
Essay about Ritalin And Its Uses

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Ritalin and Its Uses

In recent years, more and more kids seem to be on a prescription drug called Ritalin(methylphenidate). This drug is being handed out more and more by doctors as a way of treating Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, a complex neurological impairnment that prevents kids from concentrating. According to the Drug Enforcement Agency, it rose fron 200 grams per 100,000 people to over
1400 grams per 100,000 people in the last fifteen years. The National Institute of Mental Health estimates that about one student in every classroom is believed to experience the disorder. The rate of Ritalin use in the United States is at least five times higher than in the rest of the world according to …show more content…

They blurt questions out before they are asked. They can't wait their turn, stop fidgeting their legs and tapping their pencils. They tend to be forgetful, have problems following directions, and lose things easily, as well as their tempers. This behavior occurs constantly. This may be a reason why teachers and school psychologists are adament in their beliefs; these kids are disrupting their classrooms, so they want the problem solved immeditately, and take the "quick fix" approach.
Experts believe that more than two million children (3-5%) have the disorder.
Some scientists believe ADHD is a result of a problem in pregnancy ranging from fetal alcohol syndrome to exposure to lead in utero. Others suggest that ADHD is hereditary. Dr. Russel Barkley, of the University of
Minnesota reports that nearly half the ADHD children have a parent, and more than one third have a sibling, with the disorder.
Ritalin as prescribed is taken orally, and takes effect in about 30 minutes and lasts for about 3-4 hours. Kids usually take 5-10 mg doses three times a day. Although many experts report that Ritalin is a positive treatment in 9 out of 10 patienst, and many parents and students claim the drug is a benefit in their lives', there are many who question the drug's long-term effects, dangers, misdiagnosis, and non-medical abuse. Diagnosis for
ADHD isn't as easy as you

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