
Rhetorical Analysis Of Martin Luther King Jr.'s I Have A Dream Speech

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Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" speech is one of the most memorable in U.S. History. This speech in particular had a coherent vision for the blacks and other unrepresented individuals. Many people were touched by King's veridical words. The sound of his influential words inspired many to this day. The "I Have a Dream" speech had a massive impact due to the tense social mood of the time. The speech was delivered on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C., on August 28, 1963. Close to a quarter of a million people gathered to urge congress and President John F. Kennedy to pass a national civil rights bill. Every single person young or old was listening attentively to King's words. The Whites, Blacks, Catholics and other minorities that were there, undoubtedly supported Martin Luther King Jr. Every time he said something equitable the crowd began to roar and cheer intensely. King also used his preacher techniques during his speech. He raised his hand several times and made appropriate pauses, which entertained the audience even more. …show more content…

In his words there was a sign of hope that someday everybody would be seen as equal. His voice made people comprehend the reality of what was going on at that time. He not only touched black people but other ethnicities as well. The audience could instantly feel the sadness and grief in his words as he spoke. In just a few minutes, King swayed and influenced the hearts of many people about racial

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