Executive summary
Risk management associated with foreign currencies has always been an issue and a challenging task for multinational companies. A firm 's economic exposure to the exchange rate is the impact on net cash flow caused by the effect incurred in the exchange rate. Recently many financial instruments are being used by these firms to avoid the financial loss that can be the outcome of risky transactions. This paper aims to present a specific strategy using currency options to reduce foreign exchange risk in order to better manage it.
The research results highlight the implications of the movement in exchange rate in the context of the transaction process and present a financial instrument to effectively manage this risk. More
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Changes in the valuation of currencies create a form of risk widely known as currency risk. These changes can result in unpredictable gains or losses when the profits or dividends from an investment are converted from the foreign currency into domestic currency. To offset any currency-related gains or losses Firms use hedges and especially derivatives for an increased flexibility. Derivatives are both used for hedging against an undesired event and speculation for higher profit.
This paper considers risk management for multinational companies, focusing on exchange rate risk management using currency options. It takes analysis from past work of previous authors on risk management and the use of currency options in an international market.
The purpose of this paper is to explain and show possible different scenarios than can occur when trading in an international market by conducting a detailed research of the exchange risk management process at a single multinational company. ABC plc, the case company is a large British multinational, trading in the commodities market.
Literature review
Globalization has pushed more and more companies to establish themselves as multinational corporations, and indeed it can also be said that if they do not go into these new markets, then their competitors most probably will. In their attempts to reach their goal of introducing new products and services, increase profitability in foreign markets and lead the
The Balance of Payments in India mainly relies on services exports, remittances and the course capital flows, both foreign direct investments (FDI) and FII. It is very essential that all market participants, such as banks and other intermediaries be provided with the wherewithal so that they can undertake a risk management in a way that is scientific. One of the ways to access domestic, foreign exchange markets is to hedge on the underlying foreign exchange exposures. In addition, the facilities that are available as the booking of forward contracts were included in the domestic forex market in order to evolve and acquire volumes and depth (Sumanth, 2012). Some of the newer hedging instruments have put in place swaps and options in the
AIFS wants to offset any change in the exchange rates that may adversely affect their profit margins by using currency forward contracts and currency options. These hedging activities work to offset the three types of risk defined above as bottom-line risk, volume risk, and competitive pricing risk. Since these hedging activities must be put in place two years before the actual year of sales, AIFS must decide the proportion and cost
Given the nature of its business, Jaguar is faced with three types of exchange rate exposure (1) Transaction, (2) Translation and (3) Economic . Transaction exposures arise whenever the firm commits (or is contractually obligated) to make or receive a payment at a future date denominated in a foreign currency. Translation exposures arise from accounting based changes in consolidated financial statements caused by a change in exchange rates. In this case we primarily focus on the Economic exposure -also known as Operating exposure or Competitive exposure- of Jaguar.
Exhibit 7 from the case study describes the currency development in medium term of the GBP and EURO against the dollar. We can observe that the currencies are exposed to high volatility, which means the company may register greater risk
Hull J C. Optionsfuturesand other derivatives seurities.3rd ed. Upper Saddle River: Prentice-Hall199749-141Brealey R, Kaplanis E. Discrete exchange rate hedging strategies. Journal of Banking and Finance, 1995, 19:765-784(Briys E, Solnik B. Optimal currency hedging
Aspen has become a public company with more risk adverse investors who want to invest in the core business of the firm and not assume any foreign exchange risk. Foreign exchange risk is a core risk to Aspen’s business because they have many customers outside of the United States. We believe that transferring this risk to the customers would limit Aspen’s growth on the foreign markets: Aspen should keep its current marketing strategy, which includes credit installment payments and payments in local currencies for Japan, the UK and Germany. The current risk management program hurts the company because it doesnot consider Aspen’s expenses abroad that balance sales exposures to currency fluctuations. We then recommend that
In September of 2001 General Motors (GM) was faced with a billion dollar exposure to the Canadian dollar. At the time, North America represented approximately three-quarters of GM’s total sales and this large exposure to the CAD could significantly affect GM’s financial results. GM had a passive strategy of hedging 50% of its exposure; this paper explores the impact of hedging 75% of the exposure.
After conduction an analysis, it shows that the fluctuations in exchange rate could cause a lot of trouble for GM. Hence, it reverts back to the issue of GM’s expectations of the future spot exchange rate. From this, they can then determine which hedging method is more
There are lots of methods to solve the changes in foreign currency and interest rates issue, however, derivative financial instruments are the major tunes Nike enterprise has used to tackle this issue. Despite the fact that this approach does not wipe out comprehensively the risk of foreign exchange, Nike enterprise still utilize it to minimize or delay the negative consequences. Specifically, the derivative financial instruments comprise embedded derivatives, interest rate swap, and foreign exchange forwards and options contracts (Nike annual report, 2014).
Evidence from statistical tests suggesting a significant impact of foreign exchange gains and losses on profitability corroborates comments from the financial statements of sample companies for this research. However, this evidence is unlike those of Lee and Suh (2012) who argued that “exchange rate changes explain less than 2% of the variation in foreign operations profitability for most industries and the impact of exchange rate changes on profitability is not significant’’. This conclusion was reached after an empirical study involving 11 different industries. The results of this research are also dissimilar to those of Pantzalis et al. (2001) who finds that only 15% of 220 multinational companies in the US evidence exchange rate exposures that are statistically significant. Evidence from these other studies are also similar to those of most studies conducted using multinationals (Bartov and Bodnar 2012; Griffin and Stulz 2001; Muller and Verschoor 2006). The lack of significant exposure as highlighted by these studies have been ascribed to the hedging activities adopted by Multinational companies to reduce the impact of foreign exchange exposure (Allayannis and Ofek 2001; Lee and Suh 2012).
Financial hedging is the use of hedging instruments - typically FX forwards, options and swaps - that are sold by foreign exchange brokers and banks to reduce company exposure to currency fluctuations. (Export Development Canada, 2016) Acknowledging that foreign exchange risk is a real threat to corporate cash flows, assets and expenses can be one of the biggest hurdles for most companies. However, recognizing the importance of protecting assets companies can move forward in identifying the type and magnitude of the risk to implement strategies to mitigate them. The three most common types of foreign exchange risks are:
So, in order to prevent the price difference we gained getting eroded from short term or even long term exchange rate volatility, we will need a stable currency market on our back so that our revenue won’t fluctuates significantly every year. However, the currency market is the most volatile market on earth, it will never be stable. And it has come to my attention that due to the huge fluctuation of some currencies’ value, our cost of purchasing goods in some countries has been increased significantly. Moreover, I realized as a new formed company, we don’t have a very matured hedging strategy to offset our currency exposure, also cost of strategy we currently implemented in
Hedging is a significant measure of financial risk management. Since the 1970s, the increasing number of powerful companies started to control the risk of the exchange rate, the interest rate and commodity by using financial derivatives. ISDA (2013) based on the Global 500 Annual Report 2012 survey found that 88 percent of companies use foreign exchange derivatives. Modigliani & Miller (1958) believed that if the financial markets were under perfect conditions, for instance, there was no agency costs, asymmetric information, taxes and transaction costs, hedging would not increase the company 's value because investors can hedge by themselves. However, a large number of practical studies have shown that hedging is beneficial
IOI Corporation Berhad can use hedging in order to mitigate the foreign exchange risk. IOI can hedge the foreign exchange through spot contract, forwards or future contract, option contract and swap. The spot contracts fix exchange rate against fluctuations and the company might not be able to get benefit but also no get loss in spot contract even loss also just lose a little money. Besides that, IOI can offset foreign currency holdings with futures and forward contracts. A forward contract is a transaction in which the delivery of the commodity is postponed until the contract has been made. The delivery is often in the future, however, the price is well determined in advance. Hedging is the act of taking an offsetting position in a related security. A perfect hedge can reduce risk to nothing except the cost of the hedge. Furthermore, IOI can use option contract to reduce foreign exchange risks. Just like stocks, currencies have calls and puts that allow buyers to buy or sell the financial asset at a predetermined price during a certain period of time or on a exercise date. Lastly, IOI can use swap to to mitigate the foreign exchange risk. The company could swap to take advantage of the lower
The main consequence of an exchange rate fluctuation for international trade is the risk for an exporter or an importer that the cost of foreign currency applied in business volumes will differ from the hoped and calculated. An exposition to foreign currency and a currency risk can make additional profits, and not just losses. However, being in an exposition to currency means relying on a case and most of businesspersons prefer not to allow their company being sensitive to unexpected changes. Therefore, the entities find methods of minimizing or complete elimination of exposition to foreign currency to plan business transactions and to predict profit more authentically (Frieden & Lake 20).