart from a few citizens and lawyers yearning for a ‘just’ conclusion to the case of Tom Robinson. This novel encourages the reader to admire Tom Robinson for his determination to help someone in need, regardless of the black/white divide that has brought him scrutiny. It also persuades the reader to pity Tom, because of the sad, yet inevitable end to the case. Tom was “… a dead man the minute Mayella … screamed.” It can also be noted that the reader should admire Atticus, for his willingness and determination to help Tom in his case, although, he knew it would never be possible to save him from his inevitable end.
Around the world, law enforcement agencies have common goals but each one performs their duties a little bit different from the others. This goes for Chinese and American police as well. Chinese police are comprised of five different departments and responsibilities. The most well-known is the public security police, which is the most common with America and other countries. Judicial police work as people’s procurators and judicial police in the people 's courts. State security police, similar to the FBI in America, and prison police, otherwise known as correctional officers. Judicial, State security and prison police comprise 14 percent of Chinese police, whereas public security police make up the other 86 percent (Li, 1997).