
Rhetorical Analysis Of Washington's Farewell Address

Decent Essays

Washington uses specific timing in his speech to create a more effective, impactful address. His hope in delivering certain elements of his speech and the speech as a whole at a specific time is to make it more impactful on America so that it will leave a lasting impression on those who hear it. Washington released his speech at a time when it could be best-received by the American public. It was the last speech Washington delivered as president. Being the last speech Washington was to deliver, the Farewell Address inclined more Americans to listen to his persuasive essay (George Washington). Because Washington delivered the Farewell Address when he still held his role as President of the United States, the timing of the deliverance also added to Washington’s ethos. The presidency established Washington as a …show more content…

In this section of the speech Washington identifies American values like peace, safety, and happiness, and he commonalities shared between the American people. However, the second half of the address focuses on the threats the new country faces and how America can avoid them. This section of the speech identifies many dangers that potentially endanger America. Washington uses this specifically-timed tone shift to present his multiple views on America and its future. He spends an equal amount of time addressing each section of his speech, so the address contains an equal balance of his views. Finally, Washington’s speech contains warnings for America mentioned with careful timing to create a more effective, impactful address. In the address Washington alternates his warnings for America with other elements of his speech. Instead of listing the threats he perceives America is in danger of, he presents a warning and follows with a hope he has for the country or a fact about the country or advice he gives for the country’s

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