
Rhetorical Analysis Essay On Racial Equality

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Racial equality is one of the great challenges to the United States. Throughout its history, there have been not only unequal and unfair opportunities for African Americans, but actual violence. In mass protests, African Americans took this abuse in stride, never degrading themselves to similar acts of violence. They protested in marches, including one of the most famous and largest civil rights protests of all time, involving more than 200,000 demonstrators, which is credited with helping pass the civil rights bill in 1964, a very strong one, at that ("March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom"). It is also here that Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his now famous civil rights speech. It single handedly forwarded King’s ultimate goal of racial equality and tolerance more, perhaps, than anything before it, due in part to its brilliant use of numerous strategies to more effectively convey points. …show more content…

uses metaphors, allusions, and juxtaposition to convince his opponents and reassure his followers that racial equality and tolerance is the only just path, even if it is a difficult

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