
Review Of Abraham Joshua Heschel's 'No Religion Is An Island'

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Freely speaking, communicating, mutual respect and a mutual understanding. Interactions and relationships formed by cooperative and positive communication between people of global religious traditions or faith. Interfaith dialogue is internationally critical - it is not changing someone’s beliefs, or converting people to another religion but rather people building and growing an understanding of each other’s beliefs and to help prevent or overcome tensions or stereotypes brought through different religions and beliefs.

From page 6 of Abraham Joshua Heschel’s ‘No religion is an island’ – “Horizons are wider, dangers are greater … No religion is an island. We are all involved with one another…Today religious isolationism is a myth.” Written in January 1966, 51 years ago, the utmost importance still relies on this statement as it expresses the closeness …show more content…

Rather it sees its role as a process of mutual empowerment for the faiths involved. It is about engagement in public concerns and the joint pursuit of social justice, human dignity and constructive action on behalf of the common good of all citizens.” This highlights that interfaith dialogue is crucial and is needed immensely in Australia and the world to avoid religious ignorance and is used as a way to correlate and connect with the wider social responsibilities that religions and faiths hold globally.

Exemplified through national and international initiatives, the work from interfaith dialogue has created the Australian National Dialogue of Christians, Muslims and Jews; a dialogue formed in March 2003 that brings people together to keep contact and discussions with The Australian Federation of Islamic Councils and The Executive Council of Australian Jewry to examine misunderstandings and the meanings of peace, festivals and

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