
Rise Of Violent Crime

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Overall violent crime and property offenses declined slightly last year across much of the country, continuing a downward trajectory even as some communities battled disparate surges in violence, according to a new FBI report. Robbery recorded the largest decline at 5.6%, and murder was down 0.5% in 2014, but rape and aggravated assault ticked up 2.4% and 2%, respectively, the report found. Property offenses dropped in each category: Burglary was down 10.5%, larceny-theft declined by nearly 3% and vehicle thefts declined by 1.5%. Long one of the most contentious parts of the annual FBI crime report has been its count of civilians killed by police. That count, averaging about 400 per year, has been criticized as inaccurate as it is drawn only …show more content…

households. In 2012, for the second consecutive year, violent and property crime rates increased for U.S. resident’s age 12 or older, according to the Bureau of Justice Statistics’ (BJS) National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS). The overall violent crime rate (which includes rape or sexual assault, robbery, aggravated and simple assault) rose from 22.6 victimizations per 1,000 persons in 2011 to 26.1 in 2012. The problem is that the majority of crime (approximately half of violent crimes and 40 percent of property crimes) are not reported to law enforcement agencies. Crimes are not reported because victims see the event as a personal matter (a fight between friends or family members) or a theft that the victim considers minor or the victim’s belief that law enforcement cannot resolve the issue (a theft where the likelihood of getting property back or resulting in the arrest of the offender is unlikely). To deal with the crime reporting issue, the Office of Justice Programs, Bureau of Justice Statistics, under the US Department of Justice created the National Crime Survey. The National Crime Survey collects data from households and individuals (similar to the Census Bureau) to get a picture of total …show more content…

The purpose of this section on our website is to help individuals, family members, therapists and researchers better understand this common psychological issue by continually providing an updated reference to a variety of published psychological studies (most current first), with a brief summary of Findings or conclusions, when available. In addition, NASP has posted and will continually post on its website, a variety of articles on shoplifting which you can read by clicking on “Articles” in this National Learning and Resource Center. Most of us can't imagine how someone could unintentionally place 3 or 4 items in a bag, forget or become distracted, and walk out of the store without paying. It is possible the person caught is lying simply because he or she got caught and wants to avoid getting in trouble, or they are thumbing their nose at the rules of society. But it could be they are lying because they are so full of shame they will say anything to avoid total humiliation. As clinicians working with individuals with compulsive stealing behaviors it is our job to listen, inquire and evaluate how a patient describes what happened at the store prior to, during, and at the moment of arrest during the stealing

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