Continuing on from the last paragraph, 90% of pregnant teenagers are rape or incest victims. About 1 in 10 girls under 20 become pregnant every year, as well as around 40,000 dropping out every year due to the required care and focus needed for postnatal care. “But opponents of parental involvement say abortions actually are safer for adolescents than childbirth is. In fact, they say, girls ages 15–19 are about 24 times more likely to die from childbirth than from First-trimester legal abortion.” (Clark, Charles S.) Pregnancy in any case is risky and can pose external issues aside from the already potential health risks, but younger individuals in this demographic pose a higher risk of stress and even death when considering every factor at …show more content…
Though, in hindsight, this is saying that despite all the risks associated with pregnancy, it is ‘safer’ to go through full-term and have a baby, regardless of ethnicity, background, or age.
Many women who were raped or perhaps are irresponsible and drink during the pregnancy itself have a higher tendency to drink and are more prone to alcoholism. According to Maria Testa’s article, “Research shows that sexually victimized women tend to drink more than women without a history of victimization. Moreover, a substantial proportion of sexual assaults occur when the victim has been drinking and incidents of victimization are disproportionately likely to occur on drinking days as opposed to nondrinking days. These findings raise the intriguing question: Can the incidence of sexual victimization be reduced by reducing women's drinking?” On the surface level, this seems like a statement that could easily blame the victim in the situation. What this actually states, though, is consent and intoxication levels and the amount of
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This all not only gives a greater risk for complications in fetal development, but labor and delivery as well. (Betts, Kim) (Nieme, Laura) Kolstad’s journal Epilepsia states that women with epilepsy were found to not only be more obese, but are at a higher risk of having a multitude of health and mental issues such as bleeding, anxiety, depression, and gestational hypertension compared to normal, healthier variations of their female counterparts. Those with maternal diabetes have a much higher risk of giving birth to a smaller baby, having fetal malformations, or lack of nutrients when the baby is born. (IANS) The risks are so severe and so high for women with diabetes that they are 36 times more possible compared to the women without pre-gestational diabetes are. Those born to women with pre-gestational diabetes may also have a higher risk of respiratory distress because of these issues or other complications. According to a study by Kim Betts, if a mother has prenatal mental issues such as depression or anxiety, internalized behaviors and feelings may be more likely to occur during the child’s adolescence instead of voicing their concerns or being more expressive with their emotions. (Betts, Kim et. al.) This pushes the ideas and pro-choice agendas further, but only by a slight margin; the less expressive younger people are with emotions,
The topic of aborting an innocent fetus has been overwhelmingly controversial in the United States. The two sides to this ongoing debate is pro-life advocates and pro-choice advocates. Abortion is the ending of a pregnancy by removing a fetus or embryo before it can survive outside the uterus; whether it is an unplanned or unwanted pregnancy. Abortions are most often performed during the first twenty-eight weeks of pregnancy and can be performed as a medical or surgical procedure. Medical abortions include two types of abortion pills; while the surgical procedures include vacuum aspiration and dilation and evacuation. Ultimately, I am one of the many “pro-lifers”, and I strongly agree that abortion should be illegal because it negatively affects our people. Women across the nation are becoming impregnated and following a short amount of judgement time, turn to abortion to solve their problems but in the end hurt themselves with this decision. Abortions should be illegal because it is immoral and unconstitutional, causes severe mental and physical issues, and negatively impacts the economy. “During the ancient Roman times it has been supposed that abortion and the destruction of unwanted children was permissible, but as our civilization has aged, it seems that such acts were no longer acceptable by rational human beings, so that in 1948, Canada along with most other nations in the world signed a declaration of the United Nations promising every human being the right to life”
Not only would there be risks to the child being born, but there would be “the risk of harm to both the mother and offspring”. Thus the mother would not only be putting her unborn child into harm’s way but also herself. Consequences include “gestational diabetes, fetal growth restriction, and preeclampsia as well as premature birth”. “Furthermore, the authors say there are also concerns surrounding the long-term health of children” “they note that these children may have higher blood pressure, adiposity, glucose levels, and more generalized vascular abnormalities” (Whiteman).
Did you know 80% of women abort their kid if they have down syndrome? Abortion is where they end the baby’s life well it is still in the womb. Abortion has been an issue since the 1960’s and continues to grow today. About 1/4 of pregnancies end in abortion and 1/3 of americans before the age of 45 have gotten an abortion. ( (Guttmacher.) Abortion should be illegal considering the reasons for it, ethics and medical effects.
The opponents of birth control to teens overlook the fact that providing birth control to teenage girls would make sex much safer. Certainly, the unsteady rate of teenage pregnancies would decrease. In previous times, girls between the ages of 16-17 would get pregnant unintentionally. However, in this era, 13 and 14 year old girls are having babies-teens who are completely unprepared to give birth and raise a child. In these instances, if the child is not given up for adoption, the responsibility usually becomes that of the parents. In addition, when teenagers are protected from unwanted pregnancies the number of teen abortions taking place each year could be reduced significantly. According to, some states in the U.S have reported that 50 percent of pregnant teens receive an abortion. Not only is this a costly procedure, but it is also
The topic covered in this research paper is abortion. This paper looks into the history of abortion, the pro-life view of abortion and the pro-choice view of abortion. Under history of abortion the information included is the time line of significant events of abortion such as becoming legal, also different ways in ancient times women would try to use abortions. The upgrading of technology making abortion safer and even if abortion was illegal women would still find a way to abort a baby are also covered under the history of abortion. Under pro-life choice for abortion looks into abortion murder, the rights of human and the rights of the unborn and that a women doesn't have a right to terminate her own fetus. Under pro- choice
Patel and Bisakha stated in the book, Maternal & Child Health, “…apart from the costs imposed upon taxpayers, teen-mothers themselves exhibit adverse outcomes subsequently in life, including poor educational and economic outcomes” (Patel and Bisakha 1). Millions of taxpayer dollars goes towards federal funding to teenage mothers; most teenage mothers do not have the financial means to take care of a child, resulting in dependence on the government for funding. Without abortions, teen-mothers are forced to drop out of school to raise a child they were not prepared for, resulting in poor education and monetary outcomes. Therefore, abortions become a necessary means, which allows teen girls who are not ready to become parents, a chance at life, before having it snatched away because of a
These potential risks include, hardships of giving the baby to the parents after birth, detaching themselves emotionally from the baby in the womb and not taking proper health care during pregnancy, and post-natal depression from not being able to have a relationship with the child after she has a bond with the child during pregnancy. There is also believed to be health risks not discussed beforehand. Some surrogates come from a low income household and may not be told all the risks and factors and later in life problems that can come from surrogacy, because the compensation may rise or surrogate volunteers may lessen if the surrogate knew all the risks. Some outsiders may not agree with the decision of becoming a surrogate for a wide variety of reasons, and some people believe this can have a negative effect on the psychological health of the woman. Although there has not been much research done and each woman experiences different emotions, surrogacy will continue to change over the years and there will never be a time where everyone in on board with the decision of being or using a surrogate to create a
Pregnant teens face high risks of medical complications as well as disruption in family life and education(Frick, 2007). Teenage girls usually lack the emotional maturity to deal with pregnancy. Choosing to keep the child, deliver it up for adoption, or opt for abortion also adds stress to the family(Frick, 2007).Adolescents who receive information on abstinence and participate in virginity pledge programs have improved outcomes as adults(Frick, 2007). Most participate in less risky behaviors, have
Abortion is happening all around us so often. Teens and young adults are constantly having “fun,” but as they do they put aside what they know can happen thinking, “it won't happen to me.” 1 million teens get pregnant each year, 78% are unintended and 35% get an abortion rather than keeping the baby. (Facts and statistics about teenage abortion, np)
Motherhood should not be a punishment for having sexual intercourse. President Barack Obama said during a Mar. 29, 2008 campaign speech in Johnston, Pennsylvania, "I have two daughters... I'm going to teach them first about values and morals, but if they make a mistake, I don't want them punished with a baby." Pregnancy is dangerous, especially in teen girls, whose bodies are not yet ready for childbirth, are five times more likely to die. Not only do seventy thousand girls ages 15-19 die each year from pregnancy and childbirth, but the babies that do survive have a sixty percent higher chance of dying as well (10 Arguments in Favor). The Center for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that six hundred and fifty women die per year due to pregnancy and delivery complications. Fifty percent of U.S. women obtaining abortions are younger than twenty-five: Women aged 20-24 obtain thirty-three percent of all abortions, and teenagers only account for seventeen percent (10 Arguments in Favor).
Since she had previously had an abortion, she is now unsteady with the thought of becoming pregnant again. She almost feels as if it is unfair to the first child she had aborted. She tells me that although the person she had gotten pregnant with is no longer part of her life, she still regrets the idea of not keeping that child. She now believes that all lives matter no matter how young, in this case, believing that abortion should not be a decision to make no matter what the cause. According to Lesley Hoggart, from the School of Health and Social Care at the University of Greenwich, in London, teen pregnancy is a major social problem that includes social exclusion (534). With teen pregnancy, future risk factors that associate with parenthood can go from poverty, low educational achievements, poor employment, and even poor dieting (Hoggart 534). Even if the child is aborted, these risk factors can be put into play (Hoggart 534). Regarding the teens safety, all risk factors should be looked at. Whether the teen chooses abortion or motherhood, she should look into what could be in store in the future for not only her but her child as well.
When teen girls become pregnant, they are often hurting their own lives, as well as the lives of the children they’re bringing into the world. Imagine an adorable little baby, born to a mother that doesn’t have the resources to give the best life possible to him or her. Unfortunately, this is a sad reality for many children born to teen moms. A teenager who has a baby often derails her own education and puts the child on a troubled trajectory as well (Kristof). Childbearing during the teen years can carry health, economic, and social costs for mothers and their children (Few Teens Use the Most Effective Types of Birth Control). Children born
This ties in very closely with the ever-growing debate of legal abortions. Teenagers who become pregnant almost always have an abortion or give birth and raise the child themselves; placing the child for adoption is rare. About half of adolescent pregnancies end up in birth, slightly a third in abortion and the rest in miscarriage. Many believe that when abortions are legalized, people particularly teenagers, will begin taking advantage of the increased availability
Having a baby is one of the most wonderful feelings, and moments for most women’s, couple’s, and family’s lives. Many women are excited to get pregnant, and expect their life to change for better by giving birth (Hoffenaar, 2009). Becoming a family, carrying on the family name or bloodline, or only the love for children make people want to have babies. When the first child comes, his or her arrival redefines people from a couple to a family. It bonds people for life in many inexplicable ways that are too big to be apparent right away after the birth. Most individuals, and couples want to plan the timing and spacing of their childbearing, and also want to avoid unintended pregnancies, for a range of social, economic and psychological