
Rewritten Goal Statement: Observation

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Below you will find the required objectives for this assignment.

• A rewritten goal statement that’s observable, measurable and in concise terms.
In order to achieve the goal of eating breakfast in my dorm more often, I will wake up at least a half hour earlier 4 days a week.

• An updated progress report with a discussion of the components from the Habit Flow Chart.
Once again, I’m slowly but surely progressing toward the goal of eating breakfast on a regular basis. Last week, I ate breakfast on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. The main reasoning behind eating breakfast on those days was due to my work and class schedule. On Wednesday’s, I have class from 10:40-11:45 and then work from 11:45-2:30, so I don’t have much time, if any, to eat lunch. Therefore, I decided to wake up a little earlier before class to prepare some breakfast. On Thursday and Friday, my work day starts at 9:00. I choose to eat breakfast on these days because I figured it would be a good idea to get some food into my system beforehand.
On the days that I choose to eat breakfast, my …show more content…

However, I realized that this reward is somewhat unrealistic. The main reasoning behind this is because I shouldn’t limit myself to go off campus and get food only if I achieve a goal. I shouldn’t not go off-campus to eat food based on the fact that I hadn’t achieved a goal. Rather, I have decided to revise this reward. Thus speaking, I have decided that, if I achieve this goal, I will go out to a more formal restaurant, such as Chili’s (I rarely go here). The idea behind this is because, generally speaking, when I go off-campus for food, I tend to go to a fast-food place or somewhere cheap. By revising my reward to a more formal place, I have allowed myself to still keep the main idea behind the reward the same, but have expanded the criteria for the reward (so to

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