
Risky Pleasures: Club Cultures And Feminine Identities

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“Risky Pleasures: Club Cultures and Feminine Identities” identifies the lack of literature available on women and their experiences of clubbing. The author’s aim is to explore women’s stories, as well as to challenge stereotypes of femininity, and explore new discourses of and changing ways in which women express their femininity. A key focus in the book is that (sub)cultures are formed and developed in very different ways in a society that is fragmenting and changing. This has implications for how issues such as drug use, sexuality and risk taking are explored and analyzed. Overall, the main arguments presented in the book are discussed further to present new questions about the nature of femininities, sexualities, risk and pleasure for drug-using …show more content…

The different conceptions of pornography are mainly associated with the meaning to give to “obscene,” “erotic,” “pure,” and “decent,” in relation to the representations or descriptions of sexually-explicit materials. (Sanchez, 234). This leads to mentioning how the feminist debate on pornography implies a challenge to the different assumptions on what is or what is not ethically permissible regarding sexually-explicit materials. Radical feminists argue that sexual intercourse by itself is dangerous, because it implies perceiving and treating a woman merely as a sexual object, and not as a person or as a subject with dignity that deserves respect. In addition, they claim pornography is an example of how in a patriarchal culture, a woman is not free to reject heterosexual intercourse, resulting in a public spectacle of exploitative and violent pornography through sex, denying a woman’s autonomy and subjectivity and forcing her to remain silent (Sanchez, 235). In contrast, liberal feminists are shown as the traditional defenders of the rights to produce and consume pornography and in general agree with J. Stuart Mill’s harm principle for ethical guideline. Moderate-liberals claim that some forms like violent or degrading pornography should be …show more content…

Primarily, Rortian irony backs the author’s claims that the possibilities of porn are a worthwhile area for continuing discussions between anitporn and sex-radical feminists. This article stresses the importance of how pornography must be a part of a larger dialogue about sex, sexual health, and the construction of identity. Furthermore, everyone must discern whether porn can be, or should be, a part of her belief structures and her identity. For feminists, this must include persistent examinations of all facets of social discourse that impact female sexual and gender formations. “Moreover, Pornography can neither be ousted from nor adopted wholly into all feminist discourse (Fallas, 104).” These actions would ensure that these feminist conversations remain stagnant and thereby future activisms and advocates become nullified before they begin. Fallas mentions that to make progress and ensure stability for all women in society, it’s necessary for feminists on all sides of this argument to come to an acceptance of each other’s terms. For women to be perceived as full and equal partners in society, they must be “privy” to the same rights (including erotic, sexual, pleasurable) as men. Through an ironist point of view, these individual truths can be incorporated into feminist dialects and the definitions for

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