Cause and effect. Cause and effect. The way of life is simply cause and effect. Domino reactions determine the outcome of the following event. It is safe to say, if England would have defeated the French and Indians during the French and Indian War (7 Years War), England would have won the American Revolutionary War. Although for this win, there would be a cost of strategy, a need for alliance, and a sense of unity. During the Revolutionary War, England lacked a key aspect. This was the readily available supplies. Because the War was fought in the colonies, England had to rely on supplies sent from the mother country. This meant a waiting game for ships to come to port. If England would have won the 7 Years War, they would have gained control of land in North America. This land that was not yet settled could have been used to hoard supplies. Additionally, had the war been won much quicker the debt would have been slightly less outrageous, and it would have reduced the taxes levied by King George III on the colonies. It is said ¨taxation without representation¨ is a cause of the Revolutionary War. What if one less tax didn’t cause the war? Unlikely? I would say it is probably unlikely, but it could have ultimately been beneficial to England to have defeated the French and …show more content…
By taking over North America, the British would have been open to a whole new world of resources. More land means raw materials. Increase in raw materials results in increased trade. Other countries would soon desire the materials therefore opening avenues to alliances during the Revolutionary War. Whether trade for ammunition or trade for troops, alliances could have been beneficial. When strategy is not up to par, out numbering the opponent can be intimidating. It is relatively obvious without the French the colonist would have lost the Revolutionary War, so in opposition, support would have led to the success of
As Benjamin Franklin once said, “No gains without pain.” This could not be more of a true statement when speaking of the American Revolution. There are so many factors that are said to have caused it, that it's hard to determine what never needed to happen. Because of the French and Indian War, the British were suffering from debt. They needed the find a way out; therefore, new laws and acts were established. If the British would have treated the colonists as friends instead of their instant way out of dept, we could have never seen independence. Another reason that the American Revolution couldn’t have been avoided; because the colonists had already learned to fight, were tired of British
There was no one event that started the American Revolution. This paper will address the problems that lead to the start to the American Revolution. The colonists believed that they should live democratically. Britain felt that they owned the American colonies and they could use their resources in any way that they wished. The colonists did not want to live being ruled by another country. The major events that led to the American Revolution were the French and Indian War, Stamp Act, Boston Massacre, Boston Tea Party and Lexington Concord.
The American Revolutionary War (1775–1783), the American War of Independence, or simply the Revolutionary War in the United States, was the prosperous military revolt against Great Britain of Thirteen American Colonies which joined together as the United States of America in July 1776. Originally constrained to fighting in those colonies, after 1778 it additionally became a world war between Britain and France, Netherlands, Spain, and Mysore.
The American Revolutionary War was caused by the political disagreements between Great Britain and the American colonies. Most of the Americans initially didn’t want to completely separate from England but wanted to regain the rights that Parliament had taken away from them. England made war unavoidable with its unwillingness to negotiate, heavy taxation of the colonists that violated their rights, and strict trading policies.
The French and Indian War or Seven years wars heavily influenced the revolution war. It was the French and Indian War that caused the taxes. The taxes caused the rebellions. The rebellions caused the war. The French and Indian War was started on tensions, just like the revolutionary war. It was all two countries not getting along. There was a lack of boundaries. A lack of stable rule. This is all similar between both wars. The taxes really caused the Revolutionary War. Without the French and Indian War the Revolutionary war may have happened never happened.
To begin with, the French and Indian War created political changes between Britain and the colonies. After the war, Britain saw they needed to have a stronger relationship with the Native Americans in the colonies (Doc B). The Natives didn’t always have a stable relationship with the British during the war and Britain wanted to ensure the Natives would not become aggressive and attack them. The war and gaining of new land in North America, also showed England
Therefore, the British could not have been victorious in their conflict against the American Colonies with the reasoning behind the war. Causes such as the Americans having a "Home Field Advantage", Britain's distance from the motherland country, French involvements on the side of the Americans, and American Patriotism. The four reasons accounted for are leading purposes, why the British could not have been victorious in the Revolutionary War. First, American had a "Home Field Advantage" from start to end of the War.
Both the British and the American colonists contributed to causing the American Revolution. The war grew out of contempt: England’s contempt for the colonies and colonial contempt for British policies. A series of actions by the British eventually pushed the colonists over the edge and towards independence. The results of the war gave many citizens a new role in society while others, like slaves, felt no change at all. This paper will examine the specific causes and effects of the American Revolution.
The French and Indian war was the event that provoked the American Revolution. The French and Indian war or Seven years war, lead to certain events that caused Americans to realize that their English liberties were being denied.
An argument of both the historians Carl Degler and Fred Anderson, is that the Victory over the French by the British in the Seven Years’ War enabled the Americans Revolution by removing the Threat of the French the American colonist
At the peak of Britain's prominence, it was said that the sun never sets on the British Empire. Many were enthralled under its wing of mighty protection and dare a country stand up to Britain and face the consequences. In 1755 the last of the great conflicts between the Britain and France broke out. Although initially proving its superiority, one of the main facets of the British Empire headed for a major transformation. So that is why I say the very of the British triumph over France in the French and Indian War opened the door to the American Revolution.
The French and Indian War was a big factor in setting the stage for the American Revolution. The war required large amounts of resources and money which put a huge strain on Great Britain. As a result of the large amounts of money the war had cost, Great Britain heavily raised the taxes on the colonist in America. This was the main provoking factor in America's fight for independence that would leave a lasting impression on the world
There were many events that took place in the 1760’s and 1770’s that led to the Revolutionary war. During these years the British did many things that upset the colonists. These upset colonists would eventually get sick of all the British ways and fight for their freedom.
The effects after the French and Indian War created an unbalanced relationship between Britain and the British colonies. The victory allowed Britain to expand their territory, but also brought Britain in great debt. Britain believed that Parliament should have more authority over the colonists and so they put in Acts to enforce their rules. The many different Acts created resentment throughout the colonies towards their mother country. The French and Indian War also had the effect on the colonies and the colonists because they all fought together and were unified. Before the war, the colonies were very untrustful of each other, but the war helped them fight against a common enemy. The French and Indian War caused Britain to enforce
The results of the American Revolution heavily impacted how America became a nation. The American revolution brought forth a bigger and stronger nation. One with the intenchines to bring Liberty, republicanism, and independence. Therefore, the positive effects of the American revolutionary war was that america gained land, economic growth,a new political scene and became new nation. Consequently, the american revolution also brought forth a negative impacts as well on america, from hopes that society changed to a new government that was in debt but does not have the power to tax to get out of debt.