My experience at Ripon College Communication and Crime Conference was educating, fun and interesting. I learned things that I didn't know before. During the Legal Consequences 16, 17, 18 I learned things about drinking and how you can't drive your friends home because if you got pulled over you would get fined because you are the one driving people that are intoxicated and underage which is against the law. Even though you were trying to be the good friend and responsible it's not the right thing to do. Also, I learned about the different levels of how you can be charged with crimes. There are many different kinds including felony which is one year or longer in jail, and a misdemeanor which is less than a year in jail. When you are 15 you can also be charged as an adult and be put in prison rather than juvey depending on what the judge decides. Another session I found interesting was High School Groups: Ins and Outs. In this session, I learned that there are many types of groups people can …show more content…
The speakers did not have a clear topic. In my group, we just kinda sat there. For me, I didn't learn anything from this session besides what Tyrannizing Image means. The ideal picture you have of a perfect person that you want to be and that person may do things just to make then ¨cool¨ or ¨popular¨ in school. For example, going to parties, doing drugs, skipping class, or disobeying your parents. I feel that the speakers were trying to get their point across by giving us real life examples and having us participate in the activities. I would recommend this conference to other students because it drew attention to problems in our society that we may be aware of but they made it more clear of what they were. My favorite part was lunch. They had a whole bunch of varieties you could choose from. The speakers were all very friendly and I felt like I could ask them questions or talk to them about
Overall the conference was great but there was one con. There was a guy who was such a douche excuse my language, but just the way he carried himself had some things he said, for instance "I don't mind being a token black guy at a firm".
Resources: Ch. 5 & 8 of Working In Groups and the Week 3 videos, "Planning a Playground" and "Politics of Sociology"
There where many support groups that were very interesting, but I chose Coalition for Kids. Coalition for Kids is where children are able to come together and fellowship. However, this support group would be considered under the small group category. According to Hutchison (2015), "A small group is two or more individuals interacting with one another based on similar interests, goals, experiences, and need" (p.385). These types of groups are very beneficial because of how they provide socialization to children, self-worth, conversation, group support, and similarity. Also, there are older children who come to Coalition for Kids after school, while in the group circle they share how their day is going, provide prayer request or special thoughts,
Mrs. McIntyre spoke very well but a few things she said stuck with me. She talked about how many commercials have everyday animals and objects that are now speaking. The keynote speaker was trying to say that we need to step our game up in society because everyday things are now
Seeing people benefit from group sessions inspires and give hope to the newbies. Universality: Teens who are aging out of the foster care system who attend group meetings will be able to share their experiences with their peers in a safe environment. Hopefully peers can relate to each other and learn that this is a universal issue and that they are not alone. Imparting Information: Is when the group members are able to aid each other through their conversations. Altruism: Is when group members gain self-confidence and self esteem by sharing strengths and life experiences with the rest of
During this semester, we were asked to attend different groups. This was to see how they were conducted, who could attend, and the purpose of the group. I found this to be challenging, in our area, due to the lack of groups offered or provided. I attended Catholic Mass, Catholic Community Meeting, Nar-Anon, Human Trafficking Seminar, and an on line marriage counseling group. I found each of these to be very interesting and informative; however, I found Nar-Anon to be the one that I fit in the best.
Overall, I thought that this conference was well presented to us and it had very interesting stuff that I didn’t even know before. I also thought that our speaker was very passionate about the subject which was a good thing and a bad thing at times during
I enjoyed the meeting a lot because the AA members were very humorous while exposing their experiences and that is how the conversations took place. They did not look ashamed or mad at themselves for being alcoholics, they opened their souls one to another
This presentation tied in well with the book “Dude you’re a Fag”. It made me think about the GSA girls and when they wore the t-shirts saying that they were lesbian even though they were told to take them off, they still made a point and people noticed. In a way this is protesting about that it is okay for people to be of a different sexuality. Also another example would be when the girls wore tuxes to prom and/or them wear a tie or bow with their outfits, they were challenging the gender norms and people noticed, even though most didn’t agree with
When I saw this topic on the schedule, I honestly was not sure what it was about and that intrigued me. The title “organizing and winning” had me very interested, so I decided to attend this event, not knowing what exactly I would be learning. Because there were so few who attended this specific event, this presentation was more of a discussion. There were 3 students and a few other staff members. The man who was in charge of this event was a younger male with a “Unite Here!” sweatshirt on and when I walked in I was interested as to what that meant; I soon realized what it stood for. This presentation was about the unionization of workers in the workplace. Being more of a discussion, he opened with introductions and then asked us who we were
It was a great experience to withhold my fear of speaking in public or recording my own voice. The only way for me to be able to deliver a speech without stumbling with my words is to choose a topic I can relate
The book talk presentations were very good. I liked the entire idea of it, how we were exposed to various genres and storylines. The book selections were very good, and the way people organized their presentations makes me want to read every single book. But out of all of the books, one book stood out to me.
I was a disappointed in the workshop. I felt like she told basic information and talked about things that had nothing to do with organization. It wasn’t significant to me, yet would be important to somebody that knows nothing about organization. I would attend another workshop in the event that it was something I knew nothing about the
Honestly before the event i was not very nervous. One would probably quite often say the opposite, but i have experience with the subject. Someone i am very close to ran a group in college for victims of rape. This has made me very sensitive to the subject, but also very aware of it. I was curious though, what exactly was meant by rape culture. before the event i was wondering about that and the only conclusion i came to was that rape culture is essentially a sub culture in our society that makes the victimization, and objectification of woman alright, It was deplorable to think of, but given the society that we live in, that was also the most rational conclusion i could come to. During the event i was a little disappointed. It was not very powerful. It was mainly just a slideshow of facts. While it was very well put together, and the woman presenting did do a good job, it just didn 't trigger emotion in me. Going into the event i was hoping it would be similar to the trans event i attended earlier in the day. That panel really helped me understand what being trans is. I understand the nature of being a survivor of a sex crime such as rape has a much higher burden than almost anything in the states, but i deep down was hoping for a panel. After the even though when i collected my thoughts i really learned some jarring facts. I made a point to speak with the woman who hosted
For this presentation, the content was solid. It was nice to know that this cast is trying something different with the audience that they are trying to reach. Urban millennials being that demographic since you “don’t see much of them.” On top of that the series was filled in Philadelphia. I also liked the remark Christina shared in relation to how she came up with the name “ Single &