
Rifle Permit Application

Satisfactory Essays

New York Rifle Shotgun Permit Application
Form PD 641-040, New York Rifle Shotgun Permit Application is an instrument intended to facilitate the procurement of a rifle/shotgun within the jurisdiction of New York State. Complete the application with black/blue ink duly typed or printed. Submit four photos and other supporting documents along with the application for further processing at Rifle/Shotgun Section, Kew Gardens, New York. Separate fee remittance of $140 and $91.50 is necessary. Carrying SSN card is mandatory during the filing of the application. Fill form PD 641-030, PD 641-040A, Arrest Information, 38 RCNY 5-33, Affidavit of Co-Habitant, and Acknowledgement of Person Agreeing to Safeguard Firearm(s) along with the form PD 641-040 …show more content…

Insert date after your signature if you marked yes in response to question number 1 in Form PD 641-040, New York Rifle Shotgun Permit Application. Complete the form with the date, sign, and seal by the Notary Public.

38 RCNY 5-33 Affirmation Of Familiarity With Rules And Law
Form 38 RCNY 5-33 Affirmation of Familiarity With Rules and Law seeks the input of the license number, date, signature, and printed name.

Affidavit of Co-Habitant
Type a name for the county followed by the name and address of the affidavit maker on the respective spaces. Continue by entering the name of the applicant, relationship with the applicant along with home, work, and cell phone numbers. Sign before Notary Public followed by the inputs like date, seal, and signature of Notary Public.

Acknowledgement of Person Agreeing to Safeguard Firearm(s)
Start by entering applicant / licensee name and application / license number. Print your last, first, and middle name followed by address, number and street name, apartment, city, state, and zip code. Insert home, cell, and work phone numbers on the next line. Print your name, followed by your signature and date in acceptance of Acknowledgement of Person Agreeing to Safeguard Firearm(s). Name and signature of a witness are required to complete the

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