In a study of linguistic realizations of rhetorical structure and authorial stance performed by Dzung Pho (2008), the results indicate that a combination of certain linguistic features such as grammatical subjects, verb tense and voice can help distinguish moves in the abstract.
Hartley (1999) discusses structured abstracts in comparison to traditional ones. The analysis shows that the structured abstracts were significantly more readable, longer, and more informative than the traditional ones. Moreover, the contents of the structured abstracts are more quickly and with less difficulty than the traditional ones.
In a study, Bloor (2004) reports on research into the variation of texts across disciplines and considers the implications of this
One assignment I’ve done well on this year is the letter we wrote to Anne Northrup. In the letter we had to use primarily: ethos, pathos, and logos to convince Mrs.Northrup to do something we would like her to do. On this particular assignment, my improvement on using these rhetorical devices was evident. I chose to use this assignment as backing evidence for my improvement on the use of ethos, pathos, and logos, because this it contains the best evidence for me to do so. All the rhetorical devices I used were highly effective such as these: “Aren’t college owners rich enough already?” and “Would free college for all U.S. citizens hurt owners even in the slightest way?”.
Wild is the story of Cheryl Strayed and her solo hike on the Pacific Crest Trail. During this 1,100 mile journey from the Mojave Desert to the Bridge of the Gods in Washington, she comes to terms with her mother’s death, and becomes her own person. Much of the book is devoted to instances that occurred before she began to hike the trail, including the disintegration of her family, her affairs and eventual divorce, and her heroin addiction. She decides to hike the Pacific Crest Trail almost immediately after her husband discovers her infidelity and divorces her, despite the fact that they still love each other. She discovers early on that she is unprepared to hike the trail and almost quits, but she meets many people along the way who are willing to teach her and inspire her to keep going. She suffers many injuries, but she continues on, and along the way she makes her peace with her mother’s death and lets go of her anger and grief. Strayed relies heavily on several rhetorical strategies, but most specifically she focuses on chronology,
Analyzing Stylistic Choices helps you see the linguistic and rhetorical choices writers make to inform or convince readers.
Individualism is a habit of being self- reliant. A cultural value is a persons desired and preferred way of acting. Every culture has their own cultural values and individualism but whether individualism is their cultural value is up to the person entirely. This could pose a conflict when persuading the wrong culture especially a culture as diverse as the American culture. Poranee Sponsel is a born and raised Thai who is now a professor at a university in Hawaii and gives us the outsider’s perspective of the American culture. In Sponsel’s article “The Young, the Rich, and the Famous: Individualism as an American Cultural value” Sponsel
F-A-T. Fat, fat, fat. Usually this word has a bad connotation attached, linked, or embedded into it. Being fat shouldn’t be looked down upon or be ashamed of since F.A.T is a Freaking Amazing Thing. I believe we were all made differently with our own ways to flaunt or exude our natural beauty. You are uniquely you.
It's obvious to see that Saroo's brother, Montosh, suffers from a mental disability it is unclear of its exact diagnosis or what triggers his episodes, maybe prior mistreatment, but it causes him to physically harm himself. I believe that Chapter 2’s concepts of Attitude, Beliefs, and Values applies the most to his situation. Our attitude “is a learned predisposition to respond to a person, object, or idea in a favorable or unfavorable way” pg31, he can't seem to distinct or just according in his home after arrival. from the airport, he almost immediately goes into an episode 2 to either his confusion and his surroundings or the television itself. But even with his adoptive parents carefully tried to help him cope and deal with his episode he continues to
Authors who are not from the scientific community appear to be more assertive about their claims as compared to experts of the field. In the following rhetorical analysis, I explore the differences in original research articles tailored toward experts and pop science articles which target a general audience. The pop science article is, “Immune System, Unleashed by Cancer Therapies, Can Attack Organs”, written by Matt Richtel of the New York Times. I compare this with the original research article, “Checkpoint blockade cancer immunotherapy targets tumour-specific mutant antigens” by Gubin et al., published in Nature journal. Both articles talk about the cutting-edge research in the field of cancer immunotherapy. Cancer immunotherapy gets rid of tumors by using the body’s immune system to target cancer cells. Gubin et al.’s article uses genomics and bioinformatics to compare therapeutic synthetic long-peptide vaccines with the working of immunotherapy drugs. Richtel’s article discusses the
LGBT representation is a touchy subject, and Amy is one of the few brave enough to explore the topic. However, she left more than a few holes in her argument, biting off more than she could chew. Her position on the misrepresentation of bisexuals in TV was ineffective at persuading her audience, because of her lack of concrete evidence, misdirection of audiences, and contradictory statements.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), is a government website that provides information about various diseases, disabilities, disorders, etc.. The CDC provides multiple webpages about Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) that list and provide information about causes, treatments, variations, and signs/symptoms of the disorder. On their informative pages, they use rhetorical devices to better portray their message. The CDC effectively uses the three rhetorical devices, pathos, ethos, and logos, to reach their goal of informing their target audience and providing a clear perspective on Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder.
I listened to an older recording of a radio airing show. Rebecca, the host of the radio broadcasting show, arranged for Dr. Stephen Covey to share his theories and philosophies on a subject valued to him and many others. He communicated on the topic of having a family mission statement. He has published several books that also encourage the equivalent manner and viewpoint as his broadcast, one specifically is the book, Seven Habits of Highly Effective Families. Dr. Covey offers advice for helping to become better parents and raise more loving and closer families. He aims to convince his listeners that effective families need a family mission statement. He suggests how a family mission statement leads families to not
Thank you for the talk with me last week. I've come to realize that the matter at hand has nothing to do with JT or Donna, but with Pastor Edwards. I'm meeting with Morry Kemple this week to talk about concerns regarding leadership that the deacons need to address for our church to move forward. I ask that you pray for the situation and pray for me, that if there be any pretense in me, it will be brought forward. Thank
In the beginning of creation of humans, nature has always been there as a friend. Nature is the phenomena of the physical world that includes plants, animals, the landscape, and other features that are on earth. Nature has all of the wild and domestic living things. Ralph Waldo Emerson was an American poet that led the transcendentalist movement and influenced other through his ideas and thinking. Ralph wrote “Nature,” and he describes his true feelings toward nature and God and how they have taken part of what has been created and also the relationship to humans. Ralph Waldo Emerson writes the passage “Nature” and he uses comparison between humans and nature and also uses figurative language to convey his appreciation and gratitude for nature.
When people are in the process of getting treatments for ovarian cancer doctors recommend them to take clinical trials as an option.The purpose of this trial is to make sure that it’s safe,effective and better than the standard treatment.Doctors look for better way to treat this disease.All of the drugs that are approved by the FDA was tested in clinical trials.These trials help to learn more about the new drugs,new methods and new approaches to radiation and surgery.Anyone that does the trial will be the first to get a treatment before the public is able to.These is also no guarantee that the treatment will be safe,effective or better than the standard treatment.
Welcome campers back to The Science of Superpowers! Before beginning today’s activities, find the nearest phone booth, don your red cape and have campers share what they know about Superman. What superpowers does he have? Who is his alter ego? Add to the conversation by either reading directly from the Background Information or by ad-libbing in your own words. Then, challenge campers to name any other superhero or villain with the ability to fly as they prepare for the next activity.
Throughout time, women have been considered housewives and mothers. Not all women stayed home, throughout history women have worked, mainly clerical jobs, teaching, charity workers, and other less demanding physical work. It was never a new thing that women were in the work force, it was the impact the propaganda posters and WWII made on the women in that workforce. This propaganda poster; titled “We Can Do It” features a beautiful women with her arm flexed and she is in her work coveralls, above her it say “We can do it.” the author is J. Howard Miller, he uses pathos and ethos to inspire a social movement that increased the number of working women, and changed the face of the workforce.