Emris Arthur English 126- Essay #3 Professor Dinsman 15TH May 2017 Conformism in Ionesco’s Rhinoceros This paper seeks to analyze Eugene Ionesco’s anxiety about the spread of fascism in society through conformity as highlighted in his play Rhinoceros, which was inspired by Ionesco’s personal experiences in the 1930s Romania. Using the theatre of absurd, Ionesco depicts the main character Berenger's struggle to maintain his identity and integrity as a human, when everyone else in his small town, even his best friend Jean and girlfriend Daisy conformed into animalism. In Rhinoceros, Berenger is portrayed as a care-free, passive, drunk that did not fit in with society. He complains to his best friend Jean about how bored he felt with his …show more content…
According to Maria Lupas in her “Early Resistance to Fasicism in Eugene Ionesco’s Interwar Romanian Journalism” “Ionesco made no secret that one of his personal dramas was witnessing his friends and family members succumb to the ideology of fascists Romania in the 1930’s” (p.74). Also John M. Valentine quote Ionesco’s in his piece “Kitsch and Absurd in Eugene Ionesco’s Rhinoceros “I have been very much struck by what one might call the current of opinion, by its rapid evolution, its power of contagion, which is that of a real epidemic. People allow themselves suddenly to be invaded by a new religion, a doctrine, a fanaticism…At such moments we witness a veritable mental mutation. I don’t know if you have noticed it, but when people no longer share your opinions, when you can no longer make yourself understood by them, one has the impression of being confronted with monsters – rhinos for example….They would kill you with the best of consciences” (p 56). Totalitarian systems such as fascism thus forces individuals to give up their intellect and transform from moral humans to violent animals. There are strong parallels between Ionesco’s own struggle and Berengers.
In my opinion, I do not think Wayne Williams would have gotten caught without Fiber Evidence. However, Wayne father testified stating that carpet squares used to link Wayne to the slaying of a young black man were not purchased until after the victim's body was found. Also, a defense fiber expert testifying that the fibers used to link the defendant to the slayings of two young blacks matched fibers taken from a lawyer's office and a fabric store. Wayne’s farther stated, while Wayne was home there was very little privacy at home and could not have done anything wrong there without his knowing it.
On April 25,1857 I Riley J Petersen found a species man has never seen before. I was off the coast of Australia, on an island called Tasmania. At first I thought I had stumbled across a pack of wild dogs, but as I got closer I realized that these are no dog.
Sabretooth Tigers are interesting animals they are carnivores and a theory that they went extinct in the tar pits along with Canis Lupis while hunting prey. A Sabretooth Tiger is in the family of the cats most closely related to lions and tigers. They are particularly known for their distinctive long teeth that were perfect for piecing flesh and cutting the most arteries. The Sabretooth tiger was one of the most known megafauna’ mammals of the Pleistocene epoch. (Staff)
Woolly Mammoths Woolly Mammoths physically differ from elephants, have lived in multiple environments due to migration, and became extinct due to climate change, humans and comets. Woolly Mammoths became extinct during the last ice age and there were many theories. One theory is because of climate change. Earth began to heat up so the world climate became to much for the Woolly Mammoths to handle because they live in conditions of a colder globe because climate change struggled to adapt to change condition and environment. Second theory is when the earth's temperature increased humans headed northward.
De-Extinction should happen because it helps the environment and their society get healthy from all the extinct animals. Bringing back extinct animals such as the Wooly Mammoth could help their environment. “woolly mammoth to reintroduce to the tundra. This could repopulate the area, encouraging the revival of ancient grasslands”. Having the Mammoth reintroduced would repopulate the area by animals and plants. “The Mammoth could slow the rate of melting permafrost and, therefore, reduce carbon emissions”. The Mammoth could slow down the rate of melting in the tundra because of how they act and because they are frozen solid in big ice blocks.
10 SHARKS YOU WON'T BELIEVE ACTUALLY EXIST Sharks are definitely a versatile group of sea predators with over 440 different species roaming the seas. Today, we present to you 10 odd shark species as a definite proof that sharks really do come in all shapes and sizes. #10 BASKING SHARK
The African Bush elephants are found in eastern and southern Africa. Some of the areas with the highest densities of the Bush elephant is: Tanzania, South African, Kenya, Botswana, Zimbabwe and Zambia. The African Bush elephant is terrestrial. The Bush elephant usually live in the grasslands, semi-deserts and the bush lands. They also clear out forest and turn them into more of grassland, by knocking down the trees. The climate that the Bush elephant normally lives in is dry and hot. Their thin hairs and ears help them stay cool. Another way that they stay cool is that their hides become more permeable in the heat. Scientists has performed research on 13 elephants (African and Asian), they measure the release of heat and moisture. What they have found was that their skin opens up at air temperatures as low at 10°C to 12°C, this is what allows them to perspire. Elephants are different than most mammals, that sweats through glands connected to pores, elephants only have pores between their toes. Elephants do not sweat (Phillips, 1992). By all of the skin being permeable they lose more
The LGBTQ community are living a life in danger in America. Regardless of the acceptance of same-sex marriage, there are a number problems the LGBTQ community have to face, like the many obstacles to acceptance and equality. In The New York Times article, “The Challenges That Remain for L.G.B.T. People After Marriage Ruling” by Liam Stack, he starts by building his validity with commendable points and reliable sources, quoting to persuading points and information, and effectively utilizing emotional appeals to persuade readers that the LGBTQ community are in danger. Stack sets about his work of persuading readers that was going on in the world is not acceptable by presenting strong logical and ethical appeals. In his writing he points out that
As referred to in “Zoologists and Wildlife biologists Ocupational” the median salary for a wildlife biologist is about $59,680 per year which is $28.69 hourly. The lowest ten percent earned less than $39,180, and the highest ten percent earned more than $97,390. According to “Salary:Wildlife Biologist” the average annual pay for the Johnstown area is about $42,061. Depending on where you work you will get paid a different amount. Overall Pennsylvania has an annual salary of $60,000 and and hourly pay of $28.85. West Virginia has an annual salary of $47,300 and $22.74 hourly. Connecticut has an annual salary of $91,240 and a hourly pay of $43.87("Zoologists And Wildlife Biologists :: Salaries"). You don't immediately get paid that amount of money. Depending on how long you have
Have you ever wondered what it’s like to be a Sumatran Tiger? Sumatran Tigers are very interesting and fascinating animals who are faced with very rough conditions every day.
"Nowadays the plays' meaning is usually blurred by the fact that the actor plays to the audiences hearts. The figures portrayed are foisted on the audience and are falsified in the process. Contrary to present custom they ought to be presented quite coldly, classically and objectively. For they are not matter for empathy; they are there to be understood and politely added
The flaws within the human condition engage audiences through the dramatic treatment of these flaws despite the transversal shift of time. The flaws in humanity offer an insight within the dramatic treatments of it. The works of Shakespeare’s The Tragedy of Othello the Moor of Venice continues to captivate audiences through time proving its relatability to today’s society just as it had been during to the Elizabethan audience. This is due to the relatability through the exploration of the universal flaws within humanity and the treatment of it through the themes racism and jealousy. The use of play techniques constructs a continuous engagement in audiences despite the contextual shifts of time.
Endangered species help to gauge the health of ecosystems and can help individuals become more conscious of their environments and conservation issues around the globe. In recent years, various species and subspecies of rhinoceros have become threatened, endangered, and even extinct. One such subspecies, which was not only endangered, but has been declared extinct inhabitat as of June 26, 2013, is Africa's Western black rhino (Lavina, 2013).
Peter Shaffer and Franz Kafka, the authors of Equus and Metamorphosis, reveal through their main characters’ struggles how society’s oppression causes a loss of identity. This oppression is caused by society’s obsession with what it believes to be normal and how society’s beliefs drive it to conform those who don’t fit its normal image. The two authors use their characters to symbolize the different views and judgments of society. And based on these judgments, the authors use two different types of oppression that cause different outcomes. Finally, this essay will reveal how the two authors use their characters to drain the protagonist’s identity to show society’s desire to conform.
When registering for this course, I had no idea what I was signing myself up for, nor did I know what the broad field of emergency management encompassed. Like several of my classmates, I was required to take another UNIV course for the spring semester. To be quite honest, I chose to enroll in this particular UNIV course simply because it was the only one that fit well with my schedule. I never imagined that I would get so much out of it and that I would be able to apply the material learned to my everyday life and future.