, microalgae Isochrysis sp. had the highest growth rate grown at 27-300C. Temperatures that are above 300C were lethal for Cryptomonas sp.. The other three species, prymnesiophyte, Rhodomonas sp. and Chaetoceros sp., they are obviously have higher cell weight at harvest when cultured at highest temperature. Most of the microalgal species, the main chemical component is protein with lower amount of carbohydrate and lipid. Lower percentage of protein is observed when cells were cultured at the highest temperature. The optimum temperature range for the protein production in the Australian species was 27-300C. Isochrysis sp. had higher protein content when cultured at 25-270C. There is no apparent change of percentage of protein with the growth …show more content…
and Rhodomonas sp., cultured at 25 0C were the saturated fatty acid 16:0 and the polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) 18:3n-3 and 18:4n-3. Among the saturated fatty acids, there were clear linear relationships between temperature and percentages of the fatty acid 16:0 in Cryptomonas sp. and Rhodomonas …show more content…
and prymnesiophyte NT19, reached maximum growth rates at temperatures between 25 and 30 0C, with slower growth and decline in cell numbers at temperatures higher than 30 0C. Only Chaetoceros sp. has high temperature tolerant and can maintain its moderate growth at 33 and 350C. Chaetoceros sp. has the greatest cell density and greatest calculated biomass cultured at 300C. Australian microalgal species maintained at least 30% protein, regardless of growth temperature, but at temperatures above 30 0C, the percentage of protein decreased by 5% to 17% dry weight, depending on species. One species, Chaetoceros sp. had consistently high percentages of protein ranging from 64.1–47.3% dry weight, even at high culture temperatures.
Present study found small significant decreases in the production of lipid at higher growth temperatures in three species Chaetoceros sp., Rhodomonas sp. and prymnesiophyte NT19. Reduction in lipid production at extremes of low and high temperature has been reported and suggested that the high temperature effect was due to cessation of growth at extreme
The temperatures tested were 4°C, 30 °C, and 60°C. The optimal growth and prodigiosin production
As the AFL adapts to the constant introduction of new and improved technology, SmartBall presents the idea of inserting a microchip or miniature e-tag inside footballs, which allows coaches and fitness staff to monitor the ball movement of players in game situations.
The conditions needed for the growth of micro-organisms are: Micro - organisms need food to survive. They like high protein food to survive, eg. Poultry & fish. Most micro - organisms need warmth & grow best at 20-40c. They need moisture to multiply. They need air to multiply, though some can without. A single Micro-organism becomes two every twenty minutes.
The organism studied in these experiments was the Spinacia oleracea that was obtained from a local grocery store in Lincoln Nebraska. One experiment that was conducted was used to determine the rate of oxygen production of Spinacia oleracea in the dark. Another experiment conducted was used to determine the effect of light intensity on the net photosynthetic rate of a Spinacia oleracea. The effect of light wavelength on the net photosynthetic rate of a Spinacia oleracea was also conducted and observed. The last experiment conducted was conducted to identify the pigments in Spinacia oleracea in order to determine its chloroplast chromatography.
The aim of this experiment was to see how temperature affected the rate of fermentation. To test this a yeast and glucose solution was submerged in water baths with the temperatures of 20oC, 30oC and 40oC. The test was left over night to gain optimum results. The rate of fermentation was measured by the amount of carbon dioxide produced. It was believed that the solution submerged in the 40oC water bath would produce the most carbon dioxide and therefore ferment the fastest. Results showed that the hypothesis was correct as after 25 hours the solution submerged in the 40oC water bath had produced the most carbon dioxide.
Chlorophyll-a is a specific form of Chlorophyll, used in oxygenic photosynthesis. Measurement and determination of this parameter are the basic analysis to evaluate the characteristics of algae blooms in many research works in the world. Unfortunately, Chlorophyll-a represents just the whole quantity of photosynthesis pigment released from all algae and micro-plants present in water, hence it cannot help to distinguish cyanobacteria existence among all living micro plants and algae in the waterbody. To be able to define and confirm the existence of Cyanobacteria species in the composition of aquatic microalgae, another pigment form, Phycocyanin, is used. Phycocyanin is the pigment, which differs cyanobacteria species from another planktonic species, and could give us a real picture of quantity of cyanobacterial genera in the water. Phycocyanin is actually a pigment-protein complex from the light-harvesting phycobiliprotein family, along with allophycocyanin and phycoerythrin. It is considered as an accessory pigment to
The optimum growth temperature of most species of bacteria is at body temperature, approximately 37 ᵒC, while some bacteria reproduce best at high temperatures 2. Some of the nutritional requirements are sources of carbon and nitrogen, water, minerals, vitamins, and organic and inorganic compounds3. When bacteria are grown in laboratories, culture media are sterilized and contain the substances required for the growth
like slightly lower vegetative temps. but not LOW. The range of temps in my home, have grown mexicana, tampanensis, cubensis, and the Cops. Any subtropical shroom will produce in a relatively broad range of temps.
Fermentation- Required bacteria is grown at at 30°C in a stream of air in a mineral medium with glucose as a carbon-source. As a result, the cells multiply after 24 hours and reach a higher cell density. This is known as
Normally it grows exponentially in areas with a small amount of or no oxygen, alternatively, it can also grow and live in oxygen rich areas, therefore making it a facultative organism Its preferred temperature for growth is 37 degrees Celsius, which is body temperature.
William Golding, the author of Lord of The Flies, included adults for only a brief time throughout the novel, playing only a minor role at the end. The absence of adults exemplifies how children require the structure and guidance that only parents can provide, this can be seen how nations newly freed from the British Empire’s control would be better off under English colonial power to survive and maintain order before deteriorating into anarchy.
Such conditions for these plants are things such as temperature and distance from a grow light. According to the pamphlet that comes with Wisconsin Fast Plants, the optimum temperature for the plants is twenty-two to twenty-eight degrees centigrade. There
In colder climates plants need to have a higher amount of unsaturated fats to keep the cell membrane from freezing solid. If the plants in cold climates only had saturated fats their cell membrane would freeze solid. This would not allow any important substances to enter or leave the cell membrane, and the
Although fungi are distributed worldwide, the distribution of a specific species is limited by temperature and moisture conditions of an area coupled with the available food supply. The best temperature for most fungi to thrive is from 68° to 86°F (20° to 30°C). Some types of fungi, however, do perfectly well at tem- peratures as high as 120°F (48°C), while a fairly large number of them do well at freezing temperatures, 32°F (0°C) or below.
The citizens of the United States of America, under a constitutional democracy, are being ruled by a government with the key political values of liberty, equality, and democracy. While the American government is limited in what it can control and how it uses that control, struggles have risen and there have been conflicts that have continued throughout time and into our present stem from the inconsistencies surrounding leadership, structure, and the policies of government and the way, at times, one or more of these values are sustained, leaving the remaining of these values nullified.