
Richard Rorty Essay

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• Richard Rorty is an American philosopher who believed in the anti-foundationalist philosophy. Anti-foundationalism teaches that there is no equation for inquiry or knowledge. There are no rational steps to answer life’s questions. Instead Richard Rorty believes, one should ask, “what makes ones future better”. In Rorty’s work, Democracy and Philosophy, he outlines the differences between democrats and republicans and how religion is interpreted between the two parties. With regard to religion he sees republicans as not only shying away from religion, but making it the core of their values. He says republicans have an eighteenth century view on religion and how it relates to the government. Saying they see the United States as being founded on the idea that one can be free to practice any religion, however Christianity still should and does remain the core religion America was founded on; this according to republicans as seen through the eyes of Richard Rorty. In contrast, on the topic of …show more content…

He sees philosophy as playing a very small role in today’s politics, even going so far as to say that politicians and intellectuals of our time from western culture know little in the way of philosophy. He goes on to describe the difference in views between the republicans and democrats view of democracy. He says that republicans define democracy as government which is structured on freely elected individuals. On the other hand Rorty sees democracy defined by the democrats as opportunity for everyone and making wealth attainable for anyone who is willing and able to work for it. He seems to believe that democrats are more empathetic to the struggle of those who are less fortunate. While the republicans are viewed as those who believe no person should get a handout; which in their view happens when government

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