
Right Plac Smoking In America

Decent Essays

It’s a Monday morning, during October, in New York City, the sky is clear and it is perfect jacket weather. As the birds begin their songs; a group of school girls takes a stroll through the park led by their teacher. They begin their walk greeting everyone they see with a smile. As they sit on an open grassy area, filled with plenty of crunchy leaves. They take a moment to observe all that is happening in the park. The girls see old men sitting at chess tables about to begin their game, children piling up dead leaves and hurling themselves in the piles, and couples preparing lovely morning picnics. After a while, one girl gets a whiff of something peculiar from the right side of the school group. Turning to the side, the class spots a middle-aged business woman who has decided that five feet downwind from a group of young girls was the right …show more content…

Many people in America have some kind of respiratory illness such as asthma. These asthmatics wheeze at the sheer idea of someone smoking. Swearing that they have developed a sixth sense, they can detect smoke from a mile away, immediately knowing which direction to avoid. Secondhand smoke affects everyone, especially the people who want nothing to do with it. Countless mere bystanders die each year from secondhand smoke not being able to do anything to prevent it other that becoming a hermit or wearing a hazard suit at all times. Not to mention what it does to the health of the smoker, lung cancer, caused by smoking, has been a leading cause of death in America for years. A multitude of different diseases go along with smoking and using tobacco other products including gum disease, yellowing of finger and toenails, rotting teeth, and heart disease. Is this the world favorable to live in? Horrifyingly enough, the world exhibits this now. Putting a ban on smoking will protect the common

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