
Rhetoric Analysis Of Craigslist Joe

Decent Essays

Today, America is in the midst of a technological revolution in which each and every person is connected to the internet and absorbed in their own lives. One could say that America’s sense of awareness for each other and general sense of community has been lost. So, film director, Joseph Garner, set out to create the documentary, Craigslist Joe in 2012, in which he left home to go on a month long trip and live entirely off Craigslist with nothing but the clothes he was wearing, his phone, computer, and backpack. Garner’s goal was to see if it was possible to live completely off help from other people and see if there is still a sense of community in America. Throughout the film, Garner travels with a camera man which gives the …show more content…

One of the best visual approaches was the use of maps on the screen. As Joseph traveled around the country, a map would show up on the screen showing his travels, similar to the way travel was shown in the famous Indiana Jones movies. This strategy effectively showed how amazing it was that Joseph was traveling so much without any money and by only using Craigslist. “I thought I could be sitting in a park, stranded for a month.” This quote by Joseph really puts his journey into perspective and shows the audience how far he has traveled. Next, another powerful visual strategy was the camera angles. Joseph traveled with one camera man who stayed with him and followed him around. So, the audience was given a unique experience by getting the point of view of Joseph throughout his travels. In addition, Garner used a specific camera angle throughout the beginning, middle, and end of the film that contributed to capturing Joseph’s journey. It was always the exact same view of Joseph walking; it was a full body shot, head to toe that showed him walking somewhere. This reoccurring shot gave the audience perspective on what it might feel like to be walking around from place to place searching for basic human needs. All in all, the visual strategies used throughout the film showed the audience Joseph’s experiences and gave insight to America’s sense of

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