The novel, Slopes of War, by Norah Perez is a historical fiction book based on the gruesome events that occurred during the Civil War. These events all had a significant theme within them. Throughout the novel the themes in which I think were significantly portrayed were love, the needing of another and the fear of failure.
The way in which it portrays the theme of love is when Mrs. Summerhill says “ She’s my own flesh and blood, and I’ll always love Mercy and your cousins no matter what side of the war they live one !”.(p18) This quote displays the theme of love because Mrs. Summerhill seems to be saying that regardless of what side her family members were on she would still love them unconditionally, family over anyone or anything.
Another theme that is carried on throughout the novel is the needing of another. This theme is showed with the fact that Tully and Buck needed each other throughout the whole book to over come the reality of what was happening. In the book, Buck tells Tully to hide before he gets shot. This showed that he cared for Tully and that he needed him alive for his own well being. Ironically, at the end of the book Tully ends up helping Buck get home.
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One character that demonstrated somewhat of this theme was John Hood. John Hood was hesitant with his actions which led me to think that he was fearful of the out comes. The quote "Reluctantly he gave the command…. twenty minutes later the general was carried from the field with a paralyzing arm wound, and bitter regrets that would last him a lifetime." (p101) makes me believe that because he doubted himself he couldn’t make decisions that would’ve had a positive outcome, his fear of
All Quiet on the Western Front, written by Erich Maria Remarque, is a thought provoking tale about war, and the soldiers who fight these wars. The main character is an 18 year old boy named Paul Bäumer. Bäumer, growing up in Germany, decides to enlist in the army alongside his classmates after persuasion from his teacher. His story begins at the front lines of World War One. After two weeks on the front, Paul’s company receives a reprieve from fighting. 80 of the original 150 men in the company (Second Company) return. During his time off, Bäumer begins to reflect upon the circumstances that brought him there, his brutal time in training, and the death of one of his close friends. Over the course of this time of reflection, reinforcements arrive, and Bäumer’s company is redeployed into the front.
I chose to do the book called “War brothers” by Sharon E. McKay. I chose this book because of the fact it relates to the real world. This story is based on Jacob, a 14 year old kid whose father is a wealthy business man. Jacob’s father is worried that one day his son will be taken take by a real life group called the Lord's resistance army that abducts kids and make them child soldiers that he highers a security team to help protect Jacob. Ultimately the plan fails and Jacob and a couple of his friends are now on a journey trying everything have to survive. With one thing that Jacob can hold on too is hope that his father may one day come save him. As leader of the group Jacob makes everyone in agreement that they will stay with each other
Robert Cohn was Princeton’s middleweight boxing champion from New York. He comes from a Jewish family. He took up boxing because of how much hate Cohn was getting for his ethnicity. After college, he immediately married and had three children with her. After five years, Cohn’s inheritance money was almost gone and his wife left him. Following the divorce of Cohn and his wife, he moved to California, where he started a magazine and met a girl named Frances Clyne.
In the novel named Hope’s War Danylo’s only help come from his family. They supported him in every way of his life. Even though, the people from the church supported him and told him they will help him as much as they can however, his family was the one helped him in big ways. “Please make arrangements for an approved translator yourself, and whomever else should travel to Ukraine. And of course, I will accompany you.” (Skrypuch, 93). When Danylo needed $40000 for the trial and to get good witnesses to make his case stronger, he couldn’t afford a lot money himself. He doesn’t have any job or anyone of his friend who he can borrow the money from? People may let him borrow $5000 or so, but no one have $40000 on
The most obvious of the themes is that of violence, brutality, and torture. Tied into this also is the idea of injustice. Many of these themes are intertwined. Constantly the reader is berated with violent images, or descriptions of violence. These must be on nearly every second page of the novel. A
Barbara Ehrenreich’s The Ecstasy of War deliberates that it is not instinctive human nature that transitions men into warlike individuals; it is a mental and physical transformation that one goes through to become the ideal soldier. She justifies that aggression,by itself, cannot be the main conclusion to the transformation. Moreover, it is caused by the events and procedures in preparation prior to the actual battle. In order for soldiers to be successful in war, one must forget any trace of humanity they had, “Proponents of a warlike instinct must also reckon with the fact that even when men have been assembled, willingly or unwillingly, for the purpose of war, fighting is not something that seems to come "naturally"
The informational article, “Children of War” by Arthur Brice is about children that were affected by the war in the Balkans. Life at first was good in the Balkans. The children were same and went to school. When the war broke out, their live turned inside out. It was no longer same in their home towns. Many children were orphaned or killed because if you were seen you would be shot on site. However, some people managed to get away safely, but not always with everyone in their family. The people who got away safely ran into neighboring countries to seek refuge there. Many refugees chose to move to the United States. This helped them because they could go to school and keep living their lives. Refugees have said that being in the United states
My reading and note taking has allowed me to understand the book from a multitude of different contexts. I understand the book more so through the themes, each theme examines a different view of the book and when analyzed to an in-depth extent The Wars is no longer a novel, but a story about the history of World War I. The note taking has allowed me to develop my thesis, in which I will use the themes of animals, four elements of life and importance of life as the premise to each of my body paragraphs. Issues that I have had during my note taking and readying of the novel is the vocabulary, this book has a setting that takes place during the 1920’s therefore a lot of the terms can be difficult to understand. The Wars is overall a novel that challenges your own importance in life where everything is so fragile.
The Slopes of War written by N.A. Perez follows a realistic fictitious story about the Battle of Gettysburg during the Civil War, which is also told by the characters told in different perspectives, the Union and the Confederates. The story utilizes many historical facts regarding the battle, even including dialogues from Union and Confederate generals. It also tells us the audience the emotional and physical effects of war, and how the characters are affected by the end of the battle. Although the novel does portray many themes, imagery, and is told in different perspectives to convey the story, let’s take a look into the physical and emotional effects of the battle, and how those effects make the story.
Death; destruction; crawling, bloody men without jaws; and a child in the middle of it is just a glimpse of the grotesque short narrative “Chickamauga” by Ambrose Bierce. Chickamauga Creek is an area near Chattanooga, Tennessee and northwestern Georgia, plagued by war, suffering, and bloodshed from the Civil War (Bohannon). Bierce served in the Union Army during the American Civil War (Campbell). Many Americans then, and today, romanticize war with glory, heroism, and patriotism. Bierce defied literary status quo, creating graphic accounts of war, in an age of sentimentalism and melodrama (Morris). Lesser publicized were the perspectives, thoughts, and realities of the soldiers after serving and surviving in the civil
In Margaret Mead’s "Warfare: An Invention - Not a Biological Necessity" we see her ideas surrounding the relationship between biological and cultural influences on an aspect of life and society. Mead’s ideas play off of some of the thoughts mentioned in Ruth Benedict’s “The Individual and the Pattern of Culture”. Benedict mentions how there “ always a give and take,”(114) that is between culture and the individual. Which can be related to Mead’s mention of how war or fighting is dependant on a culture's need for that kind of outlet. Because Mead was a student of Benedict’s when she was a professor at Columbia University(112) it becomes evident how some of the similarities in their ideas had developed.
The theme i have chosen to talk about is love because it is demonstrated quite a bit throughout this novel while also maintaining a good interesting storyline. The first quote i found is, “I found this new part of myself when i met him and i know the new part doesn't know how to stay quiet and still and just observe” this shows that she can't hide this side of her from anyone anymore because she wants everyone to know how happy and excited she is for being alive for once in her life. She also found a part of herself that she never showed or saw with other people and this side of her is good because it makes her happy, and makes her interested to see what happens next in her life since she never has anything big to look forward too. The author
The theme I have chosen for this personal response is Fear. This relates to people in society today as a lot of us don't know what fear is. Fear is shown in the novel when Beatrice had to choose one faction to join even
Theme: The Major theme through the novel is Good Versus Evil. Examples to show this are Samuel Hamilton and Cathy Ames. Sam represents good as Cathy represents evil. Steinbeck also uses the settings to describe good and evil. He states,” I remember the Gabilan Mountains to the east of the valley
themes is the dissatisfaction that the characters of the novel have. None of them are happy with