
Rihanna And Micky Ekko's Song Stay

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Rihanna has always been an incredible singer. She always sings beautiful, even if she is singing with someone else. “Stay” is probably one of her songs that has the most message. In the song “Stay” it was emotional, significant and well written.
In Rihanna and Micky Ekko’s hit song “Stay,” there is a lot of emotions throughout the song. One of the emotions is sadness. It seems like she is missing someone that is not there anymore. Another emotion is anger. When the song says “I threw my hands in the air, said, ‘Show me something’, it seems like Rihanna and someone are in a fight about something. Rihanna and Micky Ekko did a very good job at singing this song and giving a message. This song could also be about how someone that is addicted to drugs and cannot get off of them. In the song she sings, “All along it was a fever/ A cold sweat, hot-headed believer.” That line could mean that someone got addicted and now they are trying to come off the addiction. …show more content…

In the song it seems like someone is battling with drug addiction. A lot of people in today’s society struggle with drug addiction too. In the song it sounds like it is very hard to come off of drugs and in real life that is the case too. She sings about missing someone, in the song, like they broke up or something like that. Everyone is always going to miss someone even after a break-up. I do not think this song relates to me in a way because I have not been on drugs or been addicted to them. But in another way I think it does because everyone always misses someone at some point in their

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