
Rhodomonas Research Paper

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, microalgae Isochrysis sp. had the highest growth rate grown at 27-300C. Temperatures that are above 300C were lethal for Cryptomonas sp.. The other three species, prymnesiophyte, Rhodomonas sp. and Chaetoceros sp., they are obviously have higher cell weight at harvest when cultured at highest temperature. Most of the microalgal species, the main chemical component is protein with lower amount of carbohydrate and lipid. Lower percentage of protein is observed when cells were cultured at the highest temperature. The optimum temperature range for the protein production in the Australian species was 27-300C. Isochrysis sp. had higher protein content when cultured at 25-270C. There is no apparent change of percentage of protein with the growth …show more content…

and Rhodomonas sp., cultured at 25 0C were the saturated fatty acid 16:0 and the polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) 18:3n-3 and 18:4n-3. Among the saturated fatty acids, there were clear linear relationships between temperature and percentages of the fatty acid 16:0 in Cryptomonas sp. and Rhodomonas …show more content…

and prymnesiophyte NT19, reached maximum growth rates at temperatures between 25 and 30 0C, with slower growth and decline in cell numbers at temperatures higher than 30 0C. Only Chaetoceros sp. has high temperature tolerant and can maintain its moderate growth at 33 and 350C. Chaetoceros sp. has the greatest cell density and greatest calculated biomass cultured at 300C. Australian microalgal species maintained at least 30% protein, regardless of growth temperature, but at temperatures above 30 0C, the percentage of protein decreased by 5% to 17% dry weight, depending on species. One species, Chaetoceros sp. had consistently high percentages of protein ranging from 64.1–47.3% dry weight, even at high culture temperatures.
Present study found small significant decreases in the production of lipid at higher growth temperatures in three species Chaetoceros sp., Rhodomonas sp. and prymnesiophyte NT19. Reduction in lipid production at extremes of low and high temperature has been reported and suggested that the high temperature effect was due to cessation of growth at extreme

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