Nine days till Christmas break. Just nine long and exhausting days separating us from sweet, freedom and our own lovely beds! Have you ever thought about how crazy it is for us to be so desperate and excited for a break? We just had one! Thanksgiving was a quick tease for our soon long month of, lets be real, sleeping and Netflix. Thanksgiving was full of food, shopping, sleep, and football. Even if you’re not a huge football fan your Thanksgiving was in some way affected by America’s favorite sport. Whether it was watching your team play, or watching some family member going crazy at the TV, my dad…. Football is a traditional part of our day of thanks. Have you ever thought about what it would be like to be playing in one of those games on …show more content…
The NCAA can afford to pay their athletes. College coaches are also making significant money(ESPN). According to $53.4 million dollars is the combined salary of the top five highest paid football coaches. The top five-college athlete’s combined salary: $0.
II. College Athletes Should Be Paid
A. These athletes are pushing themselves daily, working the equivalent of a full time job all while being a student. How would you feel doing 50 hours a week providing someone else with cash benefits and expecting to just be happy with the experience and told to focus on being a student?
B. According to ESPN the worth of an average college football or basketball player is over $100,000. By allowing these athletes to be sponsored, it will give a little back to the students of what they are worth for their incredibly hard work and all the sacrifices that they are making for their school.
C. Paying college athletes will manage current NCAA problems and reward the athletes. It will also balance the reimbursement of the sport’s contributors. As mentioned above, coaches, schools as well as the NCAA are receiving excessive amounts of money for their part in the sports program. It is only fair that the athletes should be paid as well for their significant
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Paying college athletes will regain A. Imagine these students being able to go out and socialize with their friends and not have to worry about lack of money because they don’t have time for a job. B. Imagine the difference this money would make in these student athletes lives if something was to physically happen to them. C. It really is the love of the game that keeps these athletes going! But a game can only last so long.
Many say that allowing collegiate athletes to be paid will ruin college sports as we know it. But, these athletes are just receiving what they deserve. The game still remains the same. The players still play the game to the best of their ability, regardless of the advantages. These student athletes still sacrifice countless hours, work hard, and carry the burdens of a regular student. The favorite memories we all have of Thanksgiving break, are taken away from these athletes. Shouldn’t they be allowed to receive back sponsorships for a small piece of
The NCAA brings in millions of dollars annually and the student athletes do not get a dime out of it. Recent literature has focused on the issue of compensating college athletes. This researcher found articles and statements that led to belief some coaches and people do think college athletes should be compensated for their efforts. The researcher wanted to find reasons why critics and non supporters believe college athletes should not be paid, also to find reasoning behind those that do support. This researcher believes it is unfair to exploit these college players, and to not include them in the profits they cause.
Over the last few years college sports have gained immense popularity. Therefore college sports have generate millions of dollars for the NCAA and the university's. The players for the universities aren’t getting a cent of these profits. Hence why the NCAA should allow athletes to get a salary for their participation in sports. Others think that the athletes don’t deserve to be paid because of their scholarships.
Should college student-athletes be paid has become a much debated topic. The incentive for a student-athlete to play a college sport should not be for money, but for the love of the game. It has been argued that colleges are making money and therefore the student-athlete should be compensated. When contemplating college income from sporting events and memorabilia from popular sports, such as football and basketball, it must not be forgotten that colleges do incur tremendous expense for all their sports programs. If income from sports is the driving factor to pay student-athletes, several major problems arise from such a decision. One problem is who gets a salary and the second problem is how much should they be paid. Also, if the income
College athletics are a part of everyone’s lives in some form whether it be watching ones favorite team or cheering on friends and family members. This is especially true in the US. These college athletes are taken for granted while they are playing this sport at a competitive level and also maintaining the academic qualifications required because many don’t understand or realize the time and effort these athletes put into their career. Therefore, college athletes should be paid for playing sports during their college career.
Should College Athletes Be Paid? This question has the propensity to cause much commotion within the various collegiate athletic divisions; e.g., NCAA, BIG 10, MEAC, and CIAA. The complexity involved in flushing out an answer to this question coupled with our status as college students may have played a direct influence in the decision of the group Long Term Money’s (L.T.M.) choice to use this topic as an interest for group assignment. A “student athlete” is a participant in an organized competitive sport sponsored by the educational institution in which he or she is enrolled. Student athletes must typically balance the roles of being a full-time student and a full-time athlete. Due to educational institutions being colleges, they offer athletic scholarships in various sports; therefore, the proverbial question of which came first, “the chicken or the egg?” comes to mind. Are the individuals who would be directly affected by such an action, considered students’ firsts, or athletes, and if they are athletes, should be they be considered employees governed by significant employment and labor laws eligible for pay? If they are now employee, how will this affect their pursuit of the educational process, eligibility for scholarships, classes, study, etc.; what changes that must take place for the plan (if granted) to be carried out, would it be consistent across the entire country. So, with so many unanswered questions, we ask again; “Should College Athletes Be
b. Throw in all of the gear associated with being a Division I college athlete and you’re looking at a hefty amount of cash being invested in each athlete.
Collegiate athletes should be getting paid for the work they do because of how profitable college sports is to the schools. During the last twenty years, college sports has gained a lot of popularity which has resulted in a large amount of revenue for the NCAA and the schools that they represent. The athletes who perform on the field and court see none of that money. This paper will explain some of the main reasons for college athletes should get paid. College athletics is a billion dollar industry and has been successfully operating for years.
Furthermore, where should the money come from? Is it the responsibility of the school to pay these athletes or the NCAA? Other questions include how much should students-athletes be paid, how often, will it work in a similar way that professional contracts work, etc.? All these questions reveal how difficult it would be to change the college athletic system to compensate college athletes. Regardless of what number of individuals feels that athletes ought not to be paid for their ability, there is pretty much the same number of individuals whom feel they ought to. There are numerous reasons why individuals think a student athlete ought to be adjusted. Some of those reasons incorporate; individuals feel that frequently the college utilizes these athletes as boards for their school. Additionally, the universities are "offering the athletes' names and achievements for the schools own acknowledgment. “Athletic organizations are utilizing college athletes to offer their items, along these lines the athletes ought to see a portion of the money that is earned. It has even been demonstrated that promoting through understudy athletes extraordinarily impacts more youthful
One of the most controversial subjects we as individuals hear about this day in age is whether or not college athletes deserve to be paid. Many people argue that these athletes do intact, deserve to be paid for their time and hard work. NCAA athletes create a name for themselves by playing and performing well on their college teams. The better these athletes perform, the more publicity the school revives. This then leads to higher ticket sales and stores around campus selling jerseys and other clothing items with athletes names and numbers on the back. NCAA schools have become comfortable with using athletes’ names to bring in a revenue for the school, and yet the athletes never see any of that money. On the other hand, many people believe that these athletes do not deserve, nor should they expect to receive payment in return. They believe that these scholarships and the education are payment in itself. Some even bring up the question on if it is affordable or even realistic to pay college athletes.
Throughout history the big question surrounding the college athletic industry is if college athletes should get paid for the participation in the sport. It has recently over the past few years been brought up as a huge topic in college athletics, a lot of people have their views in if they should or shouldn’t. The big picture everyone has to look at and get an understanding to be the economic aspect of it. There are a lot of factors that people fail to realize that involve paying these athletes such as the supply, demand elasticity, taxes and equity vs efficiency, all of these play a minor role in the impact of the answer people are waiting to get. In my opinion I feel as an athlete myself I feel we should get paid for playing sports. But
College athletics are becoming more like the professional leagues except for one big issue, money. Student athletes bring in a vast amount of revenue for the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) not to mention recognition and notoriety regarding the athlete’s university. However, the debate continues as to whether student athletes should or should not receive payment for playing college sports.
But why should a student athlete be paid in the first place? Their just athletes right? They go to school just like everyone else? What makes them so special? What makes a college athlete different than the average student is the amount of revenue that they help bring to their selected colleges. This type of revenue is made up from ticket sales, merchandise, media rights and contributions. “USA today” reported that the University of Texas generated $167.7 million dollars from their athletic programs, and that’s just one school. With this in mind, imagine just how much money other colleges are making from their athletics. Sure one can make the argument that they should not be paid because they are not professionals, but one can’t ignore the fact that they are bringing in millions of dollars and seeing none of it.
One of the biggest questions concerning college sports is not about who has the best recruiting class, or where the best coach is headed after their contract ends. The biggest question in NCAA sports is whether collegiant athletes should be paid by their university or not. College athletes have never been legally paid, and that needs to come to an end. NCAA athletes give us outstanding performances, creating memories and leaving their names in a historical manner. Yet, at the same time they are barely able to make it by day to day.
I strongly believe that college athletes shouldn’t get paid because a scholarship to a college to play for their team and a free education is enough payment. Student-athletes with full-ride scholarships don’t have to worry about student loans or any other debts they would have to pay back for attending that college.
Thesis: College athletes deserve be paid because they invest a lot of time, work and take significant risks but do not receive enough of the money they generate for the NCAA and schools.