
Rights Of Man Thomas Paine Summary

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“…people from different nations, accustomed to different forms and habits of government, speaking different languages… brought into cordial unison.” In Rights of Man, Thomas Paine characterizes America in the late eighteenth century. However, Paine’s characterization of America in 1791 is mostly different than what it is in today’s society. However, some of his claims are still true today. Paine states that there aren’t really any major differences among the social classes. “There, the poor are not oppressed, the rich are not privileged…” In today’s society, the lower and the upper class are very distinct from one another. The upper classes are treated better and have better privileges than the lower classes. Celebrities today are making millions of dollars and able to travel the world and afford luxurious items. The Kardashian family recently spent a few weeks in Thailand and they were able to afford to rent the entire Iniala Beach Resort, which is a few thousand dollars per night. Whereas, the lower class are barely lucky enough to own a cell phone and provide for basic needs. In Tampa, I witness many homeless people living off the side of the road on …show more content…

“…people from different nations …speaking different languages…” America is like a giant melting pot. Many people from different countries immigrate to America for a better life. Some of these immigrants speak English while the others speak a foreign language. For example, my grandparents migrated from Thailand and didn’t speak fluent English. Now, they are United States citizens and speak fluent English. They were able to fit in with American society and have jobs that aren’t minimum wage. Also, in Tampa, you can find a temple, mosque, and church that coexist relatively near each other without any religious tensions like in some countries. This just shows how everyone in America can come together in

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