
Rise Of A Social Class

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Before this class I never gave a second to think about how and why people decide where to live. I thought people went looking for houses and bought the house they liked. I didn’t know all the other factors that went into finding a place to live. But truthfully I didn’t really care. I now believe the interaction of economic development strategies and spatial form in urban environments comes down to three things. It comes down to appealing to different people and cultures, segregation and inequality, and the three T’s of development (technology, talent, and tolerance). In order to have a successful and functioning city there needs to be people. With that being said, cities need to appeal to different people and look at how they can …show more content…

“Large cities and metros have distinct advantages when it comes to attracting high-skill people, high-tech jobs, and other economic assets in more global knowledge-based economies” (Florida 363). That statement tells us that cities are interested in one type of people and if you don’t fit into that category they don’t care where you end up. Along with that, Richard Florida in The Rise Of The Creative Class said, where the creative class is larger there tends to be higher levels of happiness. On the opposite spectrum where the working class is larger happiness levels tend to drop. It explains why those groups stay segregated and don’t intermix. The creative class and the working class aren’t the only groups who don’t intermix. “…whites lived in neighborhoods with a median income over $54,000, blacks and Latinos lived in neighborhoods where the median income was roughly a third lower” (Sampson 294). Certain races are segregated into certain communities and certain work districts. Along with that, people who live in the same area feel more comfortable around each other. People live by others who are similar to their selves except in commercial areas. In commercial areas all classes are intermixed except for the poor. In the industrial areas the working class live and work downtown and the rich live in the suburbs. It is similar for the corporate areas except the rich live in the …show more content…

The 3T’s include: technology, talent and tolerance. According to Richard Florida in The Rise Of The Creative Class, the 3T’s explain why cities fail to grow and it also explains why certain places haven’t been open to attract and keep top creative talent. “Economists agree that technology is key to growth…advances in technology are what enable capitalism to constantly revolutionize itself” (Florida 229). Richard Florida also mentions the creative class is positively correlated with the high-tech industry, and the correlations with the working class are negative. Technology already separates the creative class and working class. The next T is talent. “Economists agree that skilled, ambitious, educated, and entrepreneurial people…are a central force in economic progress” (Florida 231). He goes on to talk about how there is a correlation between the creative class, the talent index, and high-tech companies of innovations. The last T is tolerance. “New ideas are generated most efficiently in places where different cognitive styles are tolerated” (Florida 232). Tolerance is opening this up to being more diverse and not being so separated. Richard Florida ties all three of these together in saying “The places that are most open to new ideas and that attract talented and creative people from across the globe broaden both their technology and talent

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