
Revolutionary War Cause And Effect Essay

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Cause and effect. Cause and effect. The way of life is simply cause and effect. Domino reactions determine the outcome of the following event. It is safe to say, if England would have defeated the French and Indians during the French and Indian War (7 Years War), England would have won the American Revolutionary War. Although for this win, there would be a cost of strategy, a need for alliance, and a sense of unity. During the Revolutionary War, England lacked a key aspect. This was the readily available supplies. Because the War was fought in the colonies, England had to rely on supplies sent from the mother country. This meant a waiting game for ships to come to port. If England would have won the 7 Years War, they would have gained control of land in North America. This land that was not yet settled could have been used to hoard supplies. Additionally, had the war been won much quicker the debt would have been slightly less outrageous, and it would have reduced the taxes levied by King George III on the colonies. It is said ¨taxation without representation¨ is a cause of the Revolutionary War. What if one less tax didn’t cause the war? Unlikely? I would say it is probably unlikely, but it could have ultimately been beneficial to England to have defeated the French and …show more content…

By taking over North America, the British would have been open to a whole new world of resources. More land means raw materials. Increase in raw materials results in increased trade. Other countries would soon desire the materials therefore opening avenues to alliances during the Revolutionary War. Whether trade for ammunition or trade for troops, alliances could have been beneficial. When strategy is not up to par, out numbering the opponent can be intimidating. It is relatively obvious without the French the colonist would have lost the Revolutionary War, so in opposition, support would have led to the success of

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