
Richard III Good Vs Evil

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Have you ever read or watched a shakespeare play? Richard III to be exact? Ever wonder if Richard III actually did all those gruesome things in the play, or if Shakespeare was exaggerating his personality and character in general? Well studies have proven that in fact Richard III has some backstory to it, and all of it is not miserable. Shakespeare has in fact overstated Richard III as a person in general by the features, horrible deeds, and evilness. Some of Richard III’s physical features in the play are in fact exaggerated. In the article “Richard III’s spine was twisted not hunched.” it states, “When Shakespeare wrote of Richard III as a "bunch back'd toad," he didn't have the benefit of actually seeing the king, who had died in the previous century.”(Landau). Considering that Shakespeare didn’t see Richard’s bones in person, he probably went to search for sources that were around during his time and since they didn’t have much about the king around that time Shakespeare probably went for the first source that he found. Another quote to support my argument …show more content…

Even if he did all of the horrible deeds in the play, his heart wasn’t 100% evil. Evidence to support that is the article “Adapted from the Brief Biography and Introduction to Richard's Reputation.” it asserts,”“King Richard worked to reform the legal system of England, supported the poor of England and he founded the College of Arms, to train knights.”(Moorhen). As I said earlier if he was a true “evil” person then why did Richard support the poor of England and found a College of Arms? Also, in the same article it also has another quote that inserts,“Tudor quickly realized that he needed to build up his own reputation and make King Richard III look like a wicked tyrant.” (Moorhen) This makes sense because Richard didn’t have a lot of backstory that the people knew about him, so it makes it more easier to make up lies and seem that it’s

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