
Rhe Greek Titan Goddess

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Who was Rhea? She was a Greek Titan Goddess, she was the Goddess of motherhood, and fertility. She took over most of her traits from her mother Gaia Goddess of earth. She was known as the “Mother of God” because she was the mother of the most powerful Titan Gods. Rhea was known as my Goddess such as the “Goddess of comfort and ease” “Goddess of generations” “Goddess of women”. Rhea married her brother and had six kids with him but she saved her children from her husband. Rhea has two sacred animals its a swan because it symbolizes gentleness and peace, and her other animal is a lion. Her sacred plant is a Fir tree, her sacred day is Saturday and her symbol is a turret crown. Rhea was known as a beautiful woman she was also known as a motherly …show more content…

She had a few siblings which were Cronus, Hyperion, Lapetus, Theia, Themis, Mnemosyne, Phoebe, and Tethys. Rhea was a lot like her mother, she loved her children very much but her brother Cronus was a lot like his father, he feared that he would be overpowered by his children. Rhea became mad because Cornus forced her to give him the children when they were born to eat them. Once he had her first 5 children inside of him Rhea was tired of it. She gave birth to her last child in Zeus in secret because she began plotting something, instead of giving Cornus Zeus she gave him a rock wrapped in a blanket to eat instead. Cronus thought he was safe from the prophecy. Rhea hid Zeus in a cave in Crete so he could be raised by nymphs. Zeus was raised there, when he grew older he gave Rhea a potion that had a mixture of mustard, wine, and a herb that would make Cronus throw up his children. He did so the ten-year war started, Zeus and the Olympians defeated Cronus and the Titans. History repeated itself because they defeated Cronus and became the next rulers just like Cronus and his brothers did in the past when they overthrew their father. (Aaron J

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