
Rhetorical Triangle Essay

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Dylan Gampu 10/5/15 English Why the Rhetorical Triangle is Necessary When making a good burger, you need to have certain ingredients to make it taste more flavorful. You need to have a good sauce, a well cooked patty, fresh lettuce, and crisp buns. The same thing goes for when you’re writing a speech, you need certain pieces to make the speech effective and full of flavor. In this case, it would be Pathos, Ethos, and Logos, which define as giving emotions, credibility, and logic. Without these specific aspects, great examples like Martin Luther King Jr’s famous, “I Have a Dream” speech wouldn’t be one of the best in history. Certain speeches like Chief Joseph’s, “On Surrender to US Army”, Ben Chifley’s, “The Light on the Hill” speech, and Winston Churchill’s, “Blood, Toil, Tears, and Sweat” speech have specific strengths but are weak on …show more content…

He states, “I have had the privilege of leading the Labour Party for nearly four years.” (Chifley). In 1949, Labour Parties were not acknowledged till he spoke this speech that gave tribute to them. This part of the speech displays Ethos by showing his credibility since he was leading the Labour Party for four years which shows that he has experienced the hardships that the Labour Leaders go through. But, he also had a weakness in his speech regarding to logos. He stated, “the people who work within the Labour movement, people who lead, can never have an easy job. The job of the evangelist is never easy.” (Chifley). Although he mentioned that being a Labour Leader was not an easy job, he didn’t mention reasons why it wasn’t easy so his speech couldn’t accomplish a more solid and effective aspect to inform the audience that Labour Leaders were going through hard times. However, if Chifley had listed all the struggles that Labour Leaders went through, his speech would’ve been much more effective because of the Rhetorical

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