
Rise of Bangladesh’s Textile Trade Essay examples

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CASE 3: Rise of Bangladesh’s Textile Trade Zlatko (Zac) Simjanovski MBA 727-03 (FA12) Professor WS November 17, 2012 Table of Content Introduction............................................................................................................................3 General description of Bangladeshi Textile Industry............................................................3 Central issue of the case analyses .........................................................................................3 Industry's goals overview .....................................................................................................4 Constraints of the …show more content…

Thus, for the Bangladeshi textile industry that meanshigher comparative advantage and move towards the free trade business methodology and positive-sum game.I trust that another contribution to this development was the approach of the Western countries by weighting carefully the growth of China and attempt to balance andspread the risk of source of supply dependency from China. That benefited Bangladesh to move forward with increased supply of their product to the well developed countries of West Europe, Canada and United States. Industry's goals overview I think the major goal of this industry is to create not just comparative advantage but also competitive advantage on a global scale and at the same time largely will contribute to combat the extreme poverty and hunger in Bangladesh. This stimulates economic growth and move towards the marked based economic system (privatization, deregulation, improving the legal system and protect the private property).As part of the above the goal in the textile industry isto move from command economy to market economy and this is evident with the Privatization process of the textile businesses and encouraging the entrepreneurship and investments in technology within the industry. In addition, stimulating businesses that will decrease the import of raw materials and the same will lower the transaction cost and dependency from

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