He says She Says
Today everything that we see in all forms of media as an audience get persuaded so easily in the things that perk up our interest. What makes us critically think about material that is constantly fed to us? What makes an audience so strongly persuaded? In this essay it is shown from a rhetorical analysis point of view how effectively logos pathos and ethos are used in everyday propaganda techniques used in these three video segments given.
In the first video segment dilemma of Claudette Colvin and Rosa Parks by Comedy Central, the video uses strong points of Logos, in which more specifically Aristotle defines as “appealing to logic and reasoning”(Austin, 597.) For example, the video uses factual historical events and historical
Do traffic signals make a difference when drivers are conducting their vehicles? In U.K. the roads have less signs and are smaller roads than in the United States. The United States has great amounts of traffic signals and symbols all over the road to make the driver more aware. In the U.K. accidents do occur but not that often has in the United States. In the Unites States every second there is huge amounts of accidents going on over the nation. John Staddon in his magazine article “Distracting Miss Daisy” tries to persuade that traffic control is making traffic more dangerous because we do not pay attention to the road, but to the signals.
In their article, Students Step up to Lead Tech Implementation at Their Elementary School, Taryn Handlon and Tiffany Costa write about how TechXpert all started with an idea for prominent engagement. The Roosevelt Elementary School in Park Ridge, Illinois, had begun implementing new tools such as Chromebooks, Spheros, Dash and Dots, Cubelets, Snap Circuits, Osmos, Marble Mazes and a 3D printer to the classrooms, which highlighted the schools desire to collaborate technology with learning. This would not only transform the whole classroom environment, but also open the door for young students to explore computer science and technical engineering. The only issue seemed to be that teachers had no time to educate themselves on the tools and how
2) Logos involves winning your audience over with facts and using your opponent’s argument to your own advantage
When you see a solider in his or her uniform, you are proud that they are serving this country to protect our freedom, securing our country, and defending democracy worldwide. The solider can come from different branches of the Military. The one you might be familiar with is the U.S. Army. These soldiers are well respected and prepared to serve our country whenever and wherever needed, combat-ready at all times, and trained to counter any threat, anywhere. In 2007, the United States Army department published a recruitment ad for U.S.
In May of 1998, Kipland Kinkel brought a gun to his school. Over the course of two days this escalated from: being sent home, to murdering his father and mother, to murdering 2 students and wounding 26, earning a lifetime sentence of 111 years and 8 months in prison. In the court case being examined, the presiding judge addresses the original case, defendants ground for appeal, and the justification for the State’s decision to deny the appeal. Judge Haselton effectively uses ethos, logos, and pathos to support the Higher Court’s decision to deny the appeal because the original sentence was constitutional and just.
Stephanie Ericsson categorizes the many ways people lie on a daily basis. She uses a mixture of facts, quotes and opinions to capture the severity of telling a lie. Her article has enabled me to understand the thought process that goes behind telling a lie. She justifies minor lies by using ethos and stating that minor lies prevents hurt feelings and that it is normal to lie. Stephanie frequently asks rhetorical questions to make readers think of the matter at hand. She also uses anaphora to seem more relatable and understanding to her readers. I tell minor lies on a daily basis but I did not realize that there is so many different types of lies. i and many other people often rationalize with ourselves to make our lies seem less harmful when
Have you ever watched TV, or watched a commercial and said to your self “hmm this contains ethos, logos and pathos”, yeah me neither. Somehow they fit into our everyday life more than we know. Someone, somewhere will try to convince you of something usually by using the three rhetorical devices logos “or appealing to logic and reasoning”, pathos “appeals to emotion” and lastly ethos “persuasion by appeals to ethics”. (587)
Media has an increasing part in public life, provoking emotions and swaying opinions. The power of the media is played out using language which is specially designed to persuade; But it is through rhetoric; ethos, pathos and logos (especially logos and ethos) that it tries to earn some credibility. Webster’s meaning for ‘Rhetoric’ is the art of speaking or writing effectively. Considering this, the tools of rhetoric- ethos, pathos and logos can be seen in the media coverage surrounding the events of 9/11, the Vietnam War and the Beaconsfield Mine disaster. The media at the time of 9/11 swamped the masses and portrayed ethos, persuading the viewers of an American unity, that could not be crushed, no matter how evil the attack.
The authors capture the attention of the reader through an amalgamate of rhetorical patterns based on logos, ethos and pathos. Through reading these articles it is found that the writers predominantly use logos and pathos to put emphasis on their arguments. Specifically, logos is utilized to appeal to reason by repeatedly using data to uphold the arguments claims, while pathos appeals to the audience’s aptitude for compassion.
To some speakers and writers, propaganda is an evil instrument. The negative approaches make a part of the world think that propagandists hoodwink the population, use half-truths, lie, conceal and distort facts. Although there are many pessimistic perspectives, there are others who have a positive view and think especially of techniques, slogans, catchwords and other devices. They prefer effective language, the rhetoric way, to persuade the audience (Pan, 2012).
television advertisement companies, main intention is to captivate the audience in other to purchase their product that they are portraying. In this essay, I will be analyzing these two ads, “Whale” (Old Spice) and “Susan Glenn” (Axe). These ads are formulated to get their products noticed, along with sparking the interest of the other goods they may offer. Countless methods are used to convince the audience that’s being targeted to buy the product. Therefore, these ads are similar in its ability to gain the attention of their audiences by appealing to pathos. Through this essay I will analyze the rhetorical effects that help bring these commercials to life.
In Bj Gallagher’s article “Donald Trump Is the Epitome of Everything the World Detests -- And Admires -- About America”(Sep.2, 2015), She Implies the positive and negative attributes in Donald Trump, and whether you should vote for him or not. Gallagher first demonstrates by showing the negatives of Donald Trump and his “arrogance” in an article written by Paul Thomas; Gallagher then argued the positive, admirable side of him by comparing his life to one we would all like to live, and to conclude she suggests that Trump is a “fresh breath of air” for millions of Americans by demonstrate that he is unique compared to past presidential leaders. Her purpose is to surpass his brash ego in order to to show he is worth putting your trust in.
as the most effective form of persuasion. It is evident that logos best represents how an audience should be convinced, as seen in Amusing Ourselves to Death.
Lynn Everson’s (2014) presentation on prostitution and drug use within Spokane, was inspirational, and emphasized that all human beings are worthy of a healthy lifestyle, and deserve to be treated with care and respect. Everson works for the Needle Exchange program through Spokane Regional Healthy, and despite harsh criticism of the program she continues to be a strong ally, and advocate for the prostitutes and illegal drug users of Spokane. She has successfully connected to this population by providing unconditional support to those in need, and handing out free condoms and clean needles. Everson’s ultimate goal is to keep individuals healthy, and lower the risk of HIV and AIDS. The universal message is that individuals who are involved in prostitution and drug use, are human beings, and have the right to be safe in their daily lives, despite many individuals not believing this is a population that is worthy of rights.
Technology has really changed the lives of people both physically and mentally. It brings us the new experiences. Along with technology, communication has never become so easy. But the technology has certain downsides. It soon makes us change the meaning of the word "communication" to "connection". Sherry Turkle claims, "We live in a technological universe in which we are always communicating. And yet we have sacrificed conversation for mere connection.". And I agree. Sherry uses of logos isn't effective enough, but by using numerous other modes of persuasion, she makes me agree with her argument.