
Rhetorical Analysis Of What Is Your Life's Blueprint

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Do Not Limit Yourself In Martin Luther King Jr.'s speech, "What Is Your Life's Blueprint?," he constantly returns to the theme of being the best in what people set their minds to. His life values suggests that one could only be successful if one sets their mind to the best in what they do and remembers the value of everything in life. The first step to having a successful life plan is to always remember one's personal value. MLK Jr. suggested something similar and said, "Number one in your life's blueprint should be a deep belief in your own dignity, your own worth, and your own somebodiness" (219). He mainly circulates around keeping your self worth and not letting someone make one feel like they are not important. Remembering one's value …show more content…

Dr. King vocalizes, "... doors are opening are opening to each of you, doors of opportunity are opening to each of you that were not open to your mothers and fathers. And the great challenge facing you is to be ready to enter these doors as they open" (220). MLK Jr. was aware of the struggles that the kids were going through with approaching new opportunities. Hiding from open doors is not something you should do if you want to become successful. I personally have noticed this and now take every opportunity I am offered so I could be the best. The more opportunities that one takes advantage of, the more successful one becomes in the future. If someone just sits around and lets doors open and close in front of their eyes then that person is missing out on a lot which could give them a boost in the future. Take every single opportunity, they will never set you back they will just put you two steps ahead of everyone else in the years to …show more content…

Martin Luther King Jr. said, "You don't have to see the whole staircase in order to take the first step". One might use this quote and say people should not look into the future and be the best but instead they should focus on making progress instead. They might even say that there is no way to be the best at anything because there will always be room for improvement. Also a handful of people might believe that one does not need to find their identity before they become successful because they might believe that it is what you produce which makes you successful and not if one knows who they are internally. Many of the arguments I made for what is required in order to be successful are

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