On August 26, 2016 Colin Kaepernick “Took a stand” by not standing during the National Anthem before the preseason game. This angered many fans, including African American fans. Many videos have gone viral, of fans burning Kaepernick's jersey. In one video the man was recorded saying, “if you don't love our country, get the [] out of it. You should never play another down in the NFL. Move to Canada." Although, Kaepernick broke no rules, Officials are still thinking about penalizing him. Kaepernick says that he will not honor a flag for a country that oppresses people of color. Many people wonder how he knows what it is like to be oppressed making 126 million dollars a year.” Another fact that has angered fans is that Kaepernick was adopted …show more content…
Although, a former teammate Anquan Boldin had a cousin last year shot to death by police, but he still stands during the playing of the anthem. He says that he supports Kaepernick's right to make the decision to sit or stand, but he will continue to stand and support his nation. The NFL is wondering why everyone is making a big deal out of it because he did the same thing in the previous preseason game. Kaepernick says, he feels he needs to stand up for the oppressed people, and if they take football away from him , he knows he has stood up for what is right. Many sources have said that this is what service men and women fight for. The people's right to “stand up and scream the anthem at the top of their lungs, or not honor it at all.” Kaepernick has always been outspoken about the racial issues in America, in the past. He openly supports the “Black Lives Matter” movement. Kaepernick's fans do not seem to care about this factor. One fan even played the National Anthem while setting fire to Kaepernick's jersey, and standing with his hand over his heart. Many angry fans have posted on social media that he is ignorant, spoiled, and childish.” Tomi Lahren, of news site The Blaze, tweeted saying: 'If this country disgusts you so much. Leave. Others would die to be in your spot you cocky …show more content…
They say there are better ways he could have gone about it, but this way probably got the most attention. Damien Woody tweeted “ Kaep has every right to express his feelings/beliefs and ppl have every right to disagree. That's ok folks! “ “ This is what comes with free society unless people hate democracy” People or athletes that stand with Kaep, but still stand usually put their fist up to support him. They say that they believe and understand what he is standing up for, but there are many other great things about the Nation. 49ers coach says he stands with Kaeps decision, and he does not know when he intends on stopping the
Colin Kaepernick feels that minorities are not being heard, so he used his higher status to draw attention to the racial inequality by not standing during the national anthem, instead he took a knee. The author of this article feels that the playing of the national anthem has brought politics into the NFL as opposed to Kaepernick as some people feel. However, this article also touches on the fact that his teammate at one point had also taken a knee in support of Kaepernick’s efforts. The way he chose to express his feelings has caused him to be viewed in a negative spotlight by many people all over the country. There are people even outside of the United States who have heard about this controversial situation Kaepernick has been going through.
In the sports article, “49ers fans burn jerseys over player’s refusal to stand during anthem”, Washington Post states that a gesture from the 49ers quarterback prompted protests by San Francisco 49ers fans. Colin Kaepernick does not want to stand up for the flag ever again because of a country that subdues black people and people of color. People are supporting the refusal to stand during the anthem and others are disowning this cause. Secondly, the sports article states that his protests with America is making people think twice for what they truly believe in. Moreover, the article claims how a former teammate of Kaepernick is being supportive of his choices and the right to press his statement to the country. The author concludes by us people
Colin Kaepernick, San Francisco 49ers quarterback, started much controversy against America when he remained seated for the national anthem during a preseason game against the San Diego Chargers. Kaepernick seems to had developed an enmity against America. He feels that he and fellow African American athletes should not show patriotism to their country because of the unfair treatment their ancestors went through throughout history. Although Kaepernick does have a point about the racial discrimination colored people went through throughout American history, he still has no right to disrespect his country. Kaepernick himself is not black, he is white, but he is just drawing attention to himself.
Kaepernick's social media accounts have recently been centered on forwarding discussions on topics like race, religion, and politics. This brings out the worst in people as they hassle to prove they are right. He has been engaging debates about how Ryan Lochte got it easy when he shouldn't have and that it wasn't fair. Last month Kaepernick heated the debate when he wore socks during team practice representing police officers as pigs. He defended the socks saying the "rogue cops that are allowed to hold positions in police departments" are putting both community and "cops that have the right intentions" in danger.
The freedom of speech states “Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers." (Freedom of Speech, (n.d.). Kaepernick was not interfering with anyone’s life, inflicting pain or committing a crime towards someone else, this is important to keep in mind since he faces large consequences such as being kicked off the San Francisco 49ers. For the football player being hated amongst and suffering consequences, it means that his freedom of speech is being restricted. But the citizens of the U.S are also using their freedom of speech to showcase their opinions on the issue even though others may not agree. Which is very
The San Francisco 49ers backup quarterback, Colin Kaepernick has been at the center of attention for quite a while now. He is now known for his infamous kneeling or sitting during the National Anthem. He has received both positive and negative feedback regarding his actions. Some may view his actions as right and justifiable, but his actions show nothing but disrespect and a lack of patriotism.
In the article, “Football Players Act Of Protest During Anthem Has Fans Red-Hot”, By Washington Post but was adapted by Newsela Staff explains that many people are supporting but some people are very angry about his decision. During the article a reporter explains that if Colin is not keeping the rights of his teammates, then what is the problem. By stating this, he is saying there shouldn’t be a problem because I am not taking away the rights of others, I’m just explaining my feelings. Secondly the article also explains that his coach, Chip Kelly also supports his right to expressing his feelings. On the other hand, some people are disagreeing saying that if you don’t love our country, get out of it and move to canada. This detail explains
Players in the NFL must hate America, or at least that’s what some would say when talking about the issue of what players do during the national anthem. Early last year in 2016 a NFL player for the San Francisco 49ers, Colin Kapernick, decided to take a stand by sitting on the bench during the national anthem. His reason was to bring awareness to police brutality, specifically with African Americans, in the United States. As you know, most people stand during the national anthem to show respect for the flag, our country, and the people who fight for it. In realization of what it meant to sit during the national anthem, Colin Kapernick decided to make a compromise by kneeling instead of sitting. His point on awareness to police brutality was clear by kneeling, but it also shows more respect to the women and men in the military, than sitting. Many players, not just African American players, have followed this movement. NFL players have the right to peacefully protest in this form and should not be penalized. This movement is a peaceful protest to bring awareness to police brutality, a practical way to grab the attention of people, and is a movement spreading further than the NFL.
I also believe that he wanted justice for those innocent people who got killed. According to my source from the website “Business Insider”, some military or veterans support Colin Kaepernick’s decision and beliefs, that he’s doing the right thing. This is where many people would probably object that Colin Kaepernick influenced the people to do the same thing, on kneeling down during football games and other sports. Social media would certainly have an issue with the argument, that he was disrespecting the American Flag. Social media, of course, may want to question whether Colin Kaepernick should leave this country or abide to it. As stated in the article, “Donald Trump, the Republican candidate for president campaigning on a slogan implying America has ceased to be great and who broadsides against “political correctness” delight his fans, urged Kaepernick to leave the country for expressing the incorrect political views”. Why? Even though, everybody has a right to their own opinion. I respect Donald trump’s opinion but to say someone should leave the country because they are voicing their own opinion just doesn’t seem right to me. This is what America is known for, “freedom.” We have the freedom of speech and the freedom to do what we think is right. You can’t just tell a person to leave this country just because of his incorrect political views. We will always fight for the right to
The National Anthem is our country’s theme song and it is very highly respected throughout our great country. The Anthem talks about freedom, liberty, and justice for all and about how there are great men and women who risk their lives every day so our country can be free. So, when the Anthem is played at professional football games everyone stands and holds their hand over their heart and respects our flag and our Anthem because that is the least we can do to help support and show our respects to our soldiers and our great country. As many people can see, a lot of things are changing, and these changes started when Colin Kaepernick (Former Quarterback for the San Francisco 49ers, now a free agent) decided to take a knee instead of standing during the National Anthem in the 2016-17 season. Colin says he did this not to disrespect the soldiers and war veterans but, to bring awareness of the issues going on in our country. Colin said that he felt that our country is not free and justice is not done fairly. He believes there is too much Police brutality “there are people being murdered unjustly and not being held accountable”-Kaepernick. Also, he believes African Americans are treated and looked at differently and it has been that way in the past and it still hasn’t changed. Once Colin kneeled and said all the things he needed to get off his chest the world shook. African American people and professional athletes all over the world agreed with what he did. I’m not saying white people didn’t agree, but it was more African Americans that felt the same way Colin did and
After all the talk, some have determined Colin Kaepernick has rights, but that does not make him right for not standing during the national anthem. For some who may not know, Colin Kaepernick is a famous football player for the San Francisco 49ers. He recently refused to stand for the national anthem before his game in protest of what he deems are wrongdoings against African American in the United States.
On September 21st, Christine Brennan reported Colin Kaepernick’s refusal to stand while the national anthem was being played in National Public Radio’s (NPR) online portal (www.npr.org). All through the National Football League 's preseason matches, Colin Kaepernick, a quarterback for the San Francisco 49ers, refused to stand for the national anthem. He clarified that he took this stance to point out what he sees as wrongdoings against African-Americans and different minorities, especially with regards to certain atrocities in police activities. Kaepernick has stated he is showing support for the Black Lives Matter movement, which was sparked by a number of police killing innocent black people. When addressed by journalists after the first occasion when he did not stand for the national anthem, Kaepernick stated that, “he would not show respect or pride in a flag for a country that continues to oppress African Americans and people of color.” He added that this was much bigger than any game and that it would be selfish on his part to look away. He also claims that there were bodies lying on the streets and people were getting away with murder. I don’t think Brennan understands why he chose not to stand fully. I think this also could have led to more attacks from other writers and reporters that have been inform of his true reasoning. I do not think he was disrespecting the flag or people that fight for it, but just making a stance to get
That it segregation in the country. According to www.procon.org “Fans have been burning Kaepernick's jersey to show their distaste for his actions. One video of a jersey on fire posted on Facebook was captioned, "He says he's oppressed making $126 million. Well, Colin, here's my salute to you." This is showing segregation between the fans and Colin.
For many, speaking up for what you believe in can be difficult and risky, but ultimately worth the risk. Colin Kaepernick took this risk, by kneeling during the national anthem to stand up against “ police brutality and the inequality that people of color”(NFL). With many unjust shootings and police beatings of African Americans, Kaepernick’s teammate Eric Reid couldn’t stand the violence anymore after “the killing of Alton Sterling in my hometown Baton Rouge, La”(Reid). Reid joined Kaepernick in taking a knee during the national anthem, in doing this Kaepernick and Reid inspired other players to raise awareness and help those in need. This decision caused huge impacts on the nation, the NFL, and the youth who look up to the players of the NFL.
Everybody loves watching football right. The sound of the pads hitting, the crowd cheering, but this isn’t about the football game, it is about the song before the game that is the hot topic right now. During a 49ers football game, Colin Kaepernick sat down during the National Anthem and that got everybody stirred up. People fired against him on Social Media telling him to leave the country and how he hate the country, but that's not the reason why Colin sat out. He sat out because of a shooting of a black person that should have never been shot. After Colin sat out of the National Anthem, other National Football League (NFL) teams started doing it. Players would wait in the locker room or in the tunnel until the song was over. People should not have stand for the National Anthem during sporting events.