
Rite Aid Pharmacy: A Case Study

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A. Dead Bolts/Other Locks
At this Rite Aid Pharmacy location there are three exits, with one main entrance at the front of the store. The front door to the facility is a motion activated two pane door. The two rear exit doors are metal, swinging outwards with panic bars installed connected to the fire alarm and security alarm. The locks on the front door looks to be a dead bolt lock between the two doors but exact details for any of the entrance or exit doors were not available due to security reasons.
The door to the pharmacy seems to be made of wood and is a barn door style that opens half way up horizontally if needed. The lock on the pharmacy door seems to be a dead latch knob bolt, but specifics were not available due to security concerns. The door locks automatically from the outside when exited, and is to be remained closed and locked at all times.
It is recommended that the door to the pharmacy be upgraded to metal, and a more complicated door lock be used. B. Security Systems …show more content…

When a vault box passes through these columns, and alarm is sound. There are no visible security guards in the facility. Valuables, or high priced items are located either behind the front registers that can only be accessed by employees or are placed the vault boxes that must be removed at checkout. Patient information trash in the pharmacy is separated from other trash. The pharmacy follows strict HIPPA rules and regulations when it comes to patient privacy and information. Highly controlled medication is store separate from other no controlled medicine and can only be accessed by the pharmacist. Information about money, files, electronic equipment, safes, and vaults would not be released due to security

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