
Review Of ' The Jati '

Best Essays

Aaron Thomas
Nancey Moore
HIS 111 - 4106
9 September 2015

The Jati

Thousands of years ago in Asia, a book was written that gave social structure that would go on through the ages in India. Today that social structure is called the Jati or in English words, the Caste system. While it has undergone a few changes here and there, the system has relatively been unchanged and just like thousands of years ago when it was first introduced in the Vedas, it exists in modern day India as a part of society in it. This paper will go over a more detailed explanation of the Jati as well as the classes and books that defined the Jati system, most notably the “Laws of Mandu”. Jati translates to “caste” so in English it is called the Caste system. In the Jati system there are four main castes one falls under: Shudra, Viasya, Kshatryia and Bhramin. Outside of the caste system are the outcasts or also called untouchables. Within these main four castes there are thousands of subcastes a group of people will fall under. One important thing to note where unlike most social classes of ancient time, in the Jati system, it is possible to move up in the caste. While a subcaste may not move up as an individually, the entire group can move up. So while there is subcaste A and subcaste B. While Subcaste B is currently higher up on the caste it is possibly for subcaste A as a whole to move up above subcaste B. This is the beauty of the Jati system, groups are not permanently logged into one place

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